FL: Cops Re-Arrest 26 Sex Offenders in ‘Operation Karma.’ Their Crime? Not Updating Their Car Info.

The Polk County Sheriff’s Department in Florida is touting its successful completion of “Operation Karma,” a three-day sting in which cops arrested 26 registered sex offenders for violating various legal obligations imposed on them.

“They are apparently up to no good and we are going to hold them accountable,” Sheriff Grady Judd promises The Miami Herald. Full Article


‘Karma’ caught up with these sex offenders and predators, Florida cops say

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Interesting. I just re registered and thought about this. We own 3 cars/soon 4? I drive 2 regularly? What if I owned a used car lot with 50 cars that I have access to? What if I go to my elderly parents and drive them to a Dr’s appt? What if my wife owns a car I never drive? Son? This is a disgusting article. I just re registered/took my insurance info because they want your vin and license plate? I couldn’t remember what it was?

How lame florida is Glad I dont live in that crap state anymore…. nothing there except low income (orlando) and humidity and bugs…. I suppose you could lap the police into that category… parasites… yep

It is amazing that you hear all the time concerning what police can do to improve public relations. It was a non-stop theme during Obama’s term. How to stop the conflicts between police and citizens, and then they do stupid stuff like this that just makes you lose total respect for them. A simple citation giving them 60 days to take care of it would be a nice way to improve public relations. Maybe the police want people to hate the them. Sometimes I think that is the motive.

Why do the cops think it’s all right to use tax payers money to just blow it on people not signing up there car. Must be the cops have more money to just thrown around.Guess the people of florida can vote for a lower millage in the future.Cause to have that much money to chase down cars of $ex offenders they are rich in my book. Most cop shops Yell they don’t have any money.But not in this cop shop.They must be Crooked cops there

They all got arrested for doing legal things.

Smells like Book is behind this to shield his own deal from the press. This must be done during compliance check sweeps. Right before hurricane season too since these folks can’t be sheltered.

I’m glad I visited Disney World once when I was young. Floridah is so politically messed up that I will NEVER visit that state again even if I was off the registry. It amazes me that anyone would want to live there or vacation there.

Police : “Hi”
Me: “fifth amendment”
Police: “can we ask you about your cars”
Me: … silence…

keystone cops at best….good job goober

I am hoping there is a GOOD lawyer in Florida can take this to court and clean out the sheriff’s pockets.

To hell with Florida politics.

I went to the original source article and there was only 1 comment there. People either don’t read that major online paper much (or the story) or no one, including Registered People, cares much about this. Just another day of stupid.

That’s too bad because some of those people who were arrested might be like me and have already very significantly retaliated for this. People could be dead because of Grady Polk’s stupidity. What a true moron.

Inspector Clueso of the Polk county sheriffs department says, “They didn’t register their cars so they are up to something.” Really? Now we know why the crime in Florida is soaring like never before. What possible connection is there to forgetting to register a car and plotting an unrelated crime. Or is just people on the registry. If a police officer is late registering his car is he “up to something” and should be arrested? This is simple harassment of a undesirable minority class, nothing more.

Hmm. I guess it took a fair amount of investigating to determine that these vehicles belong to or are used by these registrants. And by investigating, I mean a check with the DMV. That being the case, then why is it so critical that the vehicles be registered separately?

How is it that the Polk County SO can dedicate so much time and effort investigating routine activity (though normal for everyone else) of registrants but whine about lack of resources to investigate other crimes? How many unsolved murders, assaults, robberies, and missing person cases are in Polk County? Why aren’t the resources dedicated to harassing registrants being used on them?

is this even legal?
I hope some law firm step up to this and say. This is illegal and here’s why

could this not be a great constitution case?

if you don’t speak when you register then you will be arrested for failure to register, if you do speak when you register then they can use that information against you. catch 22

It’s so much more fulfilling for them to chase down unarmed , peaceful citizens with minor infractions than to actually go out and confront mass shooting suspects, gangsters, and armed theives. That could actually get them killed!