PA: Wolf signs bill to protect victims of sexual abuse crimes


HARRISBURG — Governor Tom Wolf on Wednesday signed House Bill 631 into law, now Act 10 of 2018, the primary intent of which is to provide for greater public safety by ensuring convicted sexual offenders remain subject to registration requirements in the wake of recent court decisions impacting Pennsylvania’s implementation of the Sexual Offender Registration and Notification Act.

The legislation, introduced by Rep. Ron Marsico, would ensure that as many as 12,000 sexual offenders remain on Pennsylvania’s registry and subject to the regulations in place at the time of their offense – either a 10-year or lifetime registration.

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This bill is in the name of making Pennsylvania safer, when in fact the data confirms that heavy registration conditions ostracize offenders, alienates them, prevents them from working, dating, and finding housing, it creates resentment and low self esteem, all factors that heighten risks thereby making conditions less safe. The majority of offenders are not high risk and are not a threat to the community, but the bulk of offenders are still treated as high risk regardless of the offense and are then treated with the heavy hand that prevents them from assimilating into society.

What is funny about the new HOUSE BILL that got passed, I bet if my husband and all the others who have to comply with HOUSE BILL all walked in tomorrow and updated there information. I bet that the PSP have no idea what to due. I bet there systems arent even TWO SEPARATE yet. Imagine going done there and telling them to delete all you internet identifiers, and tattoos, scars, registration information, etc that was obtained illegally from SORNA. What would they do listen to a sex offender. So wouldnt we my husband and others need a form stating that they are required to register under the NEW HOUSE BILL.

Any ideas?

Is it me or is my cursory reading of this new atrocity and the Federal Court decision correct in thinking that a lot of hopes may be getting dashed? I’m hoping that I’m wrong.

As a RSO (arrested 2006 for CP possession) I was subject to the registration law then in place. I was required by that law to register for ten (10) years ending March 2019. Having read everything I can find on this law it appears to require me to comply with that original requirement of that registration. I have fully complied with all aspects of registration required of me throughout my time (including the unconstitutional overreach of SORNA) and I plan to continue compliance, until my reporting period officially ends.

All that said, the law has been overkill and self-defeating for various reasons others have given (issues of employability, social isolation, etc.) It is motivated by unreasonable fears, political greed, and the industry that has grown up around the registry. Please do not think for a second I am seeking to defend myself. I am not. I was wrong plain and simple and I own that fact.

The fear of 17,000 SOs being released from the lists … was repeated again and again. It turns out that this new law will retain somewhere between 9,000-12,000 of that 17,000. I might be wrong, but I do not think I am, In due course I will be released from the list as well.

Because I have strong roots where I live … even then the employment and social issue(s) will remain as will many other aspects of having been on the list, the internet will see to that. Except maybe then an employer might hire me since thier bussines will no longer be listed.

I am thankful for friends that has stood by me. Especially my wife and children, who has ‘shared’ my shame and isolation. For those of you who face all this alone, you have my sympathy and prayers.

PA Supreme Court rules their version of SORNA is unconstitutional on both the federal and state level. Legislature tweeks it very narrowly so, basically, it remain unchanged.
No doubt their attitude is: “Screw those registrants! If they don’t like the new law, let them sue again!”

So there we. This will happen repeatedly every time we win a legal battle. Nothing will change until everyone has a son, brother, uncle, father, friend or neighbor on a registry. Only then will the public demand that registries be abolished.

Did anyone catch this part of the bill, which essentially states a direct violation of the Constitution?

“This bill also addresses gaps in supervision of sexual offenders by providing for a mandatory three-year probationary period at the completion of their maximum state sentence.”

This specifically states “probation” which, by definition, is part of the sentencing scheme that MUST fall within the time period specified by the sentence. Only the sentencing judge can mandate the time period of the convict, which includes a periods of court jurisdiction, whether incarcerated, on probation, or parole. Am I missing something here?

Looks like they are going dark on the most wanted peoples pictures not sure what thats about.

So if there is 90 days from Feb 21 2018 register under this bill?

The paper should be in the mail already correct?

Or can the ones who can read and know they are getting grabbed up go down and register now and just swamp the PSP knowing they dont have a clue?

Or do they wait for papers with 90 day clock ticking?

Because the says effective immediately, that means yesterday Feb 21

Read the bill. Didnt see that. Husband did call the PSP. They said just stay complient with registry and they will send a letter if you are on the new bill or send a letter of your removal is you are coming off. My husband goes, yes I am still being complient with your UNCONSTITUTIONAL SORNA until PSP figures it out. And he followed up with everyone has known about Muniz since July. She said we just dont have much to go on, no one is telling us anything either. ROBOTS!!!

I have conformation they are removing people with two or more 10yr reg offenses that have finished their 10yrs I have a group of 13 people all with two or more from the LHV and one was removed today I did not save a copy of their info but do know they had two or more.

Well, there’s some progress being made somewhere. Yesterday morning the list had 21,454 people. As of just now it has 21,370.

I had checked the list sometime yesterday evening and I believe it may have had a couple people more than the 21,454 the day started with. So, overnight around 84 people were removed. Progress, hopefully?

The registry is a double jeopardy violation it is punishment. Quit making unconstitutional laws to cater to fear and vengeance.

They are now taking tear 3 offenders who were under the old law and putting them down to tear one. So if you were tear 3. And are lifetime offenders They’re not removing you they are lowering your status to a one.

