Sex offender seeks $215K for time served in Calif. prisons

SACRAMENTO – A state hearing officer is recommending a convicted sex offender be paid $215,200 for the nearly seven years he spent in California prisons for failing to register after he moved from his native Rhode Island. ____ ____ ____, 50, doesn’t deny sexually assaulting a 7-year-old girl in Providence in 1991, but claims the Rhode Island conviction for second-degree child molestation did not require him to register as a sex offender when he moved to California. Full Article

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Finding sex offenders via Facebook app

A new Facebook app helps you find out who your “friends” really are. It scans your list of “friends” and notifies you if any of them are on the national sex offender register. In a world where more friends and more views helps you get your name out there, there’s always the potential for danger. Full Article Related: This app told me my uncle, roommate, and partner are potential sex offenders

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