TX: Under trafficking law, sex with minor can mean life in prison

____ ____ was a 43-year-old prison guard who met a young girl online and had a sexual relationship with the 14-year-old for about a year.
A few years ago, such a crime would’ve put him behind bars for two to 20 years for sexual assault of a child. But a Hays County jury this week gave ____, now 45, life in prison without the possibility of parole, under a relatively new trafficking law targeting people who transport young victims for sexual purposes. Full Article

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One more example of the way prosecutors twist and turn the law into something it was never intended to be so they can look good. I believe prosecutors that do this are practicing their own brand of perversion. What has happened to integrity in this land? The truth of the matter is this man did nothing that the Texas trafficking law applies to, therefore these prosecutors are turning a lie into truth. It’s alarming that this unethical behavior by prosecutors has been allowed to go on unchecked for quite a few years now. Where are the honorable men in public office that America used to have? We need them now.

per·ver·sion noun \pər-ˈvər-zhən, -shən\
: sexual behavior that people think is not normal or natural

: something that improperly changes something good

: the process of improperly changing something that is good

I hope this guy wins his appeal. The entire case stinks. What is the girl’s punishment for impersonating an adult and lying about her age. If he gets life, than she deserves at least ten years in prison for contributing to the delinquency of a fool. What a miserable bunch of DA’s to stand around patting each other on the backs for misusing a law that was intended for something entirely different. Like CA’s Prop 35 Trafficking law that requires registrants to give their local registration office all internet identifiers within 24 hours or go to prison. How the hell was that related to selling children for sex? It’s madness!

But it’s likely that if you stab someone to death … you may not get as much time.

Here in California, they stopped calling it “Attempted Murder” if the person lives and they started calling it “Assult” .. not even “assult with a deadly weapon”.. or “assult with a deadly weapon with grave bodily injury” like they used to do.

I’m also thinking that there are false law books on the shelves used to sentence people…

Just imagine cloning those books, making a few changes and sneaking them back onto the shelves!

Heck, i remember when my sentenced was reduced from 4 years to 3 because they found a discrepency between two “exactly” the same books. The judge was pretty sure it was 3 years, while the DA was pretty sure it said 4. Well, they were both right.

The judge went with the lesser.

So many things wrong with our “justice” system it’s sick. The whole system needs to be replaced… including the the people running it.