General Comments April 2016

Comments that are not specific to a certain post should go here, for the month of April 2016. Contributions should relate to the cause and goals of this organization and please, keep it courteous and civil.

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CARSOL v. CA DOJ re: accuracy of SOR website information……. Does anyone know what the status is of this legal action?? Just wondering.

David, thank you for bringing up this neglected subject. I’m pretty sure there was a push 5 years ago to fix this, but the Calif System whined no can do because of lack of funding. Janis’ recent suit probably won’t achieve much either. I’d like to think I’m wrong…

Back when I still lived in California, I took Janis up on her offer to send a letter on behalf of any registrant to get them to add conviction year and release year. Didn’t get anywhere. My conviction was old and out of State. Should this have been more difficult for them to obtain? Does that leave Art Rodriguez, Sex Offender Tracking Program, who Janis sent the letter to on my behalf, off the hook ?

No matter; I left Calif. The lack of response from Art pushed me over the top. Luckily, my non-lifetime out of State conviction worked on my behalf as I was no longer a prisoner of Calif lifetime garbage when entering my new State.

so we can just say what ever here? maybe even a joke every now and then? or maybe a pissed off rant? I get it , just joking

Just watched 60 minutes on “German Prison rehabilitation” amazing and it works! no dehumanizing and the german constitution keeps the prisonors offenses private even after release. All this is the opposite of the US. It is so incredible that Germany saw all its mistakes and was willing to make the major change. No punishment just rehabilitation, our system creates lifetime criminals.
Registered citizens treatment is the result of hate, fear and prejudice. Very sad…

I just purchased a copy of the March 1986 issue of Psychology Today with the story titled “Changing a Lifetime of Sexual Crime” that was eventually used to convince SCOTUS of false recidivism statistics of Registered Citizens. It’s a long article, but at the very end (on the next page), it lists resources used in the article. I am listing the book resources here in case anyone is interested in studying this information further:

“The Treatment of Child Molesters” (1984), “The Sexual Aggressor, Current Perspectives on Treatment” (1983), “Retraining Adult Sex Offenders: Methods and Models (1984), Men Who Rape: The Psychology the Offender (1989), Sexual Addiction (1983).

If anyone want’s to know anything else from this article, just ask me here. eBay does have one more copy of this magazine for sale if anyone is interested in having a copy.

To: CA RSOL: Yesterday SCOTUS decided Nichols. You’ve probably posted it today.

I am very happy that Janice filed the suit on the IML. However, we are fighting a huge battle in court in part because of the ignorance of many in the judicial system and the constant bashing with misinformation in the media. With all of the TV programs and their portrayal of RC’s and the constant statements by politicians as they crow when they pass legislation and ask for more restrictive legislation, RC’s face an up hill battle. For one thing we face a huge deficit in funding, funding for legal responses but I think just as importantly for a PR campaign.
If we had a systematic approach for contacting all RC’s and their families with a request for small donations and once a again a systematic funding campaign for both legal responses and a PR campaign, I could see us making progress. Something in the order of a monthly payment of only $5 or whatever a person could reasonably afford to be sent each month, like a Go Fund Me account. We need more than just court challenges, but a campaign to educate judges, lawmakers and the public as a whole to the facts, not just the fear.
I believe that the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children as well as the Children’s Advocacy Centers, receive millions of dollars in government funding and while their aims are admiral, they are also groups which use the funding to continue to create the hysteria about RC’s. The CAC group on local levels lobby prosecutors for harsh sentences and speak often about the dangers of RC’s
It is just an idea but I am sure with more money, we would have more options. Almost everyone could afford $% or $10 a month.

Just when I thought my life would be back i am devasted again. On March 19 my name being on the New York registry as a level 1 was removed after 20 years. I even received a letter from the state stating the removal of my name. Today my wife e mailed me saying she is leaving me. Not only do I lose my beautiful lady but my two young girls who I love so much. They are young and I cannot be without them. Her reason was because of the IML and our great government wanting to place a mark in my passport. If this happens i will never be able to enter the country where my family is. My wife cannot deal with this anymore. She says to now live my life as happy as I can. All the e mails and phone numbers have been changed and she has moved and I dont know where. I have relentlessly tried to get them here to the US but because of the Adam Walsh Act they are not allowed here. An act for a little boy who was not even murdered by a sex offender. So my punishment continues. I have never had so much hate inside me as I do now. My life has ended. My family is gone. I will not be able to see my girls grow up. If I could only get in front of Chris Smith and tell him what these Nazi law ls have done to families. But people like him only care about votes at the expense of others. Now I onow why they wear Masks. I know i need to calm down. But and think rational. I know now how other RSO’s are torn apart. The next time someone tells me to be patriotic they can kiss my ass along with the US givernment. I would like to know where are the Kankas weighing in on this. I am sorry for the rant but I dont know what to do. My world is gone4l

Does anyone have a copy of the terms and restrictions document we’re made to initial and sign when we do our Price Club renewal every year? I have searched online for it and haven’t found it.

The reason I ask is that when I did mine in December I swear I saw one of the items said something to the effect of “I understand that registration is for life unless terminated by a judge…”

I know I should’ve asked for a copy.

Could this be true? I know that everything I’ve read on here and elsewhere says the only way to end it is the COR but I remember this being on that form.


