Carson mayor Albert Robles sued for sexual harassment

The mayor of Carson is being sued for sexual harassment by a former fellow member of the Water Replenishment District of Southern California Board of Directors.

Lynn Dymally, daughter of the late Democratic politician Mervyn M. Dymally, alleges Albert Robles, who is still a member of the WRD board and became mayor of Carson last month, harassed her during a district-sponsored trip to Washington, D.C., in November 2013.

The Los Angeles Superior Court suit filed Tuesday alleges sexual battery, sexual harassment, gender violence and intentional infliction of emotional distress, and also names the district as a defendant. Full Article


Lynn Dymally Files Sexual Harassment Lawsuit Against Carson Councilman and WRD Director Albert Robles

Daughter Of Late Politician Mervyn Dymally Suing Carson Mayor For Sexual Harassment

Carson mayor accused by daughter of Mervyn Dymally of sexual harassment (LA Times)

All News about the City of Carson (CA RSOL web site)


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Michael, good catch!! I’m channeling SNL’s Church Lady when I say, “Well, Mr. Robles, isn’t that special!”

With his background in Constitutional law, he just might be a good addition to the CARSOL cause, should he find himself a newly-minted registered citizen….

When I was a little kid it did not take me very, long to realize when I kept blowing air in a balloon, pretty soon it would break. The wind blowers of these anti-RC laws will pop their balloons.

This is hilarious! LOL. I mean, you sometimes see people lash out and try and hurt people with similar issues, when you are trying to distract the attention away from yourself. People gossip and talk about other people to make themselves feel better about themselves! Remember San Diego’s Mayor? Now, Carson? Nice

Let me be the first to say it’s an honor having you aboard Mayor. You can find all the Registration Laws for all 50 States at the top of the page.

Ya unfortunately this guy probably won’t be required to register money talks and all that but it is hilarious and ironic. Hope to see update on this.

Hmmm how close is the nearest school or park to his house?

This is indeed hysterical! Hoping he is number 100 on the Registry from the city of Carson. And he has thank all of us for the fact SB 267 got withdrawn yesterday. Ha Ha Ha!

Karma’s a b….,well in this case karma is Lynn Dymally! Mr. Mayor you’re a hypocrite in the highest degree, a vengeful, lying sack of stuff. True or not, it’s the accusation that makes you guilty. Sucks don’t it?

Mother always said it is not nice to delight in the misfortune of others but O.!M.!G.! This is rich!

And the timing! Coincidence? Just yesterday at the Public Safety Hearing for SB 267 City of Carson Attorney (Lindsey Tobian ?) spoke at length in support of the bill. She stated the bill was necessary…

“to protect the city’s children from routine exposure to DANGEROUS and UNLAWFUL sex criminals”

UNLAWFUL sex criminals? What does that even mean? Was she talking about her boss? When someone in the general public makes such statements, fine. When an attorney on behalf of a civic entity makes such statements to the State Legislature, at what point does this become not the truth / a lie?

“The council is well aware of the DANGERS presented by reported sex offender in our communities, but as alarming as this data is it pales in comparison to the number of sex crime occurring in our communities throughout California. Studies show that somewhere between 64 and 98% of sexual assault are never reported by victims…”

well, thanks to the courageous Ms. Dymally a dent is being made into the percentage of unreported sex crimes. Ha!

Or is it? Sure seems the victim’s accusation covers a handful of registerable offenses from listed in the California Penal Code. Sexual Battery, Assault with Intent to commit Rape, Unlawful Restraint, Attempted Rape, Sexual Battery again. Why is this a Sexual Harassment lawsuit and not a Sexual Assault criminal investigation? What if she wins / settles the lawsuit? Would that not be probable cause for a criminal case? Why not be proactive?

He said / she said? Sound familiar to anyone? Show of hands – please!

At least the Orange County DA had the cojones to charge former Santa Ana Council Member Carlos Bustamante (remember him – voted for the Parks Ban in Santa Ana) for a number of sex crimes. From the official OCDA propaganda center:

12CF1964 – Bustamante is accused of sexually assaulting at least seven women between 2003 and 2011 while working in his official capacity at Orange County Public Works, most recently as an administration manager.
The defendant is accused of targeting women with similar ethnic backgrounds, age range, and physical characteristics. All seven of the charged victims were County employees and subordinate to the defendant at the time they were victimized. Bustamante is accused of targeting victims whom he knew to be vulnerable due to their emotional state, current relationship status, or employment position.

This case may never lead to a conviction (a bunch of charges were already dismissed for lack of evidence) but at least they went to the trouble…. are you listening, Los Angeles County DA? The City of Carson is ‘going to war’ against sex offenders. Let’s!

