KS: Sex offender who didn’t register gets 22-plus years

Defense attorney David McDonald had no problem with his client being required to register every three months with the sheriff’s office as a violent offender.

However, the recent sentence that client ___ ____ ____, 33, received — 22 years and eight months tied to two Shawnee County cases for failing to register as an offender — is excessive, McDonald said.

No one objects to keeping track of violent offenders, McDonald said, but the sentences “have just gone way too far. It’s gone incredibly too far.” Full Article

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A violent sex offender? I think not!

This is outrageous! Looking at the charges and the details of his convictions one could easily reason through it. At 16 he had a relationship with a 15 year old or even at 21 he involved himself with a 15 year old. Ever consider in today’s information age world what a 15 year old knows and has access to? Think about it as well with the hormones in our foods today what a 15 year old girl looks like! Sheesh people, we are applying old standards to kids of today. Well, not really in a way my grandmother was married at 15 with a child on the way… head-scratch am I missing something here or is this insane? The Sex offender registry should not even exist although a medical registry for the mentally ill might be a good idea (those people are scary and dangerous). The sex offender registry violates not only Constitutional law but the principles of Christ and forgiveness, Grace and compassion. After these people go through Probation, therapy and time served the re-offense rates are extremely low. The myth of them not being rehabilitated is BS. I’m one of them that has received a US Congressional award for community service for helping cancer patients and the homeless. My offense was a misdemeanor over 12 years ago not involving a child. Change in life is the only constant even for registered sex offenders. TRUTH

This whole thing is starting to remind me of CA 3 strike law..

Doing a little more research…. “Indecent Liberties with a Child” – this guy’s crimes at 16 and 21 – sounds a lot like “making out” with a 14-15 year old.


Wow. Just wow.

Here is a survey I would be interested in…. how many people have spent more time incarcerated for Failure to Register than for their original offense. Anyone?

Uhh, Well, Well, I can agree the guy definitely broke the law, but 22 years? OMG, thats sick. From what I see in OC, its almost like they want you to fail. They will do anything to get you. Initially, I was very nice and sweet when the OC Sheriffs Department Sex Offender (I’m not sure what you call them) Detectives go around and verify your address/that you live there? ALthough, once a year turned into every 6 months? The last time they came, we hung out/lol. ALthough, its getting kind of silly. My charges have been dismissed on a summary probation plea 18 years ago. I cant imagine me being considered Americas Most wanted? Im tempted to put a sign stating no trespassing on my lawn? Hmmm. Does anyone know the legalities of this? Then, when they arrive, I wont say a thing and simply point at it?

I think this relates to the decline in the war on drugs. We have such a large and expensive law enforcement industry–police, probation, prosecutors, courts, prisons, parole, etc.–that something has to take up the slack. There are many mouths to feed in that industry and if we don’t have the drug offenders to feed the system, sex offenders will have to fill the prisons. Sex offenders are not committing new sex crimes? Then the state needs to think up new crimes for them to commit.

(Public safety has nothing to do with it.)


You should put a fence or wall around your property and never allow agents from the criminal regimes to enter. People who are listed on the Sex Offender Registries should never give even the slightest signal that the Registries are acceptable. They should be negated by all legal means possible and not made just worthless, but much worse and counterproductive. The Registries are immoral so they deserve disrespect and scorn.

I have a 6ft fence around my house and it stops anyone from knocking on my door. I purchased my house because it had the fence already. With my security cameras, it makes me feel a little safer. Sheriff Dept. does not like it because I ignor them, but I’ve been off probation for 10+ years so not much they can do about it. Although they did show up with 10 people 5 years ago so I went outside just to get them to leave. Sucks not having any real rights.

I was arrested and had my home searched without a warrent until 2 hours later when they got one signed after they confirmed to the officer with the judge by radio that they found the evidence they wanted. Judge ruled it legal because they were preserving the scene.

Ron, I honestly thought about placing a wall up! IN summary, I just act like its no big deal. The most disturbing thing is that I always ask them questions regarding the laws and they don’t seem to know? That’s disturbing. Um, we aren’t sure? I just ask questions and ask if they need anything? To say the least, I believe there are some legalities regarding the fact that if you have signs posted, they aren’t allowed to enter your property? I was released from probation (SUMMARY) 13-14 years ago/lol. I have to ask. How did they get inside your fence? Furthermore, how did they enter your home? Now, they might say, do you mind if we come in? You already know the answer! NO. So, how did they get in your home? I just thank them and tell them to have a great day. I’m not doing anything illegal!

My previous house was not fenced. I moved after my arrest. Thought I could start new in a new location, but that didn’t help when I was placed on the public registry in 2010. That made me a prisoner in my own home.