Significant changes to Nevada’s sex offender registration system are in effect. Assembly Bill 579 (AB 579) aligns Nevada sex offender registration laws with the federal requirements of the Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act of 2006.
While enacted in 2007, AB 579 has been on hold pending the outcome of litigation to stop implementation. On April 27, 2018, the Nevada Supreme Court denied further delay to implementation and authorized AB 579 to take effect. Full Article
I’m sure glad I didn’t waste 4 years of Nursing School in Nevada.
Even though I was accepted into the school, I withdrew my enrollment before I even started.
I’m sure I would have ended-up a Level 2 = no job!
NV, another state succumbing to the monetary bribes of the Feds and yet “AB 579 eliminates the use of subjective criteria to assign an offender’s tier. Rather, tier levels are established by the offender’s conviction and age of the victim.”
Hopefully this won’t be infecting California’s tiered law. Some of us are going to be classified as Tier III only cause of the Static 99R, saratso, whatever they call it. Would be insult to injury if we are also made to register every 90 days…
Of those 7,200+, the approximate amount of each tier is as follows:
— Tier 1 = 1,898
— Tier 2 = 1,926
— Tier 3 = 3,391
So the Tier 1 and Tier 2 total is 3,824, which means the victim was over 13 or it was a non-violent offense. That means the majority were not for crimes driven by the sensational news leading to sensational laws. Evidently, since this was modeled on the fed law, this would hold true for most of the country. It’s been said: “There is a difference between who we might be mad at and those we fear” and that may even apply to many in Tier 3.
Anyone else in NV who knows if this is still going to be challenged somehow? I’ve been trying to contact McLetchie/Shell for over a month now and haven’t heard back; they are the firm who has been litigating against the AWA. This will affect me, raising me from T1 under the original state system (yearly mail-in updates, no in-person reporting, not on the website) to T2 (report in-person every 6 months, listed on website, possibly jeopardizing everything I’ve worked for). I wonder if Colorado or Snyder could be cited in some kind of suit. Was it Snyder that deemed in-person reporting to be punishment?
It is not hyperbole to say that I’ve literally been losing sleep over this.
I just found out about this change. I am literally sick right now. I too am a Tier 1 because Carson City researched my case and deemed me low risk. It has been almost 25 years now since I was convicted. I found a job, I am a law abiding citizen, and when this goes in effect, well – I guess we are just screwed. I will have to quit my job, at the very least, because I certainly did not disclose my conviction when I got hired (I would not have been hired, obviously). I have not been showing up on background checks nor have I had any problems finding a place to live, now I will again be in fear all the time. Where can I go? What state? My whole life is completely upended now. Again.
This appears to be a flip flop of the California Tiered Registry. I read this as all the CP crimes (non-contact) would be Tier 1, but all of us with 288(a) (more than half the California Registry) would move to Tier 3.
I don’t understand. How can this be any more obvious. They are changing a system that is based on personal assessment, however flawed, to one based simply on the past crime. How is this not tying added punishment to the crime after the original sentence?
Honestly, I am just not that worried about it. I’ve been on the Nevada registry off and on for the last 10 years. It’s caused a few headaches for me, but it was never the earth shattering nightmare I was afraid of. I am going to a III from a II and the fact that the number of III’s are jumping 10 fold is a good thing, the more III’s there are the more meaningless it becomes. If push comes to shove I may move back to California where I’ll be a II again, or I my just call my local sheriff’s department and just tell them I am not going to cooperate. Until registrants decide to get over their fear of jail and stand up for themselves this is the kind of thing we’re going to have to live with. Me, I don’t mind a little civil dissonance and clogging up the courts.
@MikeG I read the actual bill in this case and it says all CP are T2. It is section 23 if I remember correctly. So that is going to be a problem for a lot of people. Apparently non contact is not the only factor here
I just spent 9 days in NV because my dad had a massive heart attack. Did I check in with them f-no. I will not abide by any other state’s bs.
Mike Thanks for the info!
So I received a call back from the office of McLetchie/Shell, and the receptionist said I’d need to pay a consultation fee before they’d talk to me. Seems odd, since it’s not like I am consulting with them to become a client; all I want to know is whether or not they are fighting this, just a few minutes of their time. So, I think I will just have to keep my eyes and ears open to other sources for now, since money is really tight. Maybe Janice can find out something.
I would think a challenge citing Snyder would be in order.
