CA: Governor’s New Executive Order Encourages Remote Registration


California Governor Gavin Newsom has issued a new Executive Order that encourages law enforcement agencies “to adopt telephonic, remote, or other procedures for registration” for a period of 60 days.  The Order also encourages law enforcement agencies to “post or publicize” any new registration procedures it adopts “through means calculated to reach any person subject to the (Sex Offender Registration) Act.”

“Governor Newsom has demonstrated both leadership and compassion by issuing an order that encourages law enforcement agencies to stop in-person registration for 60 days,” stated ACSOL Executive Director Janice Bellucci.  “The adoption of alternate registration procedures will save lives by reducing the threat of COVID-19 infection.”

In order to ensure that the important requirements of the Sex Offender Registration Act remain in place, the Governor’s Order suspends  the Act’s requirement that registrants provide their signature, fingerprints and photographs for 60 days.

“This Order will protect the public in a more efficient manner as well as maximize public safety,” stated ACSOL President Chance Oberstein.

Although the Order encourages the use of alternative methods for registration, it allows law enforcement agencies to continue in-person registration for individuals who lack the technology required for those methods.

In addition to registration, the Governor’s Order includes changes to a variety of state requirements involving such matters as driver’s licenses, public school project inspectors and workers’ compensation claims.  According to the Order, these changes are necessary due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Read the statement on Gov. Newsom’s website

CA Governors Order for Remote Registration – 8 May 2020 (PDF)


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I’m betting the cops go rogue now.

It seems like the order could be grounds in the future to argue that in person registration was never really necessary. Granted the text of the law is what it is, but if the text can be waived temporarily then perhaps it didn’t really have the intended “regulatory” benefit in the first place. Oh sure extra information gives some people a sense of security. Yet the data shows no one is actually safer let alone deterred more from breaking laws if they truly want to cause chaos.

👍👍👍 This is great news!! I have to register in a few weeks and, hopefully, my local police department will revise registration guidelines for COVID-19 safety. THANK YOU, ACSOL & JANICE, FOR ALL YOUR HARD WORK!!! 😁
(My monthly donation is modest, but I am so glad I can support ACSOL!!)

A step in the right direction

Wow. They really are struggling hard to stay relevant during Corona. Seems like they hate anything competing against us that is scarier, so I’m sure they can’t wait for this to be over so it’s back to “business as usual” for them! Ratcheting up the fear propaganda of sex offenders appears to be their mainstay.

@ Happy. Thanks for the tip about VA police althought I never have went their site. I did get a call from the PO today and it appears I have a young man. Since the last two months I have not registered due to this virus. He updated me to all this monitering by phone gave me a date in june to report, left me his number, and went about his other daily work. One doubt’s if they will penalize you during this pandemic period we are going thru.

It all boils down to responsiblity in many other things. Even letting some prisoners is a responsiblity that are goign thru someof this ordeal I would suppose.

So this 60 day period has passed – has it been extended? Given this second and more severe wave of covid infections – are we not taking this as serious the 2nd time?