$20 million given to states and territories to register and track sex offenders

Source: wtaj.com 11/14/22

The Office of Justice Programs Office of Sex Offender Sentencing, Monitoring, Apprehending, Registering, and Tracking announced it has awarded approximately $20 million to help states, U.S. territories and tribal communities register and track sex offenders and protect Americans from sexual violence.

.“Its important for the professionals charged with protecting the public to have information about where people convicted of sex offenses live, work and attend school,” Deputy Assistant Attorney General Maureen A. Henneberg said. 

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I am grateful that I register in a jurisdiction where some puny cut of $16 million is not likely to move the needle.

That being said, this combined with the new regs are indicators the feds are finally getting more serious about federal SORNA, which is bad. It seems nothing will ever be enough for the federal government, and only the courts can chip away at this madness.

I will end with a response to Henneberg:

.“Its important for the professionals charged with protecting the public to have information about where people convicted of sex offenses live, work and attend school,”

No, it’s really not, especially considering almost no other liberal democracy does this on the scale and with the intensity we already do.

Can you spell Cash Cow? Should I tell you the story of the reverse engineering of snapchat’s very unique algorithmic source code ( bobbys work)and who was responsible for the theft? Ultimately it comes down to which few benefit most from unfettered application of the database. BTW 20M is peanuts.
The SMART Office will 900,000 to the Institute for intergovernmental Research for maintenance, operations and technical improvements to the Dru Sjodin National sex offender public website registry and allow for nation wide scale of searches.
How many masters are the registered to serve?

The sentence phase of the Darrell Brooks case is under way. Catch it live on the YT
So much for being compliant equating to safety.

This is probably the most ignorant article I have ever read. How is $2.2 million going to prevent sexual assaults on athletes? What exactly is that money going to do? Nothing. No one can prevent a sexual crime from happening, and no amount of money is going to stop it either.
How is this money going to help track registrants? If the government is so concerned about safety, maybe it would be better to invest the money into something more meaningful like, I don’t know, maybe tracking convicted drug dealers? Maybe give it to border patrol to help fight the influx of illegals crossing into our borders with fentanyl? Maybe give it to schools so they can hire armed guards to protect kids from school shootings?
My daughter goes to a private school but I am more concerned about her getting shot or someone giving her something laced with fentanyl than I am about her being sexually assaulted. I am more concerned about her being hit by a drunk driver while playing outside than being abducted by a stranger. I am more concerned about her being accidentally hit with a stray bullet from a drive by shooting than being groped by a registrant.
Our government is stupid to think that knowing where I live and work is going to prevent me from reoffending. If I wanted to do something stupid, which I won’t, letting the public know where I live, work, what kind of vehicles I own, etc., will NEVER prevent me from committing a future sex crime. The only thing that prevents me is MYSELF.
By the way, since the government has all this money to waste on this, can I stop paying the annual $50 registration fee now? Seems they don’t need it any more.

A short YT vid on Slavery. Who wins who loses and why.

This description is more or less as described by Thomas Powell work. Did slavery make the west richer. Indentured servitude is recognized under the 13th Amendment.

Millions wasted on preemptive witch hunting, then continue to brag about waging a war they’ll never win! They’re basically admitting the boondoggle must be protected and defended. This is the worse kind of dystopia

This is all about the CORRUPTED UNITED STATES GOVERNEMENT to TRACK its citizens, nothing more. IF they could they wold have everyone a sex offender so they know where everyone is.

“Its important for the professionals charged with protecting the public to have information about where people convicted of sex offenses live, work and attend school,” Deputy Assistant Attorney General Maureen A. Henneberg said. 

Protecting the public? In other words, the regulatory scheme’s purpose is about deterrence and custody. Those are two factors of punishment. Once no longer under custody, a person regains their rights. This isn’t the case with the registry. You are still under custody of the state and are actively being deterred daily, which is like an open warrant to spy on a person.

