Comments that are not specific to a certain post should go here, for the month of Aug 2024. Contributions should relate to the cause and goals of this organization and please, keep it courteous and civil. This section is not intended for posting links to news articles without additional relevant comment.
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AR: Arkansas man gets 90 years for failing to appear, register as a sex offender
Source: 3/5/25 WASHINGTON COUNTY, ARKANSAS, Ark. — An Arkansas man who was convicted of rape... -
FL: UPDATED 3/5/25 Putnam County Sheriff’s Office: ‘Cesspool of sex offenders’ cleared out of local trailer park
3/5/25 UPDATE: “Tents housing sex offenders behind Putnam County Sheriff’s Office headquarters taken down” 3/3/25... -
Registrants, Families, Supporters Demonstrate Unity in Washington, D.C.
Registrants, members of their families and supporters demonstrated unity in Washington, D.C. this week in a...
Who knew Comic-Con in SD, CA would be a place of rescuing people from and arresting folks for trafficking this last past weekend? I didn’t. Doesn’t seem like the crowd who’d partake in it…oh wait, there is no standard individual who would and probably is not on the registry to begin with.
Finished my final annual this morning! Officer handed me my copies of registration and tier assignment, shook my hand and wished me well. She’s been there the entire duration of my registration. Not saying I’m going to miss talking to her, but was nice of her to do what she did. Now just have to wait a few then file paperwork. 🥳
Just look at all the noise and hoopla over the “Prisoner swap” that’s currently in the news. The heroes welcome and all that being showcased in the media. Well, one thing is certain, no one would celebrate our release much less any feel-good solidarity because our story would not be showcased as a “human interest” story. It would be a low ball outrage bait piece and it would be met with hostility and mean-spirited blow-back.
Just another example of everything in America being politicized.
Those prisoners all had the luxury of hope of resuming to their lives leaving all that oppressive subjugation and those rigid requirements behind. We actually can’t afford to have hope because we’re fought every step of the way with curtailment and erroneous public safety arguments.
I know this sounds WAY too logical, but wouldn’t it make sense for registration depts to send out a 5 day notice to registrants of impending registration date? Since they have all our info and aren’t really that busy, they could do a text, voicemail or email. I figure this would reduce the number of delinquent registrations. Just a thought.
Has anyone heard new news about the alabama PFR residency law changes I’ve searched google yahoo bing and duckduck go i can’t find any news on it other than the article posted here kinda waiting on Sept 30 to see unfortunately i have to register again in sept before the 30th would like a heads up if anyone knows anything
I don’t see how anyone could forget to register. I hate birthdays because of this. It’s the only thing on my mind each year.
A couple of weeks back, a person on this forum said something about traveling to Israel & Lebanon. And I will again repeat that their registry laws would be the least of your problems. For your safety, please 🙏 don’t attempt any travel to both of those countries
New Jersey says they have a dog that can sniff out child porn. You can’t make this stuff up. Actually what they have is a dog trained to smell the chemical used in manufacture of storage devices, like flash drives. That these could be used for financial crimes, storing corrupt police payoffs and other things doesn’t make it into article. They just liked the sound of “ dog finds child porn”.
😳 Lulu’s Law 😲
Wait…..a namesake law that’s not about sexual offenses.
(I didn’t think it possible.🤯)
Florida shark attacks: How bystanders saved two lives
So with the recent homeless case grants pass v Oregon where the court found it ok to arrest homeless people for living which is strictly a status vs conduct offense and apparently homelessness is a conduct defense now.
how would that conflict with State v. Adams 91 So. 3d 724 (Ala. Crim. App. 2010)
that case which went to the Alabama Supreme Court which a man who was a registrant sued because they would not release him unless he had an address anyway he won because you can’t punish someone simply because of his status.
We’re in a catch 22 it’s illegal to be homeless but places won’t take us in. It illegal to keep us in prison past our date( at least in Alabama) but it’s an arrest-able offense to be homeless. So if someone can’t be punished simply because of their status wouldn’t the burden fall to the state to prove all resources were utilized before they arrested you. Your only charge was homelessness and you’re only homeless because you’re a registrant. How can a status conduct be considered arrest-able offense?
For anyone who was on federal supervision, did you request early termination? And how long through your supervision did you request it? Were you successful? I am almost 2 years into 5 years of supervised release. I am trying to think ahead.
a civil commit case was recently decided in Rick v. Harpstead, No. 23-2359 (8th Cir. 2024)A man who was committed after a crime used 20 plus years of research to argue that he should not still be committed since that statistics show what research as long suggested offense rates for registrants is way lower than previously published.
however his habeas corpus relief was denied. So Minnesota doesn’t care that research shows a far less recidivism rate but will still hold registrants till death how this just.