What goes around comes around. The same city proposing the harshest S.O. ordinances gets what they had coming–the truth. I can’t help but remember this scripture in Proverbs ” Do not exploit a poor person because he is poor and do not crush the needy in court, for the Lord will plead their case and rob those who are robbing them.”

I know it’s easy to have a knee-jerk reaction considering his position and where he’s located, but realistically, should he be convicted, he will need considerable support working through therapy and dealing with the likely immense fallout for him personally and his relatives.

We have to be better than those who demonize us by not demonizing the people who do it. They are as human as we are, equally capable of making mistakes, making false assumptions, looking at situations through tainted eyes.

If he’s convicted, I sincerely wish him luck. I sincerely hope he moves through his therapy and works out what’s at the root of his problem, emerging a better person on the other side, and is able to realize people are capable of making positive change for themselves and see with clear eyes the terrible legacy he helped create.

It’s very possible if he’s able to do all that, he could be a powerful advocate capable of helping reign in some of the insanity we’re being subjected to.


I have developed a system of influencing that if taken to heart and acted on will make a difference at city, county, state and federal levels.

Forgive me and my lacking towards defining what resources are available to you via your local hair salons and barber shops. These people are directly in touch with voters …they are the boots on the ground.

How can you use their relationships with community to promote our rights in this war? What does a hairstylist and barber value most? Their cutting tools.

If you determine to sharpen their scissors for free stating (XYZ politician) sponsored their scissors to be sharpened…that (XYZ candidate) will be voted for and one thing hairstylist do is talk. If a politician is playing the race card( I mean sex offender card) they now have a problem. Just go to their rival with your sponsorship program.

I will teach you these easy skills and we will take the country back one hair salon and barber shop at a time! Although this is a complementary service hairstylist usually give tips out of appreciation..I averaged $100 a day in tips for all the free work done. Outside of election season I charge $25-$35 per scissor. Good part-time cash for any Registrant out of work.

I am a registrant that use to be a salon owner and hairstylist. The registry will be defeated. Our fight ladies and gentlemen is a patriotic one. We are all soldiers in this war…there are no civilians on the registry. Justice will prevail.

The politician must agree in lieu of payment as follows:
1. Uphold their oath of office especially when it’s unpopular to do so.
2. give a donation of any amount to any organization that supports abused women and/or children. Well, that’s what I requested of my candidate in lieu of me being paid..Good PR in case the secret gets out. Robert 949.872.8768

In a similar matter, You can also file this article under “reaping what you sow” regarding the OC DA. He is apparently losing support with the OC Board of Supervisors. The article states:

“Over the last few years, Rackauckas has lost some costly courtroom battles, which include defending an ordinance that banned sex offenders from parks and beaches, enforcing a gang injunction in Orange, and most recently, being kicked off the sentencing phase of a mass murder trial.”

Interesting. Mayor Robles, as mayor, is point man for the lawsuit against the city initiated by Janice and Frank. If they don’t settle, his harrassment lawsuit may become fair game in the RSOL lawsuit.

I always wondered why he was so vocal & obsessive about the registered sex offender non-issue regarding residence and presence restriction. Now this explains it.

It seems it was all just a matter of, “Hey! Look over there!”
Used to coved his own (alleged) sexually predatory behavior.

Yay karma!

What goes around, comes around!

When I was in high school, there were a couple of homosexuals who were bullied by one or two guys. One of my enduring shames is that I did not stand up for the gay guys. Interestingly (and not surprisingly) one of the bullies turned out to be gay. Perhaps those who bully the RSOs the most have their own problems lurking in the background.

This man if convicted better be added to the registry and not weasle some wat out of it. I hope our people keeps tabs on this case and if convicted we all demand he be put on the registry no matter what. No free ride for robles.

I’m asking someone with a Facebook account please post this for me:
“Why is this a sexual harassment lawsuit and not a criminal investigation? From what is described in this article it sounds like attempted rape. Any average Joe would be in jail now with these accusations.”
I don’t have and don’t want a Facebook account. Talk about a corporation being able to limit free speech.

Sacramento Mayor Kevin Johnson projected an air of normalcy on Friday, a day after it was revealed that a former aide to City Manager John Shirey had accused Johnson of sexually harassing her multiple times over a seven-month period in 2013 and 2014.

Read more here:

Government officials who are disliked by the voters have these accusations made and get off without a conviction for a sex crime. Just look at the illustrious former mayor of San Diego. His political enemies wanted him out of office and all of a sudden there are several women ready to testify to sexual harassment charges. Any other individual would be charged with felony sexual assault, tried, convicted and forced to register for the rest of their lives. It doesn’t surprise me that no charges were filed. Obviously, law enforcement doesn’t apply to the politicians in the great state of California.