When Junk Science About Sex Offenders Infects the Supreme Court: A ‘Frightening’ Myth About Sex Offenders

[New York Times] This month the Supreme Court will have a rare opportunity to correct a flawed doctrine that for the past two decades has relied on junk social science to justify punishing more than 800,000 Americans. Two cases that the court could review concern people on the sex offender registry and the kinds of government control that can constitutionally be imposed upon them. In Snyder v. Doe, the court could consider whether Michigan’s broad scheme of regulating sex offenders constitutes “punishment.” The other case, Karsjens v. Piper, examines the…

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CA: Bill Seeks To Drop Some Offenders From Megan’s Law Website

[CBS Sacramento] SACRAMENTO (CBS13) – A California senator who believes the state’s sex offender registry is broken says sex offenders may no longer have to register for life. The bill, SB 384 would take lower-level sex offenders off the registry. Right now, four states including California, make all sex offenders register for life. And today, the registry tops 100,000 people in California. Some law enforcement officials say it’s working against them. “They’re on the list and can’t get off,” said Gretchen Kocinsky, whose friend was arrested at a young age…

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Janice’s Journal: The Path Forward for CA tiered registry (SB 384)

In the most recent step of the legislative process, the Assembly’s Public Safety Committee approved the newest version of the Tiered Registry Bill (SB 384) yesterday. The bill is now moving forward to the full Assembly for a floor vote in a few days where it may pass and if so, then on to the Senate the same day for a concurrence vote. The newest version of the Tiered Registry Bill was created behind closed doors and was made public only a few days ago. The new bill resembles a…

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CA Assembly Committee Passes New Tiered Registry Bill SB 384

The Assembly’s Public Safety Committee passed the new Tiered Registry (SB 384) tonight by a vote of 5 to 2. All those voting in support of the bill were Democrats; all voting in opposition to the bill were Republicans. Senator Scott Wiener was unavailable to present the bill at the hearing because the Senate had not yet adjourned. Therefore, Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez-Fletcher, a member of the Public Safety Committee, presented the bill. During the hearing, Gonzalez-Fletcher stated that she “hesitated to support” earlier versions of the tiered registry bill, but…

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FL: Sheriff sued after threatening to arrest fugitives who sought hurricane shelter

A Florida sheriff who threatened to jail fugitives with warrants if they sought shelter during Hurricane Irma has been sued by a man who claims he was denied entry to a shelter. The Orlando Sentinel reports the lawsuit filed Sunday by Nexus Services, an organization that provides legal help to immigrants, claims Andres Borreno was denied entry to a shelter in Polk County after sheriff’s deputies told him he would have to submit to a background check before entering a shelter. Full Article

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Sex offender registry bill revived after stalling in committee

[SFGate] SACRAMENTO — With five days remaining in the legislative session, a San Francisco lawmaker revived a bill that would end lifetime registration for most sex offenders after the original bill stalled in a committee. Democratic state Sen. Scott Wiener’s SB421 was held in the Assembly Appropriations Committee without a public vote two weeks ago after it passed four committees and the Senate. On Thursday, Wiener used a maneuver known as gut-and-amend to bring it back. Gut-and-amend is a long-used process loathed by some good government groups in which the…

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CA: 29 Palms sued over sex offender restrictions

TWENTYNINE PALMS — The city of Twentynine Palms is being sued for keeping its residency restrictions for registered sex offenders. The City Council will meet Monday, Sept. 11, to hold a public hearing and consider repealing the restrictions, which are laid out in its municipal code. Staff and the city attorneys are recommending that the council repeal the restrictions. Full Article

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Tiered Registry Bill Resurfaces in Amended Form

Although believed to be stopped, the Tiered Registry Bill has been revitalized by its author Sen. Scott Wiener. The bill has a new number — SB 384 — as well as new content. This was accomplished through the “gut and amend” process available to state legislators. “As compared to the prior bill, SB 384 significantly reduces the number of people who would be assigned to Tiers 1 and 2 and therefore eligible to petition for removal from the registry in 10 or 20 years,” stated ACSOL Executive Director Janice Bellucci.…

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IL: Judge Throws Book At Serial Offender After 2 Investigators Report

A stunning about face: A Cook County judge on Thursday who had found a defendant not guilty of a sex crime has now ordered him to register as a sex offender as part of a stiff, 30-year sentence. … “Though insufficient to establish guilt,” Judge Hill said, “the evidence is sufficient to meet the lower threshold of proof for purposes of the Sex Offender Registration Act.” Full Article

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FL: Sheriff bans sex offenders from Hurricane Irma shelters

The sheriff of Polk County Florida is warning sex offenders to stay out of Hurricane Irma shelters. Sheriff Grady Judd said, “It’s important to understand. If you’re a sexual predator and a sexual offender, we’re not gonna let you sleep next to any five, or six, or seven year old babies. Period. Our shelters are going to be safe.” Full Article Follow Up: http://www.businessinsider.de/grady-judd-florida-hurricane-irma-response-arrest-warrants-2017-9?r=US&IR=T

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NJ: Spurred by rape victim, bill says sex offenders shouldn’t get child custody

In March, Lakewood resident Jackie Anselmo started a campaign to restrict parental custody rights of convicted sex offenders. Less than six months later, a bill to that effect has been introduced in the New Jersey Assembly. Bill A-5160, which is sponsored by Assemblyman Sean T. Kean, R-Ocean, would amend existing law to bar “custody of and visitation rights to any child for a person convicted of aggravated sexual assault of a child under age 13.” Full Article

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What You Think You Know About Sex Offenders Is Wrong, Attorney Says

[westworld.com] As writer Alan Prendergast reported, U.S. District Court Judge Richard Matsch has ruled that Colorado’s sex-offender registry violates the due-process rights of three plaintiffs, thereby amounting to cruel and unusual punishment. Boulder attorney Alison Ruttenberg, who filed the case in 2013, sees the opinion as the potential death knell for a law enforcement tool that, in her view, perpetuates factually dubious notions that fall apart when examined in an evenhanded way. “Everybody always jumps to the conclusion that all sex offenders are like the type of sex offender that’s…

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LA: Residents Concerned about Proposed Sex Offender Hurricane Shelter

The word is spreading and folks are hearing about plans to provide an evacuation shelter for sex offenders in the northern part of East Baton Rouge Parish. A new state law requires that registered sex offenders are housed apart from everyone else in evacuations. WAFB’s Paul Gates says he’s talked with folks who live around the site near Zachary and Baker, and they’re not happy. Full Article

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Councilman Wants To Rewrite San Diego Sex Offender Law

San Diego City Councilman Chris Ward says he wants to rewrite an ordinance that puts strict limits on where registered sex offenders can live, as a lawsuit seeks to force the ordinance’s repeal. Ward was one of five council members who voted last month to uphold the city’s “Child Protection Act,” against advice from the City Attorney’s Office. Courts have found similar ordinances both unconstitutional and ineffective at preventing child sexual abuse. Full Article

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