OK: Registered sex offender back behind bars after attending own child’s birthday party

Source: kfor.com 11/15/21

A registered sex offender in Edmond was arrested on Friday night after attending his own child’s birthday party, where he was illegally surrounded by children.

“Doug ____ had been on my radar for quite some time,” said Brian Bates.

Local private investigator Brian Bates had been looking into registered sex offender Doug ____ for years before this happened on Friday night.

“I received information from some parents that Doug ____ was getting ready to host a child’s birthday party at a local trampoline park,” Bates said. “Sure enough, his truck’s parked out front.”

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So, now they want to know if his work has brought him into any home where a cold may be present, probably so they can add more charges. If society really wants registrants to not even possibly work in the vicinity of any kids, how about a law to guarantee annual payments to registrants of $250k each per year to not work at all? If that sounds ludicrous to anyone in the general public, they need to shut up rather than try to find the odd child in a place where a registrant is working. We all need jobs to survive!🤦‍♂️

Sick and twisted! Does this PI not have anything better to do than harass a father attending his own daughter’s birthday? Not only that, but now trying to mess with his employment. No care for how this father is supposed to help support his child. Not to mention the trauma from seeing your father get arrested for being at your birthday party.

Brian Bates is a P.O.S. I’m praying he gets the karma he so richly deserves.

Because the Oppression Lists (OLs) exist, I go out of my way to be around random children. All the time. I did so yesterday from early afternoon until late in the evening. I will do it today and tomorrow. It is legal and it always will be, unless Amerika continues to devolve as scumbags like Brian Bates want. Such “people” must be neutralized. They have nothing productive to contribute to society.

The OLs are an act of war. Everyone needs to act like it.

Nice going Oklahoma for causing trauma to a daughter of a registrant. If his daughter’s friend’s parents’ were concerned they could of stayed at the trampoline park. What private investigator follows someone for years just to find a reason for an arrest? Now will he be looked at because he’s a contractor and might come in contact with a minor? How many times do minors come in contact with people who have done terrible things that nobody knows? Trying to survive isn’t a crime unless you are black listed, so how is this not punishment and punitive. Common sense has left the country!!

This PI followed this guy for years? Really?!
I guess this PI needed some more business so figured he would have an easy way to get his name in the papers/online – as long as $ex Offender was in the title of any news article with his name in it will bring him new clients.

Why would this PI say he has been watching this guy for years? Easy, he wanted to make it seem like it was a long hard journey and the payoff was well worth it. It adds a bit more meat to the articles.

All nonsense!!!!

I’m tired of reading crap like this!!

Police wonder why they’re hated.

For the rest of that child life. She will never trust law enforcement.

Aside from the argument that this is unconstitutional, I feel like a good attorney could, based on the presence restriction statute argue as the person arrested already argued that he wasn’t loitering, a necessary condition for a this presence restriction violation. Secondly, whether or not it’s called a park in the name, it doesn’t seem to fit the definition of ‘park’ as it is defined in the statute. I of course didn’t look at OK cases to see if courts have somehow broadened the definition but who knows.

Either way, this is ridiculous but I won’t rehash others posts.

Okay, let’s be honest. Was he convicted of a child related offense? Yes! Was he on parole? Yes! So, he obviously needs to accept the terms of his status and move on. This really sucks, but he needs to at least respect his parole requirements! If you violate the law, you have consequences!

I hate to imagine what future birthdays will be like for that poor traumatized child.
Good work, asshat law enforcement. 🤨🙄

What laws did he supposedly break? He mentioned not loitering, was this a loitering law he broke? No actual specific charges were mentioned by LE in the piece. Interesting.

Unfortunately, the subject in question (Doug D.) is in fact on active probation for his prior offense (I did the research), and therefore, sadly, very well may be in technical violation. Hopefully, if his probation officer (and judge) is at all reasonable, there will be no re-incarceration. But finding a reasonable p.o. (and judge) in the state of Oklahoma could be problematic. Well..we’ll see.

As to this p.o.s. Brian Bates, he has been a “vigilante” for decades, who has up to recently targetted johns, pimps, and prostitutes. He claims to have started this to clean up his own neighborhood which was infested with street crimes/sex trafficking, etc. He purports to have compassion for these folks. He says that he just wanted to get the city to do something to clean up the area, and the publishing of videos of citizens “in flagrante delicto” was his method. I have strong doubts as to the veracity of such claims.

But it seems that this “compassion” does not extend to registered citizens. And I am curious as to why this particular subject (Doug D.) has been “on his radar for quite some time”. Perhaps ‘Citizen Bates’ has changed the focus of his vigilantism from johns, hookers, and pimps to registered citizens.

He makes $$$ off his video recordings by marketing/licensing the recordings to media around the world. What a vulture.

PLEASE do not think that all private investigators are this way. I was a criminal defense investigator for 25 years. I do not know of any other p.i. who would even dream of doing anything even remotely similar to this. Citizen Bates is an outlier, and I strongly condemn his so-called ‘activism’ that does nothing but cause harm and increase the likelihood of a registered citizen recidivating. I am deeply saddened by this story.