Comments that are not specific to a certain post should go here, for the month of Aug 2024. Contributions should relate to the cause and goals of this organization and please, keep it courteous and civil. This section is not intended for posting links to news articles without additional relevant comment.
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Action Alert for CA! Call, then Show Up to Committee April 8 Hearing on Senate Bill 286 That Prohibits Early Release
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CA: Lawmakers using Senate Bill 286 for pushing to disqualify aging violent sex offenders from early parole
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KS: Kansas lawmakers push for HB 2164 law restricting sex offenders from schools
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Yeah, we’re the danger to society……..
So if I was convicted of 288.2 years ago and was never listed on the public site, and then received 17b and 1203.4… and then the tiered registry came along and plastered me with full info on the ML site… I can sue the state if I lose a job when someone finds out right? Or if I face any kind of discrimination or harassment when someone finds me on the ML site?
Theoretically I should be able to sue right now. 1203.4 says my conviction can’t be shared to anyone but me or law enforcement and yet the state put it up on a public site. The CA DOJ is violating 1203.4.
I mean, it’s right there, no room for interpretation.
But I’m wrong. The state can do whatever they want to us and the courts just rubber stamp it. I don’t get it.
I got my current job before I was listed but I think if I had been listed I wouldn’t have gotten it. I’ve been looking to move on but can’t get an interview. I know the market is tough but I have 25 years in my field and there should be some nibbles by now. Sucks.
There have been a few comments on here lately about how to deal with parole/probation/supervision requirements. Most if not all I read said to basically just bow down and do what they say. I disagree and say fight.
You all can do that but you could also fight.
Bryan v state
Bryant v state
A former Air Force member fled the U.S. and is now fighting for Russia because he was facing 5 yrs in prison for CP possession. He had pics and video of a 17 yr old. He had also gone to meet her. He says his decision was based on his political views, but we here know that is BS. He would rather face death on the battlefield for a dictator than live here with the big “R” on his forehead. Sad that it comes to this. I don’t approve of his decision, but I don’t blame him either.
So my jury duty came in but I thought number 12 is not supposed to ask me that question
“America pushes a mythology about fairness. Justice. The rule of law. But that is the myth. That is smoke and mirrors. At its core, those are not the values that America lives.
The values that America lives are power, money, and politics. Are there good judges who are truly fair, impartial, without bias? Yes, there are.
Are most judges fair, impartial, and without bias? No. Not in my opinion.
In my opinion, most judges in America are political actors. That’s how they got appointed or elected. And when you get to the Supreme Court, those are perhaps the most nakedly political actors in America’s judiciary.”
This is a negative comment. So if you don’t feel like hearing negativity on a glorious Friday (or whenever), I recommend skipping it.
I had the misfortune last week of needing to drive around a lot in a very large Amerikan city. EVERY time I do that it makes me realize why Amerika has Registries. The reason is that our country is just chock full of true, core a**holes and stupid people. If you ever doubt that, I feel that all you need to do is drive around in a large city for a while. I look around and think, “These are the vapid a**holes who think Registries are good.” Then I enjoy my deep hatred of them.
The roads are full of brainless, clueless people who have little to no concern for anyone except for themselves and their lives. A huge majority of the people have no idea what the laws are and a majority of those don’t care either. They are just going to do whatever feels good to them. And our law enforcement can’t be bothered much. Why deal with actual dangerous people and situations when you can jerk off with Registries all the time and get better back pats and more $$$$?
When I was last driving in that I was thinking about venting about it. Then I didn’t feel like it. Until I read an article last night about people being a**holes on airplanes. It was article by a travel reporter/critic that was talking about a recent incident where a plane was late, had landed, and the flight crew asked all of the passengers who did not have tight connecting flights to remain seated until others who did had deplaned. I’ve been on some flights like that before. It is such a minor courtesy to ask. But you can imagine what happened. The critic had video of all of it. That anti-social behavior is insane (literally).
As a PFR, I feel like I’ve been given permission to engage in a lot of on-going, continual anti-social behavior. Why should I be a model citizen? Why should I care to act better than 90% of the public? Or 20%?
I can tell you that I don’t care. The Registries radicalized me. I have to decide how much of the dark side that I want to embrace. There must be some great sayings about that from the Star Wars franchise.
