NE: Older teens not the only ones caught sexting

The young couple had dated a year and a half when their relationship was exposed. He was 15 and she was 14, and they were exchanging nude pictures and videos of themselves through their cellphones. But the private exchanges would not stay confidential.

Earlier this year, Bellevue school officials found images on the boy’s phone. Then Bellevue police got involved, carrying out a search warrant to go through the teen’s phone over a concern about Child Pornography. Full Article

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America has a freakish love/hate/fear obsession with nudity and sex. Maybe a larger public discussion needs to take place. And as for grandma seeing an unflattering billboard image of little Bobby or Susie, one might do well to remember that Grandma is, in fact, a grandma by virtue of her intimate experiencing of all those scary bodyparts you’re worried about her seeing! Ugh! Grow up, America!

It will not be long there will be more kids in the Price Club than uncles.

Sorry to burst your illusionist bubble that protects you from knowing every detail of human nature. Nudity is not inherently sexual and something that is sexual may not include nudity. Moreover what might considered sexual by one group likely won’t be for another group. Stop prosecuting people under eighteen in the United States for taking, sending, receiving, or possessing nude or supposedly sexual materials of each other/themselves just because its uncomfortable or over the fear that someone over eighteen will view the content in a deviant way. Clearly the approach is not working which means it is way past time for other methods to be explored. When will everyone grasp the concept that to solve whichever issues need solving there must be an understanding of those issues. Unfortunately that means making certain taboo subjects far less taboo at least to the degree where people can candidly discuss them without there an automatic assumption that one perspective is absolutely one hundred percent correct all the time and anything else must be in support of only one other viewpoint despite there being way more than two sides for every topic.

Yep hate too tell all these puritans that there precious little joey or Samantha aren’t going to stop their sexual exploration just to satisfy or conform to their parents and grandparents values or beliefs. This is the 21 century and sex is everywhere.. These kids are exposed to way more sexual content then I was when I was growing up and we were all having sex in junior high so good luck stopping this new generation who are bombarded with sex and under way more pressure to grow up faster then ever. I predict that some time in the future all these kids are going to be so intelligent by the time they are 13 or 14 that they will stand up and demand rights just like every other citizen is afforded and not be held back because of their parents or grandparents outdated beliefs……Hell if we followed our grandparents beliefs then we would still have slavery and mass discrimination and one piece bathing suits………..