The families of two of the girls murdered in Henryetta want stricter laws for convicted sex offenders.
The families are calling it “Knight’s Law”- after Henryetta’s school mascot.
There are 13 laws they would like to see passed as part of their “Knight’s Law” push. The main one is anyone convicted of a sex crime against a child would be sentenced to life in prison without parole.
If passed, these laws would mean more jail time for anyone convicted of sex crimes against children, notify people about sex offenders living near them, and reject marriage licenses for anyone who has minor children but wants to marry a sex offender.
“It’s very personal to me, and I will devote the rest of my life to making sure, hopefully, not too long, this Knight’s Law becomes the national law. Because we need it. We need to start protecting our kids,” said Justin Webster
“The main one is anyone convicted of a sex crime against a child would be sentenced to life in prison without parole.
“…. hopefully, not too long, this Knight’s Law becomes the national law”
Well, I guess that’s one way to abolish the Registries – make them unnecessary because everyone would be in prison for life without parole.
🤯 That’s insane. 😱
“….and reject marriage licenses for anyone who has minor children but wants to marry a sex offender.”
Oh? And would the law also somehow forbid someone convicted of a sexual offense from having their own children? Or have their own children with their new spouse?? 🤷🏻♂️🧐
‘Guess they haven’t thought about that, huh? 🤔
The only person responsible for this crime is the one who committed the crime and not the other Oklahoma registrants. Where do they get their stats on registrants from the amber waves of hysteria? How will these laws honor the victims? Thanks for showing that the Registry is nothing but PUNISHMENT!!
“It’s very personal to me”
And therein lies the problem of how we got here. These people that hate obsess and bite the closest hand
You cannot legislate the world into a safer place for children.
These professional victims with their hate agendas will never get the perfect world they think their children deserve. It’s an outright fantasy to even think it’s possible.
I’d like to see this ever make it past a court fight. The right to marry is a fundamental civil right as stated I believe by the U.S. Supreme Court. Even prisons cannot prevent inmates from marrying. They must so long as the ceremony does not interfere with the good order and security of the institution. Conjugal visits to consumate the union can and usually are restricted, of course, and that’s legal.
But I think what needs to be questioned is the sensibility of a woman with young children wanting to marry a man who has a history of sexually abusing children.
As far as sentencing people who sexually abuse children to prison for life without parole, that sounds pretty harsh to me, just as I’m not crazy about the idea of people guilty of murder being given similar sentences, especially if they were young when the crime occurred. People naturally change as they get older, and prison can accelerate that process. And these changes are quite often for the better. A prisoner should always be allowed to demonstrate that he is ready to re-enter society to a parole board.
I despise politicians that pander to these professional victims who want to spill their PTSD bile onto the rest of the nation. I’m not minimizing the families that suffer from these horrid abuses- but they need therapy more than venting their rage on the next sex offender that has not anything to do with them.
I hate that Amerikans are so hateful. I love living in a thriving country but I’d prefer to live among smarter and more moral people.
Unfortunately, we are always going to have people who harm other people. It’s up to us moral, fair people to punish those people appropriately, get everyone healed and compensated, and get the perpetrator restored into a useful life where he/she does no harm.
When I see proposals and laws like these I pray that the people who end up being affected by them are the people who support them and their loved ones. I want it to be their children who are arrested and that we imprison for life. It is always someone’s child and I want it to be theirs.
It seems most of the people pushing this latest big government law are people who have already been affected by crime. I think that was “paying it forward”. Karma visited them first. How and why did they cause that? Perhaps they’ve always been sh*tty people. Registries killed most of my empathy for such people.
People who support draconian laws are the people who need to be impacted by them.
“Jesse took his own life, and I have to find a way to get justice for my daughter,” said Justin Webster, Ivy’s father.
What Justin meant to say: “Jesse took his own life. So I have to find another way to get a pint of blood, because I can’t gets it from Jesse since he’s worm food. So I gets it from these folks on the registry.”
Yeah right, Justin. You and your entire family are a bunch of slime balls.
Do they also advocate life sentences for fabricators of sex crime allegations?