IA: Mother sentenced to prison for leaving kids with sex offender

SIOUX CITY | A Pierson, Iowa, woman has been sentenced to two years in prison for living with a known sex offender and leaving her 6-year-old twin sons with him.

____ ____, 36, pleaded guilty in Woodbury County District Court to two counts of misdemeanor child endangerment. Full Article

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This article leads us to believe that a parent has no authority to leave their child with the individual of their choice. Or is there something missing? Perhaps I am missing something and that it is indeed illegal in some places to leave children alone in the presence of a RC. What about an RC’s own children? Please say it ain’t so.

Also, there was also no report of any crime committed by the RC in this story.

So leaving your children alone with a sex-offender is a worse offense than exposing them to drugs by smoking meth around them? Interesting which charge they chose to pursue here…

In IL leaving your child with a sex offender is a crime. I believe a felony.

Well, I believe this might be a writer trying to get your attention. I’m unaware of any laws of leaving children with a registered citizen! I would believe the writer is manipulating the truth and perhaps she was under the influence of drugs? Or, she left the children alone? Or, both her and the man where under the influence! There is more to this story. Or, the guy was on parole and required to be left alone with children.

A similar law exists in PA…a parent can be charged with child abuse if he or she knowingly or should reasonably know that they are leaving their child unattended with a level 2 or 3 sex offender. The child does not need to be harmed to be charged. This law was passed in January of this year. The only exception is if the sex offender is the parent.

A step backwards for Iowa…..a GIANT leap backwards for mankind……….idiots. idiots……..now the kid is without either…….you idiots iowa..make cigarette smoking near minors a crime too..that’s more hazardous and dangerous to kids everyday….make drinking alcohol around minors a crime….thats also putting kids at extreme risk to danger with alcohol and cigarette smoking close to them……………if you’re smoking and drinking near kids you will be imprisoned ..iowa knows danger.

The Iowa statute is barbaric as is the two-year sentence given to this poor woman (with no evidence or indication that the children were actually harmed or in any danger). That this can happen in America is mind-boggling and makes one shiver wondering where these savage and repulsive laws might be headed – unless there is a concerted and organized legal opposition.

I want to think better of humanity, but I cannot explain it away as ‘ignorant but well-meaning’ persons. It strikes me as purely evil to lock away this woman for years because she left her children in the care of someone on the registry, merely because he was on the registry (it applies to ALL on the registry in Iowa):

726.6 Child Endangerment

1. A person who is the parent, guardian, or person having custody or control over a child or a minor under the age of eighteen with a mental or physical disability, or a person who is a member of the household in which a child or such a minor resides, commits child endangerment when the person does any of the following:

h. Knowingly allows a person custody or control of, or unsupervised access to a child or a minor after knowing the person is required to register or is on the sex offender registry as a sex offender under chapter 692A. However, this paragraph does not apply to a person who is a parent or guardian of a child or a minor, who is required to register as a sex offender, or to a person who is married to and living with a person required to register as a sex offender.

It is a shame that all of these comments were not posted to the original article. I’m not sure many people will see them here.

People that support this kind of illegal BS need to see that Americans don’t support it. They need to see that they as viewed as the harassing terrorists that they are and that they are in a civil war. They are not fellow U.S. citizens.