MO: Sex offenses bill package heard in Senate Committee

Source: 4/26/23

Missouri is reviewing whether to update its sex offender registry requirements for those who are convicted of committing crimes against children and the mentally disabled. A Senate committee is considering the public safety bill, sponsored by Representative Justin Hicks of Lake St. Louis.

“It amends the sex offender list to ensure that individuals that have committed child sex crimes are classified as tier three offenders, which would equal a lifetime registration requirement,” he says. “It codifies the language from that was rolled on in January from the Supreme Court as far as if you meet the federal requirements for registration and it equals a lifetime registration in Missouri and that is due to funding requirements here in the state.”

From a public safety standpoint, Hicks says the big issue is the number of people that are not registering to be on the list.

“The main reason, overall, though, is that we need to make sure that we’re protecting kids here in the state of Missouri, and child sex offenders have a recidivism rate of, I believe it’s 23% in the state, and usually when child sex offences are actually prosecuted and reported, there’s already been multiple child sex offenses have already happened from that individual,” Hicks says.

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Missouri residents, call, write, and show up to hearings now! Don’t let these hateful bills pass without a fight! Tell the ignorant politicians the real statistics, not fictitious “23%” reoffense number used to rationalize these hysteria-based laws. Work with Women Against Registry to fight this (they are located in Missouri).

It’s all hyped up legislation. It’s repugnant that such lies are all dispersered in an effort to somehow make the precious kids “safe”. Tell ya what Missouri, why don’t you start educating kids in sexuality and just tell them no matter what they are tempted to do that anything you get caught doing sexually will result in someone else going to prison and destroying their lives. Put the fear of God, Satan, hell even the cookie monster all in them with such fear that they can’t even piss without fear some cop would come arrest the toilet. I’m so pissed at this crap. After my arrest during the interview the last question asked of me was “what about that other girl”? They knew they had me beat down and was so fearful they could extract whatever. My only response was an absolute truthful “huh? What girl(s)?”. That was it. But hey according to this article I’ve been out doing all sorts of sex offenses. This crap just pisses me off. It just won’t stop.

“The main reason, overall, though, is that we need to make sure that we’re protecting kids here in the state of Missouri, and child sex offenders have a recidivism rate of, I believe it’s 23% in the state, and usually when child sex offences are actually prosecuted and reported, there’s already been multiple child sex offenses have already happened from that individual,” Hicks says.

Again, conservative Republican politicians lying. And now they’re using the last year’s SORNA “reform” as an excuse to add more people to the registry in Missouri from a “public safety standpoint” according to Republican (the article fails to mention party) Justin Hicks of Lake St. Louis.

“The main reason, overall, though, is that we need to make sure that we’re protecting kids here in the state of Missouri, and child sex offenders have a recidivism rate of, I believe it’s 23% in the state,…”

I’ve let AI checked around the net and it has found no direct verification to Hick’s claims about child sex offenders. The closest it has found was a study that revealed 22% sexual recidivism for HIGH-RISK offenders already on Tier 3. In short Hicks was distorting facts to fit his narrative. Typical career politician ploy always using Registrants to move ahead in politics.

Hicks is full of it , he shows zero proof for anything he says , that in itself should be enough for such garbage to not pass , numbers like he is talking are strait out lies ! and needs to be questioned . easy to prove he is lying and should be pointed out on the floor ,

Representative Justin Hicks, R-Lake St. Louis is a lying P.O.S. Moral Americans must stop putting up with scumbags like him/it.

Remember, the enemy of Americans live in Amerika. … these scum. And don’t forget that they are very likely indoctrinating any spouses or children that they have. They attack families. They deserve the same.

In my mind, representative Justin Hicks of Lake St. Louis has some skeletons in his closet. As so many in politics who claim to be passionate about stopping child sex crimes use this rhetoric to deflect their actual interest in children. His actions put him on my radar as an offender who has yet to be caught. I predict he will be on the registry sooner rather than later.

I guarantee that Hicks did not get into power with the support of fellow African-Americans in nearby St. Louis. Catering to the suburban Missouri hillbilly crowd pays dividends. 🤠

Interesting that a, I presume, Conservative Representative would throw the State’s cops under the clown car like that! 

Hicks claims that people only get caught after they have assaulted multiple victims. So, how’s that possible if the cops aren’t incompetent? According to Hicks, the cops only succeed in stopping assaults after multiple failures to prevent have already happened…how does that say anything other than, “Incompetent”?

So Hicks assumes the cops of his State are so inept at preventing child SOs that they always require multiple bites at the apple before success is even possible? Success is only possible after multiple failures? Shocking admission for a conservative Representative. So is it accurate? Are the State’s police so inept that success is only possible after multiple failures more often than not? 

According to Hicks, this is the case. People only get caught after they have assaulted multiple victims…and this legislation makes no efforts of any kind to change this. You only get to put people on the registry after they catch them…and nobody gets caught until after they have assaulted multiple victims. So changes to the registry changes nothing about the ineptitude of the police…according to Representative Hicks…who is apparently fine with the cop failures.

Why is this not being pointed out at a National level at all times? The more claims of absurd average victim counts, the more inept the cops have to be. How is it possible that the “Average PFR” has numerous victims before they are known to the police for even one, if they aren’t incompetent?

Either the Cops are clownishly inept, or somebody’s lying….one of those things HAS TO BE TRUE!