NJ: convicted sex offender sues for right to use social media

Source: nj1015.com 6/2/22

A Camden County woman convicted of sexual crimes involving a minor is suing for her rights, and the rights of other sex offenders in New Jersey, to access social media and adult pornography.

In a new lawsuit, Carmen ___ said the restrictions imposed on her by the New Jersey State Parole Board violated her First Amendment rights.

The lawsuit names the NJSPB, the state, and several state officials and employees as defendants. It was filed in Mercer County Superior Court last Friday.

Court records show Carmen , 38, was sentenced in 2005 to a suspended five-year prison sentence and lifetime parole for endangering the welfare of a child. She was 21 years old at the time.

Her offense did not involve social media or the use of pornography, according to the lawsuit.

In 2007, the state parole board voted unanimously to impose a social media and chat room ban on offenders who were under parole supervision for life. As Carmen was sentenced to parole for life, she was subjected to this ban.

Then in 2009, the parole board added another condition to Carmen’s parole, the lawsuit states. She was prohibited from viewing “sexually-oriented material,” including pornography.

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I wish this woman success in suing the state. Please let the lawsuit REALLY hurt them and make them take down these ridiculous restrictions.

This should be a win due to it being a blanket prohibition. Courts don’t like that.

-Along with nude photos of herself, the parole officer determined that Loniewski was displaying “inappropriate sexual behavior.”-

I fail to understand how anything this woman is currently doing is “inappropriate”, if the material in question is perfectly legal, and her actual conviction had nothing to do with pornography. While I believe social media hasn’t yet reached the status of “public utility”, social isolation and lack of access to internet resources could be a considerable factor in potential offending/re-offending, as well as detrimental to the individual in many other ways. Everything from acquiring a job, an education, a house or apartment, friends, intimate relationships, emotional and spiritual support, expressing viewpoints, sharing creativity and common interests, etc. is almost entirely done through some form of social media now. Communication technology is an integral part of everyday life, not an ancillary alternative or gimmick.

A good test case for sure. But did she sign the court’s standard waiver of civil right?

lol…. when I was on Parole, I had a no porn and no internet ban etc… did it anyways…. even lied on the polys… passed em to haha parole is a JOKE…. Parole is nothing but GOVERNMENT Control AFTER you have done your time…. Same with the registry its all about the GOVT controlling people… F them !!

I am wondering what the laws/ court cases are on this in California for people on Parole?

From lifetime parole to no longer even on the ML website?

So her crime turned out to be not that bad as time went by?

And mine went from Level 1 and ten years to lifetime without the right to appeal? I di dnot violate probation, I have not even spoken to a cop outside of sex offender related crap since my conviction. Not even a speeding ticket. (except the one married and cheating San Bernardino Deputy I dated and the CHP during COVID who said they were temporarily not enforcing expired licenses)

How does one get on that track, lifetime parole to no supervision and not even on the website?

Quite frankly, if it were me, I would just melt away and be thankful that whatever I did is no longer considered worthy of appearing on the registry or lifetime parole and stay home alone and watch porn.

is it just me ! i feel more comfortable a women is suing for access social media and adult pornography. I’m just saying a male and pornography VRS a women and pornography, do you have strong feelings for the male or women , i guess its something i can discuss with my therapist , funny world we live in