Well, I’m not sure who Two States East is, but he doesn’t speak for everyone! I regret to inform you that no one goes anywhere being negative and you don’t speak for me or anyone else! As such, people should be reminded about how California and other States would look if these lawsuits where never filed. I would (misdemeanor expunged/summary probation/massage parlor incident) now be banned from beaches/parks/libraries and so on. It’s disturbing. Now, we have State Officials calling for a tiered system and even looking to pass this next year. Furthermore, I think this suit is a genius move! The reasons for filing it are validated and the cost and manpower to fix this is thought provoking. So, anyone with any intellectual capital would donate to these causes (CA ESOL), support their causes/continue to be positive and realize that Rome wasn’t built in a day! Remain positive and Thank God Janice has taken up this cause.

To USA: I certainly apologize to you for things I say that hit you the wrong way ! I’m two states east of Calif in New Mexico. I’m a long divorced 70 year old, and I so miss the State I loved, California.

Hey RC Don’t give up!!

There is a ton of information here on this site to sift through. I have been looking for anyone who has experienced a couple of Law Firms in the Los Angeles area who, “for a fee” claim they can have you removed from the registry.

They offer to place your biography, along with documents of rehab. and/or recent Psychological profile, in front of Gov. Jerry Brown on or near Christmas or Easter with a request for a pardon.

Has any RC ever been pardoned in California? Not sure if it is worth a $5K Gamble?
In the name of public safety this california program would work for their “sex’offender registry. There is no bigger group that a $thousand$$ per month would work.
Now add $1thousand$$ from the feds per month and this program will work.
This program NEEDS to be applied immediately to all in this registry. Its in the public interest

To prevent crime from this registry… $2,000. in state/federal money must be applied to those listed in registry. Write state legislators to get this going.

Just a heads up from our affiliate, Florida Action Committee (FAC) : On April 4 the Florida ACLU, representing FAC, has filed at the 11th US Circuit Court their brief against Miami-Dade’s 2500 foot rule causing hundreds to live by the railroad tracks. I hope Ron Book burns. Derek Logue (Once Fallen) visited the homeless campsite a few weeks ago; see his website. The case number is 15-14336, two dozen pages of good reading.

Hello all I’m curious as to my vacation I’m taking for 9 days. The state I’m going to doesn’t require me to register for being there that long. I’m not from California but am from a non sorta state. I’m wondering if for going that long it triggers a requirement for me to register in my home state for a period determined by sorna. For example I used to register once a year. Will I know have to register every 90 days,6months or yearly even though my state doesn’t require it?

I just registered today.

In the old days I only had 1 paper to fill out. Today there are at least 5

Now there might be a conflict in the Privacy Law.

im not sure what it is but it seem like the states are trying to cover their ass somewhere.

Well, they’ve always argued that we Registered Citizens are at such high risk to re-offend, so I certainly agree that they should pay us “not to commit crimes” …… or take our names off the %#@& List!!!

On a tangent, Fox News is reporting that Muslims are suing over a terror watch list.

Isn’t that similar to us?

If my case is dismissed, in all technicality, I should have all my rights restored as if I had not committed a crime. Clean slate. Yet the federal government believes the recidivism rate is much too high. The judge panelist in the Fox New reporting said something to the effect that the people on the watch list should be able to get off the list by being able to challenge the list.

Well, with lifetime registration, there is no getting off the list. Should we pay attention to this parallel development? The judge panelist made an example where the government prevented a person from making money b/c the government prevented the person from flying, thus the person not making any money. That is akin to some John Doe’s in the IML case, with one of them no longer registered.

Some constitutional laws are being broken. Maybe we can find a parallel support in this?

Geeze, the world is getting nuts scary…weirdly out of wack, beyond the beyond…the first problem is when they are talking about pedophiles, do they mean per-pubescent actual children or, post-pubescent attraction?

Actually, in terrible fear, it doesn’t much matter…they will expand the definition beyond all recognition.

Read this story and be afraid…very afraid

It is bad what they are doing to us…worse what they will do with what will probably only be a thought crime.

Best Wishes, (in terror) James

PS as a fundamental question…how can you be a sex offender before you break the law? Oh Lord…

Could you imagine if you owned a car dealership?

Question regarding TSA Precheck…

My wife is precheck and I’ve noticed that any time we travel together, I am automatically provided with precheck. This ONLY happens if we are traveling together. All other times, the precheck mark does not appear on my boarding pass.

Has anyone here gone through the precheck process? Is this a program that doesn’t exclude us? I’d love to have it as it makes travel easier, but I’ve always just assumed that I would automatically be denied.

I did review the TSA requirements, and nothing on there automatically excludes us, but we all know that means absolutely nothing.

Just curious if anyone else has been granted access despite their registration status.

This man surely is grateful for finally be free from a Wrongful conviction.
Surely wouldn’t be from corrupt orange county, ca. They don’t correct injustice; they keep obstructing justice.

Just a general comment/question of sorts. I received my Live Scan report from CADOJ and I posed a question to the DOJ via their website. Their definition of my 1203.4 dismissal is this; conviction set aside and dismissed per 1203.4 PC.
My questions to them were which of my constitutional rights will be restored, will this “dismissal” remove me from internet disclosure, and how will this dismissal affect my ability to travel? I know the answers, you know the answers, but I’m really curious if our DOJ has the answers.

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