Hoping someone can help. My son was 18 at the time and the victim was 13. His sentence (plead to misdemeanor statutory sexual seduction) was fulfilled after one year in jail. He has been out now for six years. I understand where he will now be a tier two in Nevada. He currently lives in Colorado though and checks in annually. Since Colorado does comply with the Adam Walsh Act will his requirements, tier level, and check in requirements change in Colorado? We are very confused parents. Thanks,
This is the problem with a tiered registry. People can change Tier levels because of political climate and the whims of legislators. I hope California’s doesn’t end up like Nevada’s. :-/
McLetchie/Shell was only fighting this to stall for time while they petitioned for some of their other clients to get off the registry. If you search the court records you’ll see they don’t have any more petitions pending or any any new filings to block AD 579. Just a money grab… SMH
my understanding is that states have different laws pertaining sex offenders,like Colorado is that you are not required to register in co if your crime falls in a certain time period, like if your crime was done in nj in 1989 qnd you moved to Colorado today it falls in a period where no registration is required I believe 1991 and 1996 if anyone knows this law please tell me if I’m wrong thx
ty tired, I understand, just wanted to put info out there, seems there is no getting around this ab579 except to move
gralphr,i hear you about you situation, I to have been off parole since 1990 and my conviction was 1984,since then I have caused no trouble (and plan to keep it that way) it seems there is no break for us . I lived in Nevada since 1999 no trouble here either,now they moved me to tier 3 from tier 1 seems like a move is in my future
I went in to register today (received a paper in the mail that said register by the 1st of October) I was told to ignore it since they weren’t fully sure if it would be enforced. I told them that was crazy and how will I know if it will be (they will move me to tier 3) and the two women said “well, you could watch tv or maybe it would say so in the newspaper.” I studied their faces and they really were that clueless and serious! I registered anyway since I got a new license plate, but I think it’s crazy were in limbo to even know what’s going on. I told them people claim this isn’t a burden, yet when was the last time they were forced to go to work late for anything due to something almost two decades old?
Search the “Eighth Judicial District Court” website.
After reading the new court filings and talking to McLetchie last week it appears they cut a deal with the state to temporarily block ONLY all the John Does of the case from the SOR website. But as it stands now everyone else affected will go live Oct 1.
Sorry I didn’t have better news for yall…
I woke up this morning feeling so sad. Like its the last day for my happy family. Like everything my fiancee has worked so hard for is now going to end. Im going to try to get him in to see McLetchie but i just feel so hopeless. Im so worried were gonna lose everything. We have worked so hard and my fiancee is such a good man. The only thing they have on him is that he messed up on probation and had no choice but to take a guilty plea deal. He never touched anyone. This is just so unfair and so defeating. My son deserves to habe his father around and not have to worry. We were doing fine with him as a tier 1. He was able to live his life. Now we live in fear
So many of us (I’m the wife) are in this same boat here in Nevada with this new political BS, that I feel just have to do with greedy money hungry politicians. This fight has gone on for years now here but it just feels to me there has to be something we can do to fight on this. So many states haven’t and will not uphold this AWA law cause of the same issues we all have on the law along with other politicians and attorneys etc in Nevada.
Does anyone feel the same? Can’t we rally together in this fight?? Contact McLetchie regarding a bigger lawsuit to be filed then with just the 17 cases she already is fighting on?? I mean 3000 cases/lawsuits here alone I’d hope that it would have some sort of standing, take it up the ladder. A bigger army can fight better then a small one.
I don’t mean to be ignorant on this but the is just so unfair on the biggest level possible!!!
I would love for someone in the “big” office to show proof that all this crap has actually saved a victim, that this registry deal that goes back retro in cases from 1956 actually has done any good for the community in preventing another sex crime from happening!!!!
This registry deal will not and can not prevent anyone on it from reoffending if they choose to do so…….I don’t care how much info is posted on internet. If one wants to they will……sadly of course!!!! But that’s on the horrible individual that chooses to do wrong again. As for those that took plea deals and etc or made a mistake 25 yrs ago and have become good up standing citizens of society shouldn’t be punished repeatedly over and over because a victim or victims family feel is best to create laws that do nothing other then crucify those that have served their time for their crime. These laws will never stop those out there that continue to make bad choices that inturn effects everyone else not like them.
Again I want the PROOF that any of this has saved a possible victim from a sex crime.
We need to come together some how some way and make a change!!!! Not y’all about, but actually do it!!!!!
Come on y’all.
I’m not saying it’s about plea deals. I’m referring to at time of civictions a good majority took plea deal in these cases of accusations without know how it would harm them in future do to laws that seems to change almost daily!!!
Conviction happened, sentence was given and served, clean record over 25yrs and the punishments still keep coming.
Well everyone went live. My fiancee went from a tier 1 to a tier 3…this is just awful. Now we live in fear of losing everything. I just cant believe this.