Looks like the Wisconsin GPS plaintiffs are taking their case to the feds
So I ran across a post on Facebook yesterday that I found very interesting. The woman who posted it was basically ranting about the registry and how PFRs need to be on it so our whereabouts could be known. That’s not what I found interesting. What I found interesting were the comments. There were several hundred comments, and obviously a lot of them were your typical “we need to know where these creeps are”, but there were a lot of comments that were in support of us and calling for the registries to be abolished. I didn’t read every single comment, but I estimated that at least half, if not more, were in our favor, and even more interesting was the fact that many of the comments in support of us were by women.
There was one comment in particular that stood out to me. It was by a woman who said she was assaulted when she was younger but does not believe the registry serves any useful purpose. She also went on to say that the registry does not protect anyone.
There were also a lot of comments claiming that PFRs will always offend again, but a lot of replies to those comments stating how that is false based on data. There were many comments stating that not everyone on the registry should be put into one category because of of the “Romeo and Juliet” type cases, and urinating in public cases. Other comments in our favor included statements that we need to be left alone and given a second chance.
I wanted to comment on the post, but it seemed that everyone who posted something positive was labeled by others with a derogatory label, so I didn’t so as not to bring attention to myself.
Reading the comments under the post really put a smile on my face as it appeared that the majority of the public was in favor of getting rid of registries.
If anyone wants a link to the post, I’ll see of I can find it again.
isn’t people being forced to register, provide information involuntary servitude since register is civil and not punishment?
For example, a State may not disenfranchise felons with racially
discriminatory intent. Hunter v. Underwood, 471 U.S. 222, 233, 105 S. Ct.
1916, 1922 (1985).6 Likewise, the Thirteenth Amendment bars involuntary
servitude “except as a punishment for crime.” U.S. Const.
Amend. XIII. Nevertheless, certain involuntary work requirements
imposed on convicted criminals may violate the Cruel and Unusual
Punishments Clause. Williams v. Henagan, 595 F.3d 610, 622 n. 18 (5th Cir.
A court decision was just decided in National Assoc. For Rational Sexual Offense Laws v. Stein, No. 23-2040 (4th Cir. 2024)The registrants of North Carolina challenged the registry as punishment even though 50 percent of the towns are off limits it’s not banishment because they quote McGuire case 80 percent of Alabama and a Wisconsin 6,500 foot living ordinance being found as legal in those cases. Since its a fed case I’m not sure what the policy would be on a circuit split.
I contacted my state assy office to make appointment to speak to them. I am going to discuss changing current 1203.4 law to include misdemeanor 311.11. Since it is no longer a lifetime registry offense and now a tier 1 offense, I feel it should be included in the list off expungement offenses. […] It was expungement worthy until 2014 and since the tier system has been implemented, it should be again. This should be addressed by CASOMB as well. Time to start trimming the fat off the registry.
This man killed his neighbor, after threatening the man’s small child. He has a felony record and a history of assaulting neighbors. He wasn’t on a registry and his neighbors had no legal right to notification that a felon with a history of assaulting neighbors lived next door. I’m going to spend the rest of my life attacking “tough on crime” politicians for going soft on these men. Expanding the registry is the only way to end the registry.
No more homeless encampments in California, Today I say LAPD tearing a whole bunch of them down. The people who live there are offered a place to live in these nice brand new, homeless shelters and they have lots of programs to offer BUT people forced to register aren’t allowed at home shelters and denied access to there programs.
Most of the homeless people will probably go into shelters, leaving nothing but PFR on the streets with no where to go.
The next move will be getting all these people forced to register off the streets.
Sorry to say but a lot people forced to register will be sent back to prison for not have anywhere to stay in California.
If your on the registry and own your home hold on to it and never let go because it’s about to ugly out here on these streets.
“You may lose friends. Your neighbors may disagree with you. Family gatherings may turn uncomfortable.”
This is a quote from a Former Bush admin. official. What she is talking about is not being a PFR, or even a felon. She’s talking about voting for a Democrat if you are a Republican.
I put this to show how shallow people are these days. That even doing something like voting different than others can ostracize a person from society. I read this and I had to laugh. If she only knew.
Question: I am interviewing a new, potential roommate — a 27yo Ukrainian on a work visa. He is planning to eventually apply for a student visa or citizenship. He is OK with my situation but wonders if using my address on applications will raise red flags?
Where was that blurb that said they do not have to remove the passport stamp even after one doesn’t have to register anymore?
My notes have gotten so expansive I can’t find things anymore.
Clean slate act. Anybody here not required to register anymore check to see if you’ve been granted relief? How do you check?
The public is a feather in the wind. When I was charged over 18 yrs ago, I relation’s friend called me a sick son-of-a-b****. Recently, that same woman, saw me in a grocery store and had her hands all over me. Fickle.
Interesting article from June of this year, but not surprising at all. I spot-check three names on the National Registry, and none are listed…..hhhhmmmhh? I am the fiance of a PFR, so I am allowed to check.
Abused by the Badge