Janice’s Journal: May You Live in Interesting Times

May you live in interesting times is a saying attributed to ancient China. Some have interpreted that saying as a curse, others as a blessing. Regardless of its negative or positive connotation, the saying applies today to the lives of almost a million Americans who are required to register as sex offenders as well as to their family members and supporters.

What else can explain why a powerful politician admits that he inappropriately touched several young men and is sentenced to only 15 months in prison and not required to register as a sex offender after hundreds of thousands of individuals have been sentenced to many years, sometimes decades, in prison and required to register as sex offenders for the rest of their lives?

What else can explain why Congress passed the International Megan’s Law that requires the addition of a “Scarlet letter” to the passports of hundreds of thousands of Americans based upon a myth that those convicted of a sex offense involving a minor will engage in child sex trafficking or child sex tourism while overseas?
What else can explain why an articulate spokesman for our movement is sued because he dared to criticize a group of private individuals who harassed registered citizens during government-sponsored compliance checks?
What else can explain why an intelligent spokesman for our movement reportedly violated conditions of his probation by sending hundreds of text messages to a minor?

What else can explain why a sheriff in Vermont hired a registered citizen despite the criticism of his peers and community?

What else can explain why a minister in Florida provided housing for registered citizens until that housing was closed by the government?

What else can explain why California Reform Sex Offender Laws continues to challenge laws that limit where registered citizens may visit and/or reside?

What else can explain why I have devoted my life to protecting the Constitution by restoring the civil rights of registered citizens?

It’s time to face the facts. Good or bad, we live in interesting times. Let’s make this time in which we live even more interesting by continuing to shine the light of truth….through education, legislation and litigation.
We are and will continue to educate the public about the truth of registered citizens, including their low rate of re-offense. We are and will continue to oppose legislation that threatens the Constitution by denying registered citizens’ civil rights, including the right to good jobs and safe housing. We are and will continue to litigate by challenging laws including the International Megan’s Law, up to the U.S. Supreme Court if necessary.
Yes, we live in interesting times. Together, we can make it a blessing, not a curse.

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Thank you Janice for all you’ve done you are our hero.

From the bottom of my heart, and that of my wife and two young boys, thank you.

Well stated! I’m in awestruck to think how Florida is treating registered citizens. It’s hateful and it’s honestly similar to the Jews of Nazi Germany. Germany created hatred by propaganda! They portrayed these people in a way where they where viewed as evil and less than human. It’s sad to say, but Florida and many other states are creating more harm than good.

Thank you for all that you do for us Janice.

Thank you so very much! I’m in Florida and on disability and will be donating a little bit as every little bit helps. I would love to see some other attorney’s across the nation start to stand up to these laws like you have been doing. Hopefully soon some others will and help almost a million people and growing every day.
Even though i’m in Florida, your work has a great impact on the Nation although i wish Florida would someday wake up. Heck, i think Florida is the only state now where a convicted Felon can’t vote unless they jump through great big hoops while clapping there hands and stomping there foot; thus it makes sure republicans stay in charge of things. what a crooked system!

Thank you, Janice, and team, for all of your continuing efforts.

what else explains why mr. casomb vice chair waits w/ 3 grand while getting hammered at the hilton financial district hotel lobby bar on saturday nights? i hear its so he can perform something SICK called the TOBIN PILEDRIVER?? maybe this saturday we all go to the lobby bar and surprise him and ask why he is a hypocrite!

We can also be supportive of each other.

Thank you Janice for your tireless dedication to the cause.

Thank you, Janice, for being that light that will never waver. I cannot thank you enough for you, your team, and this website. Thank you for giving hope despite the murky weather.

What else explains it? Gov’t use of an electronic database. Big bro got a brand new toy, plain and simple. What is the worst thing big bro could do with the new toy?

1. Indenture citizens to it.
2. Legally compel them to maintain the property.
3. Jail them if they refuse.
4. Use database to impose affirmative disability and restraint.
5. Provide a sense of political integrity/security.
6. Collect long term funding and proceeds.

My son viewed child porn taking place over the internet and actually recorded it. He was charged and pled guilty to production of child porn. He is awaiting sentencing. As soon as he is sentenced by federal court in Calif. the feds are taking him to Florida to charge him with conspiracy to produce. So he is being prosecuted a second time for the exact same acts he pled guilty to. Justice? I think not…. There is a witch hunt going on these days for anyone committing sex offenses. Everyone knows this but it is a political thing, so any reason or justice will never enter this area…..Interesting times…no…abusive governmental times….yes….

Thank you Janice and your team! We will donate whenever we can.

Registered citizens are a class of people, in which Constitutional violations have been the most numerous and egregious. Beginning with the first accusations of a sex offense, it becomes nearly impossible to receive due process, to the point that most, who serve their time, and end up on the registry ,have never been convicted of their crime in a court of law, as guaranteed by our Constitution. There is no due process for them, for the most part!. Especially in the federal system, those accused of sexual crimes are pressured into accepting a plea agreement(not a deal; because there is no deal), If they go to trial, and lose, which they have a 90+% chance of doing, the prosecutor will see to it that the sentence doubles.