I just got off the phone with the psp again. Ugh. Not a lot of help. But she did verify that multiple convictions from the same occurrence are being taking off the list. It must be a seperate offense and conviction. She also stated that they have no certain order they are reviewing in and it could take up to 2 years to finish the review process. I got the usual ” ohh we have over 10000 cases to review” i dont care how many you have. You had no problem changing 15000 peoples regestration when sorna kicked in. Now change it back. I am due off the list as off jan 14th of 2018. I will not wait 2 more years for them to do thier job

PsP is going to tell you it takes 2 years now. Lmfao!!!! They are saying that so people will stop calling them so much and gives any answers. Notice each time you call PsP they give diffrent answers to questions. I noticed tier lvl are changing around. As well as lots of people came off the registery. So of course if they are moving that fast it will not take 2 years. 2 years is not a timely matter. They know that. 2 years lmfao!!!!! What a dumb answer from PSP. Ha ha!!!

Paul yes 2 seperate convictions to move to life time. Mine was not. I pled to to counts of a 10 year offense. And was originally required to register for 10 years. I have had no run in with the law since. There for i will be off the list. According to psp. Yes guessit 2 years is absolutely untimely. On the better days they have removed 100 plus a day. There for it should take no more than 2 months tops to reach the so said number of 4500

I just got a text from a buddy from group that he was removed today after he sent my form letter with his transcripts to John Herman.

He said he signed up on Megan’s Law website to “Track an offender”, himself, and just received the email that his status has changed and he no longer appears.

He was a CP guy with 20 counts dating back to 2007.

Thanks for the info, I went in to talk to my attorney today, gave him my court transcript and my SORNA letter from 2012, he was not clear to why I ever had to register first of all and why I’m still on the registry seeing that 631or whatever is law now, I said I was charged in the state I came from, did my time and moved to pa in 99 doing mail in probation reporting, finished my probation, then in 02 the detective showed up on my door step telling me I had to register at the psp , Now back to 2018, my attorney said they only added ten years to your time your a t1, I said no I’m a t2 it clearly states that on my ml profile, I did 10 years and they added 10 plus I think they gave me good time for when I was charged, he said but they only added ten years not 25 years, he seams to think psp fucked up and put me under t2 but I was suposed to be t1 or the other way around, he doesn’t understand that 10 years was already done, they don’t just give you 25 all over again, Monday he’s is suposed to be at DA’s office , apparently the da has a something to do with who’s on and who’s off in the county you live in, so he said he will talk to the da to see if they will do something for me, he also said if they can then we don’t need to go any farther, he said if they can’t we will have to petition to get me off now, he said they will put my money I spent today twards the potion if need be, I said what about sending a letter to cease and desist to psp, he laughed and said, what good will that due it’s all through the DA’s office, so from what my lawyer said the DA in your county is the one who has control of who gets off, I guess the psp sends them files that have been reviewed or something.
I mentioned class action lawsuit for the people on NARSOL and other sites, he said his office doesn’t want anything to do with class action lawsuits, sorry everyone your on your own till some lawyer what to step up to the plate, I tried

Thank you so much Brian for posting that!!! No wonder why PsP do not know much on things each time anyone calls. Only the DA knows. So shall we all just start calling the DA to bug them instead of PsP?

What does HB 631 require to be registered?

1. Home
2. Any Vehicles you own?
3. Employment
4. School

Because PRE-Sorna where never required to register internet identifiers, are they required to now under the new HB 631?

What are they requiring because the bill is hard to read.

Going forward the INTENT of the people is clear to the courts now Sex regimes are punitive in intent.
They had the benefit of presumption in Alaska V Doe03. That presumption is now gone and therefore will face a different level of scrutiny in review. Banishment by local jurisdictions, reflects the peoples true intent with the use electronic databases. To his credit Mr. Kennedy recognized the clearest proof and expressed concern in Packingham V North Carolina.

Looks like internet identifiers will be apart of HB 631.

ML2 requirements did not have them, so did the COMMONWEALTH just change the name from SORNA to HB 631.

Seems that way, ML2 was just a Photo and Zip code on the internet.

1. Home 2. School 3. Job 4. Cars 5. Scars 6. Tatoos. 7. Crimes all posted again on Megans Law Website!

So what change for PRE-SORNA.


@ Paul, i keep checking mine every day. i know i still have a few months to go, but i check to see if they have changed mine, i am due relief, however it still shows me as tier two. maybe because they haven’t got to me yet? I’m not going to lose any sleep right this minute, because i technically wouldn’t be done till end of may. but i watch things closely to see if anyone else in my situation ( more than 1, 10yr offense, but only ONE conviction) has been removed. i have heard rumors that there have been some with multiple 10 offenses, that are being removed. if that truly is the case, then my time should come, but my lawyer is ready to strike, if they try to screw me in any way.

Paul 2 chikity check

So you are telling HB 631 registraints that they wont need to register internet identifiers.

So I went to PSP today to change a car. When I got the print, it still says 25 years and six month check-ins. I was convicted in August 2011 of one count of 18 § 6312 §§ C1 Dissem Photo/Film (Covered by SORNA) and one count 8 § 7512 §§ A Criminal Use Of Communication Facility (not covered as far as I know). Origanilly on site for ten years. I have not had any convictions since then. I am just hoping my info has not been updated yet because I would still have about two and a half years on the site. I have read the new law but have no idea what I am reading.