SANTA FE – The 2011 sex offender legislation that’s surfaced as political ammunition against Tim Keller in Albuquerque’s mayoral race came about after repeated – and largely successful – lawsuits against New Mexico’s largest city for enacting local ordinances that went beyond what was then on the state’s books. Full Article
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Let Heaven & Earth bear witness to the Intent & Actions of these Wicked Usurping Servants.
“Basically, we were trying to do anything we could to make [Former] sex offenders uncomfortable in Albuquerque,” Chávez said in a recent interview.
In other words Executing: Extra Judicial Punishment:^ A clear violation to The U.S. & it’s States Constitutions. Inaddition to Spitting on the Face of International Human Rights.
“However, many of the provisions in Albuquerque’s [Former] sex offender ordinance were struck down by the courts as being unconstitutional after the American Civil Liberties Union of New Mexico filed suit. Only a few restrictions were left in place.”
“[The bill] also closed a [False] perceived loophole dealing with [Former] sex offenders who move to New Mexico from other states.
“Our families deserve to know that we are doing everything we can to protect them from [Former] sex offenders, provide law enforcement with the most complete information and make our communities as safe as possible,” Martinez said after signing the bill into law.”
I speak a True song
As Yehovah lives, so should we
Wow, everything comes down on top of the heads of registrants! This is ridiculous! Can they discuss real issues? Issues that can make their city a better, kinder and more pleasant place for everyone?
strange article , but it shows how these people can change faces , uncomfortable ? lol ,well that’s a nice start , how bout unconstitutional
“He’s got a record of voting on something that’s absolutely dangerous and disgusting.”
It’s what could be said about everyone who votes for SOR laws.