These crimes have the bar raised way beyond guilt beyond reasonable doubt, to proof of innocence. The sentence for these crimes, in particular child pornography, are based on non-empirical,faulty logic and revenge motivations, in which the guitly are being sentenced for imagined crimes of the past, along with forecasted crimes he/she is expected to commit in the future.If one could ever imagine a group of crimes, where the Constitution is wholeheartedly ignored, it is this group. It is a waste of breath to educate legislators, let alone the public, on the low recidivism rate, (and that is not factoring in those who, because their crimes have been made public, are framed by the public, and law emforcement alike, for repeat fantasy offenses). There is no place, in our current system, except by further lawsuits to protest these laws of faulty logic, and emotional bias, where an individual, with these kinds of charges can obtain relief, whether it is relief from Draconian sentences, lengthy probation, or the finger tight grasp of the registry. There is no other group of people in the United States under such stigma, and ostracism. Thank you Janice Bellucci for all you do, and have done, and may you be cloned many times over!! Troy Sabenow, a federal defense attorney is also offering contributions on behalf of those who have been charged with sexual crimes, with research, which he has previously shared with the Federal Sentencing Commission. Benifits in the states will help the federal convicts and vice versa.Keep fighting against the public registry. Stay positive. It is a war worth the winning!

I’m the president of a tech startup that has international customers. We also had additional funding lined up, but we had to travel to a South American country and grow our business from there. They give money, equity free to stimulate their economy, and we would use the funding for further runway to grow out business. When I say we, it’s me, my wife, and 2 adult children, who are all involved in our startup.

Then I found out about the IML, and my heart sank. They did it to us again. My offense was nearly 25 years ago, and I have been off probation since 2004. I was hoping to move on, and build a new life without the dark cloud of shame, and now, our government has really set back our family.

So now Christopher H. Smith can say “Thank you Lord that I’m not like those sinners”, and all of the graceless, and self-righteous Republicans (with their acceptable sins) that pushed this bill through, and which was signed into law by the hypocrite B.H. Obama.

Here is the one thing these allegedly Christian men will account for, and that is that some of us evil sinners who at one time did evil things (1Cor 6:11) that they deal with so unjustly, some of us ourselves belong to Jesus Christ. Yes, he not only has the power to save wretches like me, but also even the ability to change someone, to strengthen them, and to cause them to stand (Rom 14:4), so I know that some day justice will occur, even if it’s after this life. So these guys can equivocate and convince themselves that they are erring on the side of caution, or whatever, but their law is unjust, and simply dishonest, and that is the truth.

They can even set themselves up as God, and say “these offenders deserve what they get”, but good news… They are not God. he judges perfectly, and without our bias. IF I had signed this law, as a Christian, I would be afraid. I would not have, in good convenience been able to sign it. No honest man would have. They are corrupt, and they have written and signed off on a corrupt and evil law.

heres a great peice by sosen..The other thing that hasn’t been brought up yet is the fact that not only can they be sued, but they can be charged with a federal crime under Title 18, U.S.C., Section 241 Conspiracy Against Rights and Title 18, U.S.C., Section 242 Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law

Under section 242 it lays out quite plainly who can be held accountable for the attempt to deprive a citizen of their rights. This would include individual legislators and city Council members etc. who pass laws with the intent to deprive a citizen of their constitutionally protected rights.

This statute makes it a crime for any person acting under color of law, statute, ordinance, regulation, or custom to willfully deprive or cause to be deprived from any person those rights, privileges, or immunities secured or protected by the Constitution and laws of the U.S.

This law further prohibits a person acting under color of law, statute, ordinance, regulation or custom to willfully subject or cause to be subjected any person to different punishments, pains, or penalties, than those prescribed for punishment of citizens

“Acts under “color of any law” include acts not only done by federal, state, or local officials within the bounds or limits of their lawful authority, but also acts done without and beyond the bounds of their lawful authority; provided that, in order for unlawful acts of any official to be done under “color of any law,” the unlawful acts must be done while such official is purporting or pretending to act in the performance of his/her official duties. This definition includes, in addition to law enforcement officials, individuals such as Mayors, Council persons, Judges, Nursing Home Proprietors, Security Guards, etc., persons who are bound by laws, statutes ordinances, or customs.”

Steveo you said it very well I am a Christian myself and I agreed about the Judgmentmenal attitude of our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ I posted a comment similar to this about not wishing harm on Sharron Runner you can read it in the post where it talks about Sharon Runner not pursuing the bill because of health issues. I mentioned things about Christian ideals and to follow What Jesus said in the sermon of the mount about not wishing harm on people who curse us and mistreats us to show love to them even when they do these things to us. And that ties into your comments on the other end our Brothers and Sisters in Christ need to do the same and not to judge us yes they can watch us so that we are not alone with a kid hat is not ours but accept us and welcome those of us who changed their life’s preferable changed by accepting Jesus as their savior. but I agree stereo on those comments and it’s not just Republicans remind you since 1994 when Clinton signed this in the office, and from then till now no democrat or republican has been able or willing to step up and challenge these laws but you are right in your comments we Christians need to educate our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ about this because they are blinded by what the media tells them they need to be educated so they can stand up and say these laws are not just

T you said “they are blinded by what the media tells them they need to be educated so they can stand up and say these laws are not just”. Christians not only should stand up against these laws for RC sake, but for Christians, as we are NEXT on the hate list.

Thank you Janice for all your hard work and for caring