Convicted Sex Offender Shot Multiple Times in Greenfield

GREENFIELD, Calif- A 29-year old registered sex offender was shot multiple times over the weekend. ____ ____ was shot on Oak Avenue and flown to the hospital. Greenfield police said that though he was shot multiple times, his injuries are non-life threatening. Police do have a suspect in this case, at this time they are not releasing a name.

According to the Meagan’s Law website, ____ was convicted of molesting a child under 18 years of age. Full Article

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Another tragedy in our state! Our best wishes go to this man who is the victim of vigilante violence. When will it end? When will the courts admit that being a registered citizen is punishment? It appears that there may be a connection between the shooting of this registered citizen and the murder of another registered citizen in Salinas last month. Perhaps they can protect all citizens, including registered citizens, by catching the person or persons responsible for these heinous crimes and bring them to justice.

Janice, I seriously doubt that they’re looking all that hard for the perp(s) of the shootings. Chances are, in my opinion, Salinas PD officers are in the lunchroom dancing with glee because another one of “those child molesters” is dead. I’m very negative toward law enforcement, since they are part of the problem and not the solution to the ongoing woes of RSO’s. Perhaps I’ll be proven wrong but oh that they would pursue murderers with the same zeal that they do for SO’s!

With those facial tattoos and his rap sheet he sounds more like a victim of gang violence than a harmless reformed citizen trying to get ahead in life.

I bet the police where to busy “searching for clues” on the victims’ computer and phone, and unable to identify and begin the manhunt for the shooter.

This is becoming increasingly more common. Your now hearing about sex offenders getting assaulted or killed on a weekly basis? When is everyone going to wake up? Furthermore, how do legislatures and law makers going to realize how society is going to respond to individuals whose names and addresses are available via the internet? Seriously.

The comments I read from readers on that site make me sick. How can supposed “christians” pray for a man to be hurt? It’s a shame that society assumes that we can’t control ourselves and we want to hurt everyone we come in contact with.

I believe one factor in the murders and assaults upon sex offenders in California is the lack of complete information on a registrant’s profile on the Megan’s Law website. California Department of Justice has admitted that more than 70 percent of the profiles are incorrect, incomplete, or both. The biggest problem is that profiles lack the year of conviction. The lack of that information combined with a current photo makes it look like the registrant was just released from prison….even when the conviction was more than 30 years ago! When I asked CA DOJ how long it will take to fix this problem, they said “at least 7 years.”

@ek …….’despised’ or not or ‘name of tune’ is not the issue….
the information put out to the public must be fully aware of
When conviction was made by state….over ten years ago matters….over twenty years ago matters……..state covers that up…its better for more public funds to incite fear and
discrimination….the state not showing date of conviction says loud and clear the importance of it….it would also show
their sham of repeat offender… .how bout that ‘tune’.