9-Year-Olds Are Being Forced to Register as Sex Offenders. That Might Finally Change.

Source: slate.com 2/1/22

It’s hard not to get emotional about child sexual abuse. The thought of anyone hurting a child in this way is so egregious that it’s no wonder society has thrown its support behind a robust criminal justice response, including lengthy prison sentences and the registration and public notification of people convicted of this type of sex crime.

But what happens when the perpetrator of child sexual abuse is also a child?

This isn’t a thought experiment. In the United States, up to 70 percent of sexual offenses against children are perpetrated by other children, typically a slightly older relative or playmate who offends in the context of ignorance, impulsivity, and convenience, not predation. Many states subject these kids to the same criminal consequences as adults who have been convicted of sex crimes; the most impactful of which can be registration and public notification, which typically lasts for decades or life, depending upon the conviction or adjudication offense.

The problem is registration and notification don’t work. All published research evaluating juvenile registration has found that these policies fail to improve community safety in any way. Studies informed by tens of thousands of cases examined whether putting kids on the registry reduces sexual recidivism—it does not; or violent recidivism—it does not; or nonviolent recidivism—it does not; or deters first-time sex crimes—it does not. What registration does is place substantial barriers in front of kids and make it less likely they will succeed. Which is why the American Law Institute is set to suggest a radical change to the nation’s sex crime laws.

In March, the Council of the American Law Institute will meet to vote on revisions to the Model Penal Code, which include recommendations that will make it all but impossible to register children for sexual offenses. This comes after the ALI postponed a January vote to formally accept the revisions, following fierce pushback from national law enforcement advocates, who are largely basing their opposition on the tug of emotion and not reasoned outcomes. We strongly encourage the Council to move forward with the sorely needed proposed changes when it meets again in March.

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“To protect our most important but vulnerable citizens…”(Smith V, 03) Yes they were hard selling the concept of database registry for the sake of the children, just to end up indenturing them to it. IMO forcing children into such a relative disposition to machine makes the people no better than the offender themselves. Victimites often point to the disgusting acts done by offenders and their impact upon the future of victims lives, and righly so, but two wrong do not equate to a right. The fact that kids are on it proves the real primary intent was actually the alternative purpose cited dozens of times in constitutional challenges. But those who insisted on its ever broadening scope are in the record itself having done so. As are the coercive tactics of Byrne Grant types which paved the way.

When I read this headline my first thought was that the criminal regimes must have changed over to executing the 9 year olds instead of Registering them. That might be incorrect.

Only a real immoral, sh*thole country would ever list even one 9 year old on Hit Lists. You have to be wholly immoral and incompetent to have that result and think it is okay. But that is Amerika and its Hit Lists. Just some “unintended consequences” that are caused by “people” who are incompetent and/or worse.

The best part of this article is that it says outright and right away – “The problem is registration and notification don’t work.” I think it would be effective if ever single person who ever writes about the Hit Lists (i.e. all of us and more), for any reason, would include some kind of common statement, tagline, slogan, whatever. Something that states the reality of the Hit Lists. It could even be a true slogan! But some famous propagandists have said that if you repeat something, even a lie, over and over and over again, even if it is a misconception, it becomes a preconception, then a belief. Something to that effect. So let’s make some slogan famous and instantly recognizable.

I’m surprised that ACSOL doesn’t already have something. Maybe “ACSOL – Working to Make America Decent Finally”? But that doesn’t mention the Hit Lists.

How about, “The Sex Offense Registries do not improve public safety or protect anyone. Worse, they are counterproductive and cause widespread harm and danger to all of America.” We could start even single piece of communication with that. Or end every piece. Or both. I just think repeating the same thing over and over and over again might beat some sense into the heads of the slow “people” who think Hit Lists are acceptable. They’ll keep supporting the Hit Lists, no matter the results, until/unless it is seen as the choice of losers (or not PC?!). I think its all about their self-esteem and self-image.

Placing children on the Registries is obscenely abhorrent and disgustingly immoral!! It’s a pinnacle of sadism for our socalled “justice” system! 😡

This needs to go to the state AGs who wrote their letter and to ALI for reading.

I’m glad to see Slate putting the ALI issue in the public eye.

I noticed Patty Wetterling being quoted in there, too. Perhaps @ACSOL should reach out to her for next year’s DC event… She’s been on the record a few times, including in a NH or MA court case, regarding her opinion about registries.

While it is indeed important to help the kids on the registry, it gets tiring seeing all of these people talk about the hardships kids face being on it, but then there’s crickets when it comes to adults on it. Kids are still taken care of and have a roof over their heads. Adults are expected to take care of themselves and their children. If its bad for minors, its a thousand times worse for adults on it since they must face trying to earn a living and functiong in a society that does not want them there. Besides that, its asinine to talk about the hardships kids face under the registry, then act as if it doesnt matter anymore just because they turned 18. Obviously I know ALI does not believe in what I just wrote and is trying to do the right thing, society however…………

Why is this buffoon wearing combat attire….shin guards, long baton, etc.?


Humanities! Harassment! Let freedom and real just Ring! Sounds like someone is provoking by inducement. No law enforcement organization should harass another in any type of a sexual way via internet means or other. Even prostitution entrapment is a bit uneasy or are they putting those in jeapordy on the registry for some public safety issue or community safety registration issue. Talk about “Masks” ! Are they really for public safety, death or what? This database theory some can believe that but actually its about behavior inducement or what gets your goat about this violent or is a freedom ride for kid abuse by government intervention gone sour.
 Sure registration and notification doesn’t work and does impair people in many ways even to cause emotional damage. Locking them up doesn’t work. And yes a tug of emotions rather than reasoning needs to be heard. Talk about human rights for kids as well adults. Much of this needs to end for many.