IML Lawsuit – All Media Reports (as of 3/31)

3/31 Judge Asked to Halt Sex Offenders’ Passport Marks (Courthouse News) Attorney: Sex Offender Passport Marker Would Be Dangerous (ABC) 3/30 (post hearing) Attorney: Sex Offender Passport Marker Would Be Dangerous (New York Times / AP) The Latest: Attorney: Sex offender passport marker dangerous (Washington Post / AP) 3/30 (pre hearing) Passport mark for sex offenders law challenged in court (AP) Federal court to hear challenge to “scarlet passport” provision of International Megan’s Law Fear of flying: Sex offenders push back against having unique passports Sex offender passport: Unlawful stigma or valid way to…

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Law Creating Passport Mark for Sex Offenders Faces First Challenge

A new federal law requiring the State Department to mark the passports of certain convicted sex offenders is expected to face its first test in federal court on Wednesday. A group of convicted sex offenders has asked a federal judge in Oakland, Calif., to block the measure pending the outcome of a February lawsuit they filed that challenges the law’s constitutionality. The law, International Megan’s Law to Prevent Demand for Child Sex Trafficking, mandates the State Department to add a “unique identifier” to passports of Americans convicted of sex crimes…

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International Megan’s Law: America’s Global Embarrassment

What sounds like a good law in a twenty-second sound bite sometimes turns out to be less clear when one digs below the surface. Such is the case with International Megan’s Law, which President Obama recently signed into law. International Megan’s Law requires those who committed a sex offense against a child to have a permanent stamp placed on their passport. While this may sound like a no-brainer if we consider the media’s portrayal of the sexual predator, reality is far more complicated. Full Opinion Piece

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Janice’s Journal: The Calm Before the Storm

It is the calm before the storm.  We have filed our final document in support of a Motion for Preliminary Injunction and we are awaiting an opportunity to explain in court why the federal government should not add “conspicuous unique identifiers” to the passports of American citizens and to notify foreign governments that American citizens are coming to visit. It is perfectly obvious to many that the federal government should not brand its citizens by adding a “Scarlet Letter” to their passports.   Even though the International Megan’s Law authorizes them…

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IML Motion to be Heard on March 30 in Oakland

A hearing will be held on March 30 during which a decision is expected by a federal judge regarding whether to grant a Preliminary Injunction that would stop implementation of all or part of the International Megan’s Law (IML). Judge Phyllis Hamilton will preside over that hearing in Courtroom 3 at the U.S. District Court, 1301 Clay Street, Oakland, CA. The hearing is scheduled to begin at 9 a.m., however, three additional matters are also on the judge’s schedule that morning. A press conference will be held immediately after the…

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The U.S. Congress Has Successfully Extended the “Megan” Franchise

We lost the battle, brewing for some eight years in Congress, which will effectively stop those of us, U.S. ‘registered sex offenders.’ from venturing beyond our own countries. The enactment of International Megan’s Law is not the end of the war, however, as we are fighting back against this injustice in the courts and, to the extent that we wield any influence, in the media. The bill was signed into law by President Obama February 8th of this year and will stoke the fire under the simmering cauldron which ‘child…

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FAC Files UN Human Rights Complaint over International Megan’s Law

The Florida Action Committee today has submitted a complaint to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, on behalf of our members and registrants in the State of Florida who are now subject to the new requirements of the International Megan’s Law. If you are interested in filing a complaint on your own behalf, please contact to request instructions. FAC Statement

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International Megan’s Law: Bad Public Policy

On Monday, February 8, 2016, President Obama signed HF 515, and it became Public Law 114-119, known casually as “International Megan’s Law” (IML).  The very next day, Janice Bellucci, a civil rights attorney and President of CA-RSOL, filed a legal challenge in Federal Courts in California, citing constitutional violations of the First and Fifth Amendments, and the Ex Post Facto Clause.  After careful review of the intent and apparent effect of this new Public Law, and the arguments raised in the legal challenge, it seems IML is not only unwarranted,…

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Going Nowhere

On February 8, President Obama signed an unnecessary, cruel, and dangerous law. Passed by a unanimous Congress, International Megan’s Law requires the State Department to mark with a “unique identifier” the passport of anyone ever convicted in the United States of a sex crime against a minor. The offense could be sexting or consensual teen lovemaking. It could have happened decades ago or even have been expunged from the person’s record. Full Article Related HR 515 Article Collection

