The tragic, horrific death of Nampa resident Selena Thomas has once again brought the uncomfortable topic of domestic violence to the forefront. It has also inspired the city’s former police chief and city councilman to call for the Idaho Legislature to create a new criminal registry for violent offenders, similar to the state’s sex offender registry. Full Article
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Wont be long before everyone is on some type of public registry. This world of the internet is getting pretty scary.
How about preventing the violence before it happens that way there are less violent people to guard against. Same goes for any other group, prevent their creation and deal with the problem before it becomes an issue. Sure this requires actually giving a carp and doing nitty gritty work so the sacrifices are completely worthwhile.
The sex offender registry has been an abject failure and this clown want’s another one?!?
“A violent offender registry with the intention of warning women (and men, too) that a person they might be considering a relationship with has a violent past”
This isn’t going to do anything to stop people from getting into relationships with abusive people. Prosecutors in that state will just have another law to use way beyond it’s intended purpose; the same way the sex offender registry has been abused. The fools that want this registry can intellectualize it all they want. All they have to do is to look at the sex offender registry, get honest, and then realize that this new registry will be a big waste if time and $$$. You can bet this won’t happen. From what I’ve seen women that get into and stay in abusive relationships usually have their fair share of mental and emotional deformities. I think education of people inclined to be attracted to abusive people would be a better idea; but this is another characteristic of mankind that can’t be legislated out of existence. These dummies may as well make bad weather illegal. Their thinking is on that level.
Not to make light of domestic violence, but it may be revealing that this law enforcement officer’s daughter found herself in a relationship with someone who is abusive and controlling. Girls with loving, supportive dad’s don’t usually stay with guys like this, but let’s use this to create a new subclass and give law enforcement more ‘tools’ to fight it…sounds like this could have been prevented better when she was growing up but now he’s trying to champion a cause like this?