This article is more proof that the registry is a money making scheme for the state. The production being produced is fear and the state law enforcement corrals those monies. The people working the fear are all those on the registry. On some state registry, there is no way out of the registry. Some other states, there is a way out off the registry and it depends on your time served. Once you’ve paid that secondary debt to the society under the guise of a regulatory scheme called the registry, then you become free from that “fear making machine”.

That’s exactly what indentured servitude is. You are told once out of custody that you are a free citizen again. Yet, you are subjected under penalty of law to be this “fear factor” like you’re a circus animal that’s paraded around by law enforcement. Your payment to get off the registry, if it is allowed, is the time spent being a part of the “fear factor”.

We have known for decades that the recidivism rates for sex crimes are one of the lowest rates for crimes, only behind murderers. We have also known for decades that the registry doesn’t affect the recidivism rates.

There is a penal system. If a person convicted of sex commits another sex crime, then they are put back into jail for an even longer period of time. Rinse and repeat. Under a California monitoring board called CASOMB, for three consecutive years the re-offense rates were under 1%. CASOMB stopped reporting re-offense rates after that third year. That mean over 99% of people who committed sex crimes are subjected to not have their full right restored as citizens for what? Fear mongering? Yes. For fear mongering because fear mongering is a lucrative business, it can also help propel once up the political stratosphere.

Meanwhile, there’s kids starving, lunch debt, families going bankrupt due to medical issues.

But let’s waste 20 million dollars on a <5% recidivism rate.

Deputy Assistant Attorney General Maureen A. Henneberg needs to be educated, she has an uninformed view point that needs to be informed,
I hope someone will show her the facts and the truth.

Just think. If each PFR gave only $5 , we could likely pay off the same people not to bother with us. Justice goes to the highest bidder.

Human rights alert! They’re deliberately violating rights of their own citizens.

Offering money in exchange for tracking and keeping registrants in “compliance”, seems like a bribery.

I would LOVE to see the report as to how much $$$ the U.S. Govt. has paid to foreign countries to get those countries to either institute “registration schemes” where none had previously existed, or to make their existing schemes more “restrictive/draconian”.

And how much $$ was spent by the U.S. Govt. to bribe or “lobby” foreign govt.’s to pass laws prohibiting the entrance of registrants into those countries? And for foreign govt’s to institute “reporting of travel” by their offender population when seeking to travel into the U.S….etc etc….

I wonder how much money was given to state and territories to build housing projects and low income apartment buildings and create ghettos in urban neighborhoods, how much was used in Welfare programs to keep people uneducated and unemployed, high on Drugs so they don’t Vote or care too.
In today’s society, If a sex offender hurt someone’s child whether it was true or not and a group of men kidnapped him tortured him, then strung him up and hanged him from a tree, they probably would be considered Hero’s, they’d get sentence to 20 years in prison and only do 5-6
American hasn’t changed one bit, if PFR plan on seeing any type of justice they better start marching they better start fighting back, millions of African-Americans died for the rights they have now it wasn’t just given.

Last edited 1 year ago by AEROPOST

I have to agree with disgusted in Michigan. 20 million for setting up someone via the internet coy with sex bait angle. Than giving them a plea deal. One wonder who is a sinner today or has the most dirtiest mouth. Guess publican’s can bare the sword but in many area’s justice in this sex registry is a bit out of balance. When government persuade, entices, pressures one in much of this registry than who yells FOUL and Janice wanted to teak up to D.C to stand up for justice when one can do it in their own backyard if one wants.

While many are looking for the free way out or the self justification.. such as its all about the database or this plea deal scam type error of innocent, than someone should understand what the opportunity is to bring some of this registry down. Many on here are for self or does every picture tell a story (good song). I believe someone said … the mind is a terrible thing to waste. So many of you all can just get on living this day to day dung hill or write letters to those Government blow hearts that don’t want to hear.