NJ: Huge increase in released sex offenders is draining resources from other inmates

Across the United States, a growing number of incarcerated individuals are being released to face the barriers to reintegration with no support. From 1990 to 2012, the number of max-outs – those who serve their entire sentences incarcerated and are released entirely unsupervised – increased by 119 percent, so that according to the latest numbers from Pew Charitable Trusts, the current max out rate across the country is 22 percent. …

Nevertheless, the number of individuals released to supervision in New Jersey continues to decline. In 2003, nearly 7,777 individuals were released to parole, but in 2017, only 2,759. Simultaneously, the percentage of sex offenders on parole is steadily increasing. Megan’s Law, enacted in New Jersey in 1994, required that all sex offenders be on Parole or Community Supervision for Life (PSL/CSL). As a result, the number of parole slots filled by sex offenders has increased dramatically. Full Article

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Well what the hell did NJ expect when they created CSL and then PSL?

Sure, Community Supervision for Life and Parole Supervision for Life contain an avenue to get off it (15 years for level 1, 25 years for level 2, level 3 is truly LIFE on parole) but they also have a condition law that says those 15 or 25 years have to be crime free. CRIME free, not necessarily SEX CRIME free. Violating any of the conditions of CSL/PSL if a felony… ie CRIME; misdemeanors count as crimes too. ANY new crime within those 15/25 years reset’s the clock on those 15/25 years.

Go 14 years and 364 days crime free and then drink a beer thinking you made it… hope you don’t get caught as that beer will get you not only get you a felony and up to 30 years in prison (probably not though) but it will also get you 15/25 more years on CSL/PSL.

Thanks Kanka’s. Thanks New Jerseyians. Now you wanna bitch that your other type of criminals can’t get paroled because sex offenders take up too many parole “slots”? Fuck off.

Of course I support the banishment of all registries however, stories like this all have a silver lining. These legislators keep creating more and more registries and placing people on them for life and banishing them to leper colonies. It just speeds up the day when the entire system collapses under its own gluttony.

Jesus, 15/25/lifetime on parole or probation?

Minimum 15 years of asking your po month in advance if you can leave the state?

Minimum 15 years of parolee-paid polygraph screenings?

Minimum 15 years of random drug screenings?

Minimum 15 years of no right to deny consent to a search of your home or self?

Minimum 15 years of the Halloween security theater?

Minimum 15 years of no alcohol?

And that’s ON TOP of registering every year/90 days?

Jesus. In some ways, probation was almost harder than prison. At least in prison, the rules are clear. On probation, I would often break out in a cold sweat thinking I might have forgotten one of the many, many restrictions on my life. You never feel 100% safe on probation

@R M:
“Thanks Kanka’s. Thanks New Jerseyians. Now you wanna bitch that your other type of criminals can’t get paroled because sex offenders take up too many parole “slots”? Fuck off.”
Nice summation. 🙂 And that’s the @R M I’ve grown to know! Adding to your point, if ML is this panacea, there’s no reason for CSL/PSL is there? Or, if CSL/PSL is the answer, there’s no need for ML. Neither is the answer, of course, because laws only work if they influence one’s behavior. Standing on their own, they’re useless and just words on paper. I posit there’s not a law on the face of the earth that has remained unbroken.

What good is being released , when all the rules send you back for b.s. and long sentences and charges ??

Even in Tier 1, a friend is being tracked with GPS. It beeps randomly. We were at church and it started beeping. We had to leave. At school, it beeped, he decided against taking more classes.
And for what? For crimes that may not have been convicted in other states and in the majority of the world.
If the goal is for sex offenders to commit suicide, can we at least have humane euthanasia for this case?