FAC: MI: Sex offender registry months out-of-date, but little action from lawmakers… so what?

[floridaactioncommittee.org – 9/14/20]

A local Michigan news paper ran this story yesterday, which spoke about the state of Michigan’s sex offender registry and how out of date and inaccurate it is.

Essentially, since U.S. District Judge Robert Cleland declared parts of the State’s registry unconstitutional, Michigan has not been enforcing it. That means information on 44,000 people on their list has not been updated in months. Old information still appears online, new information has not been added. And things appear to be in limbo until their legislature can pass a law that will comply with the constitution. That’s something they have been working on for a long time with no resolution in sight. In the meantime, the people of Michigan are effectively without the registry.

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We all know that the article was specifically written tailored to those “persons” who are not familiar (who have not been educated) with the true stats of S$x Offender recidivism.

Persons such as these will just fall “victim” to the written trap. They have had it drilled into their heads over the years that re=offense rate is “extremely high” so therefore even without it being said in the article the reader (the uneducated) will just likely take this article as fact – “S&x Offenders are roaming the streets undetected and there is trouble/danger for all your children around every street corner!!”

Not gonna lie, this is the perfect real world experiment to see if the registry works. We know it doesn’t, but this would be a point that we could prove with the naysayers.

It’s not like when the list goes down, sexual abuse goes up. It’s almost as if they aren’t related.

The registry is months out of date, and yet no increase in offenses. No sudden surge in offender arrests, nothing. And you know why? BECAUSE THE REGISTRY IS A F’ing JOKE!

Non-violent offender in Michigan here, and I can say that I haven’t heard of any new sex offenses in my state since the judge decided that the registry couldn’t be enforced. This is in spite of the fact that practically the entire population of Michiganders under 17 has been stuck home on account of the virus. Even in a target rich environment according to the media (probably) no new offenses, no outrage over the fact that their precious hit list has been nullified, and no changing the facts that the registry is a useless piece of junk meant to ruin lives out of some misplaced sense of self-righteousness. At least my time on probation has been made a lot easier; I haven’t had to drive 30 minutes to see my probation officer since March, and I haven’t had a conversation with him that lasted over 3 minutes in the same amount of time.
The virus is a double edged sword, and for Michigan at least it’s not so bad. Stay safe out there; it can only get better from here on out.

Let’s try this again: YOU were KIDNAPPED if Michigan AG- or ANY ” Law” enforcement agency – ran a Sting Op on you AND there was NO VICTIM:
Oakland County Michigan and the Attorney General Office severely tampered laws and literally kidnapped / defamed / extorted 100’s of actually INNOCENT men.
http://www.SpeakAgainstTheCharges.com EXPOSES the fraud BY the Court

Refer ANYONE arrested and prosecuted in an online sting op,,,they are 100% UNAuthorized,

1000s of unlawful prosecutions Statewide have occurred for 20 years


I got this in a email today, not sure exactly what it, means but it sounds like they keep dragging the Paul Betts case down the road like they are the Does 2 case right.

Thought i would share it anyway, so here it is:


Courts keep ruling that the sex offender registry is not punishment. Other people keep saying that it doesn’t harm those who are on it. I don’t understand how having my information listed for the public to see and to find out where I live and potentially come harm me is not punishment or does not put me under threat or harm.
Yet here we have a former police officer who is currently incarcerated for 263 years for multiple counts of rape has his information removed from the prison database to protect him.
Someone explain this logic to me.