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Motion Filed to Stop Implementation of International Megan’s Law [updated with Motion for Preliminary Injunction]

A Motion for Preliminary Injunction was filed on February 19 asking the U.S. District Court to stop implementation of International Megan’s Law (formerly HR 515 and now Public Law 114-119). If granted, the motion would temporarily prohibit the federal government from both adding a conspicuous, unique identifier to the passports of registrants and notifying foreign countries of registrants’ plans to travel internationally. Six declarations were Included with the Motion, including declarations from the Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers (ATSA), Dr. Tom Tobin of Sharper Future and criminal defense…

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Collateral damage: hearth and home and dreams of Paris

In spite of strong opposition on the part of advocacy groups and from a significant number of very credible journalists and media outlets, the legislation known as International Megan’s Law passed and was signed by the President. For all who have ever been convicted of a sexually based offense, this has serious implications for any future plans regarding an overseas business trip or a far away beach vacation. Full Article or National RSOL

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Janice’s Journal: Silver Linings to the Dark Cloud of the International Megan’s Law

International Megan’s Law is a terrible law.  Its notification provisions trap registrants in a country that continues to punish them and its passport provisions expose them to significant risk of harm due to the addition of a “Scarlet letter”. Having said that, however, there is a silver lining to that dark cloud — our community came together and we acted in concert for the first time.  We did this by attempting to prevent the International Megan’s Law from being passed by Congress and signed by the President. Hundreds of people…

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Obama Just Signed a Really Bad Criminal Justice Law

Is this really the best Congress can do? – After months of hype about the historic bipartisan consensus that we must make the American criminal justice system less harsh, President Obama finally signed a justice reform bill into law Monday. There’s only one problem: Instead of making the justice system more fair and less punitive, the new law will make it more vindictive and petty. Specifically, it will require people who have been convicted of sex crimes against minors to carry special passports in which their status as registered sex…

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President Signed HR 515, International Megan’s Law

President Obama signed HR 515 into law on February 8.  The law will require federal agencies to notify destination countries that registered citizens are coming to visit as well as to require the Secretary of State to add a “unique identifier” to the passports of some registered citizens. “The President’s decision, if unchallenged, would require the Secretary of State to add a Scarlet Letter to the passports of hundreds of thousands of American citizens,” stated CA RSOL president Janice Bellucci.  “Therefore a lawsuit has been prepared and will be filed on February 9 challenging…

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Congress votes to stigmatize and surveil the travel of second-class US citizens

Can second-class US citizens be required to carry second-class US passports with a conspicuous stigmatizing “scarlet letter” label? Congress has now said yes. Do DHS pre-cogs have the omniscience and infallibility of angels at predicting and protecting the US and the world against future crimes? Congress has now said yes. Full Article

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Janice’s Journal: We Must Answer This Grave Injustice to the U.S. Constitution

It took six weeks.  Only six weeks for Congress to make a historic decision without any discussion or debate about its significance.  That decision is the addition of “unique identifiers” to the passports of U.S. citizens.  This has never happened before in the history of our country and has only happened in Nazi Germany and Communist Russia. The U.S. Senate struck the first blow on December 17, 2015, when they adopted an amendment to H.R. 515, International Megan’s Law, under a “suspension of the rules” that significantly limited discussion and…

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This is how to pass a bill with no facts to support it

The discussion in the U.S. House pertinent to International Megan’s Law has ended with a vote to pass the resolution under suspension of the rules. Ten legislators spoke in favor of the bill. They all threw out a lot of numbers, sometimes in conflict with each other, all designed to draw conclusions that cannot be concluded with any degree of logic. Remember that the bill is named International Megan’s Law to Prevent Child Exploitation and Other Sexual Crimes Through Advanced Notification of Traveling Sex Offenders. Child exploitation and other sexual…

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Congress Reschedules HR 515 Vote for February 1 [updated with media]

The U.S. House of Representatives has rescheduled its vote on HR 515, International Megan’s Law, for Monday, February 1. As originally scheduled, the vote will be under a “suspension of the rules” and therefore debate will be limited to no more than 40 minutes and require a 2/3 vote of those present regardless of how many members are in attendance. “There is still time to send E-mails this weekend and to make phone calls on Monday,” stated CA RSOL president Janice Bellucci. “The vote on this and seven other bills…

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