London (CNN) A new study has concluded that genetics as well as environment can influence the likelihood that a person will become a sexual offender. Full Article | Study [html] [pdf]
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ummm …. I can see how this information can be using against us….
Pay me a certain amount of money, and I’ll come up with a peer-reviewed “study” claiming anything you want.
At this right… one can say the world is full of possible sex offenders and the only way to protect your kids from them is not have them
What makes the criteria for “sex offender?” Sounds like a new twist on the soon-to-be debunked ‘science’ of the ‘probability’ of “sex offenders” to reoffend.
If genetics is a significant factor in sexual offending, why do 9 out of 10 stop after the first offense? Getting caught changes your genes?
I demand for a genetic test for every civil servant and government official
So I’m curious if the study concluded it was in the genes or in the jeans? Ok…lame humor, so genetics AND environment. Those both play a huge part in most everything we do, however, we’re able to overcome each and never re-offend. Just one more worthless study, right up there with climate change.
Next up. Aborting babies when testing positive with these genes. After all we have to protect children. Hey! Mr and Mrs Runner get busy with this new law. I am sure vase majority of California voters would run to the polls to vote this law in ASAP as long there is the words sex offender and protecting children in it.
Harry & Bluewall: LOL! “Abort the children in order to save the children.”
I think ones sexuality could be determinant on genetics or it could be determinant on environmental factors or a combination of both. But when it comes to sex offenses, situational offenders shouldn’t be defined by rare actions. If you claim you know that all registrants are wired wrong and claim to know they have perverted fantasies, chances are the one claiming this is projecting their own perversions on others and have uncontrollable perverted fantasies themselves. How else could you claim that a situational offender who gets caught, doesn’t have perverted fantasies and never repeats their offense is some kind of demonic sex fiend, unless you anecdotally know more about this personally?