Don’t let anyone ever tell you that Registries do not negatively affect all of Amerika. Just look around. Then think about all the things that are visible and know that most is not.
Have contacted immigration attorneys in Panama and Columbia to ask about migrating there but have been told I cannot because I am on the SO registry. Is there any country where I can immigrate too as a retiree without being denied? Can’t even go to the US Virgin Islands as a tourist. I’m a level 1 convicted in 2010 of Poss of CP, coming off probation soon.
Any help is appreciated.
Question. How does the sheriff’s office find out if you have unregistered email addresses? I see people in my county getting busted for it. Just curious.
America’s Criminal Justice System Is Rotten to the Core (CATO Institute, 7 June 2020)
The writer explains in the article “I see three fundamental pathologies in America’s criminal justice system that completely undermine its moral and political legitimacy and render it a menace to the very concept of constitutionally limited government. Those three pathologies are: (1) unconstitutional overcriminalization; (2) point-and-convict adjudication; and (3) near-zero accountability for police and prosecutors.”
(I thought this would be good reading for the forum masses here as we continually discuss legal matters related to PFRs et al.)
Hi all,
Has anyone been convicted in another state, registered there for some number of years, and then applied for relief from registration in CA after reaching the total number of years for their tier? I’m having trouble trying to get any answers from lawyers, the state, Sheriffs, etc.
Man today killed a mother and 14yr old son when he drove the opposite direction on a major hiway in Bay Area and hit them head on. He was driving on suspended license and had priors for DUI and cocaine possession. I bet if he had been a PFR that would have been listed before the other offenses…..
Janice and other attorneys from ACSOL have mentioned not to trust lawyers who advertise that they can obtain a pardon for this type of offense. It is discouraging when a licensed attorney takes advantage of families and the incarcerated to make money. See the LA Times link below.
State Bar accuses L.A. lawyer of misleading inmates and their desperate families (
A question about background checks.
I am a former registrant in California. In 2008 I was convicted of PC288(a)(b)1, and did a short time in county jail. The case was prosecuted as a felony with registration to follow. Post probation, it was reduced to a misdemeanor and I was later relieved of the requirement to register.
I was recently laid off from my job and am looking for new work. However, I am concerned about background checks.
As I understand, California does not permit reporting of criminal records more than 7 years old. However, I have read that “Certain Sex Offenses” and “Sex Offenses” are an exception to the rule.
But which is it?
Is it “certain” ones and if so, which? Or is it all of them?
I have an opportunity to work a job for the state, and it would not involve children, the elderly or anything like that, but they will be doing LiveScan, which is run through both the DOJ and FBI.
Obviously, the record will come up, but will it be reported, or be usable by the hiring institution (a university) to deny me the job?
At this point, I am assuming so, therefore I am not pinning my hopes on the application. However, it would be worthwhile to know one way or another as I apply to more jobs.
Is there anyone with specific expertise (as opposed to speculation) that can offer a solid answer? I have asked Uncle Internet several times, and in different ways, only to get the same, tired, and often sloppily written responses.
I have read the text of the law itself, but it does not specifically mention sex offenses, although these are probably covered in one of the references. In any case, I am not a lawyer, and I have little experience with this sort of thing, so I am looking for an answer so I can adjust my search.
Thank you!
Can anyone that has filed tell me the avg time frame from filing to removal for registration. I am filing in a few months and have a job waiting for me overseas. I would like to know so I can inform my employer. I assume I have to stay in jurisdiction until court has decided. I don’t want to travel with brand on passport, then have to deal with getting new one through consulate.
I found out last night that pro hockey Johnny Gaudreau and his brother were killed by a drunk driver while riding their bikes. They would have been attending their sister’s wedding today.
I met Johnny through a mutual friend that plays for the Sharks here in San Jose. We all went out a few times to dinner over the past two yrs. When he visited, he would text me to tell me thx for coming out with them. Class act.
He leaves behind a wife, two children, and his family.
When are politicians going to wake up and see the permanent damage that is done by drunk drivers. They simply don’t address it with the aggressiveness that they do sex offenses, which seldom leave individuals or families dead. It is a travesty.