Is there a loophole in CA’s tracking of sex offenders?

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (KCRA) —Certain sex offenders are supposed to be tracked and monitored, even after they’re released from prison.

But according to the Sacramento County Sheriff’s Department, hundreds of them have registered as transient — and some are doing so to avoid detection and certain living restrictions. Full Article

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This is utter BS; the only reason registrants become homeless is because there are so many laws and restrictions placed on them, that for many it’s impossible to find and or keep a permanent address. Now that clown State Sen. Jim Nielsen and the rest of the lynch mob are out for more blood; again. If these people did their job and paid half as much attention to the real threats to society I believe my brother in law would not have been kidnapped and murdered execution style by two gang members for a few dollars. They were tried and convicted, and now get to live as hero’s among their kind. They don’t even have to buy toilet paper or pay taxes!?!?!!! FOREVER!!!!! This is meaningless and absurd; it’s just more mentally insulting BS.

“Protect your children. You are not safe,” Nielsen said. “I don’t care where you live in Sacramento County.”
The sky is falling the sky is falling!

I saw at least 4 armed police officers to arrest one pathetic and passive parole violator.
It’s no wonder crime is running rampant everywhere.

The Sacramento County Sheriff’s Department said it continues to monitor sex offenders aggressively using technology it can’t disclose.

Wow! Real spy stuff, huh?
So why is Nielsen screaming “You are not safe! Protect your children.

What is alarming is how gullible the public is. Jeez!

I sure hope there is a loophole in the tracking of registrants, the one that says “leave all law abiding registrants in peace to get on with their lives.”

“The Sacramento County Sheriff’s Department said it continues to monitor sex offenders aggressively using technology it can’t disclose.”

This sounds like a violation. Investigation into actual crimes may involve non-disclosure, but monitoring those whom are not under court order sounds blatantly unconstitutional. Perhaps a court order may cough up their methods, which may prove to be violations of current policy, actionable from a lawsuit standpoint.

The real scare for parents of children is the Sacramento Police and Sheriff’s Departments. Based on national averages, law enforcement commits about 1,680 new sex offenses per year or two per thousand cops. Registered citizens commit about 53 new sex offenses per year or 0.06 per thousand registrants. There are about 800K cops and 800K registered citizens so it’s a valid comparison. Illegally monitoring computers and phones via very expensive technology at the expense of taxpayers when they’d have better results with their own internal affairs department. All law enforcement seems out of control.

I think we can expect to hear Nielsen and the Sacramento County sheriffs REALLY start screaming now that Team Bellucci is challenging their illegal ordinances in a court of law. Theyre going down. ☟