NC: Nash County father goes to police for help, then they charged his 10-year-old daughter for having nude photos of herself on phone

Source: 9/2/23

A Rocky Mount man told WRAL News his 10-year-old daughter was charged with a felony for having nude pictures of herself on her cellphone.

The county’s district attorney said it’s a charge he’s never seen brought against a child before. The father said he now has concerns about how the charge will impact his daughter’s future.

The father said his now 11-year-old daughter is a normal kid who likes basketball, drawing and spending time with family.

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When will people learn not to trust the police. The father should have handled this on his own by talking to his daughter about why its inappropriate for her to do this, find out if she was sending it to a classmate or an adult. He should have deleted the pictures of her and discussed it with the parents of the kids (if children recipients) and let them deal with their kids. Only involve the cops if it was an adult pressuring the daughter to take the photos.

Wow, an 11 yr old girl that’s sexual? According to various organizations (I. E. RAINN) consent is never ever possible unless you’re 18. So this young girl had to have been trafficked or someone coerced her to do this because she is absolutely positively unequivocally NEVER capable of doing anything sexual like this herself, ever! In any case someone out there is about to get their lives destroyed. The DA and PO PO will make that a certainty. They’ll drill this girl down till she (perhaps falsely) admits who put it into her head to do such a thing, then go after them. One thing for sure, this girls life does not matter to anyone. If her life mattered at all they’d send her home with her father and forget the entire thing. But they lack the emotional and psychological maturity to do that, it’s just not in their reelection interests to do so. So, her budding sexuality will be exploited, but not for anyone other than the police and some lustful DA looking for more prosecutions. They’ll never stop in destroying anyone and everyone in their pursuit of “protecting just one child’s innocence”. Just ask yourself this question, is she the first and only girl who’s ever done that? Will she be the last? Or is there some girl being born right now that in another 12 yrs will be experiencing curiosities as well? Better nip that in the bud right now. Get this girl on the registry for production of child porn and name herself as her own victim, and make it for life that’ll prevent more exploitation!.. Bunch of clowns..

This certainly begs the question of what caused the most harm to the child; her taking nude selfies or having to deal with police and going through mental health counseling. And I thought that charging children with a sex offense for playing doctor was the height of absurdity.

Once upon a time, and not so long ago, there was a difference between nudity and porn.

It’s easy to blame the father for getting the cops involved. But I believe he really thought those monkeys would help him track down some “predators” who may have gotten hold of his daughters photos. Instead, dad baited his daughter into jaws of the system made up of heartless scumbags of prosecutors and LEOs.

This is what we’ve discussed here before. Exploiting themselves and being charged for it in possession and not producing it. She’s the example for the rest of the state and nation to see, sadly. The audacity for the dad to be told to take a parenting class for doing his role in the first place is nuts but that’s NC for you.

This country is over! May God have mercy on us all!!!

Dear NC father John Q. Public,
The masses wanted tougher sex offense laws & punishments*.
So this is the “Find Out” phase. 🤷🏻‍♂️

*Be careful what you wish for. 🤷🏻‍♂️

This needs to be made extremely public. Whether it’s the cities townhall or the states; mayoral, city council, or governor and senator debates: 100% of those in attendance need to be talking about this to all the law makers. Parents need to be aware that their own children will be victimized by the law.

If this had been my daughter, I would have handled it myself. There’s NO WAY I would have gone to the cops about it. This father needs to learn how to be a better parent.

Will those who viewed her nude pictures be charged with CP? Remember every time an image is viewed the victim gets re-victimized.