House passes bill to deport immigrants with history of sex offenses

Source: 1/16/25

  • The House passed legislation allowing deportation of illegal migrants convicted of domestic violence or sex crimes.
  • The bill, titled ‘Preventing Violence Against Women by Illegal Aliens Act,’ received support from 213 Republicans and 61 Democrats.
  • Nancy Mace, the bill’s sponsor, announced the passage on social media, stating, ‘Our bill just PASSED this morning.’
  • Elon Musk criticized the 145 Democrats who opposed the bill, calling it ‘unconscionable that 145 elected representatives voted AGAINST deporting illegal migrant rapists.

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And so it begins. I was convicted of possession of CSAM, one of the federal statutes, there’s a few. I’m also a permanent resident, been here a long time, married, kids. Sentenced to 5 years, sent to a private facility for us non-citizens. But, at the last minute, my detainer was removed and I was not deported. Speaking to a number of lawyers, we determined this was a clerical mistake, but hey, I stayed!!
I’m in that grey zone. How do I renew my green card, when I know that once they realize I slipped through, I’ll be ordered out. Especially now. Hell, hard to get anything now, Can’t get a copy of my SSN card, green card out of date, same with work.
Had a good run at it here. Time to face facts here and leave it all behind for my home country and start again.

Wondering if Angel watch sends a notice on those being returned? If so, what if the country rejects them like they do others? Oh and then the US takes them back but gives a failure to register charge for not giving notice that they were forced to leave country. The problems just like up for this, but honestly might not be bad to leave the US if in this spot.

Is this for people here legally or illegally. I see conflicting articles.

You’ve heard of WW2 Jew hunters? Well Mace is the modern version. She’s obsessed with eradication of LGTBQ and people convicted of a sex offense. I think the # is up to 10 bills she has introduced on the subjects.

Before the election, it was mostly about deporting all undocumented immigrants. Then the emphasis was on those who committed crimes. Now the emphasis is on those who committed sex crimes of which many undocumented immigrants are already in custody for anyway and will be deported after serving their sentence. That’s why many lawmakers didn’t vote for something that is already on the books, Elon! Just more proof that much of this immigration debate is about political grandstanding.

President Musk isn’t happy with Dems. Wonder if he will take back their Teslas…….🤣

I volunteer to be deported. Germany or Sweden would be cool with me.

So, I’m curious. I would think if you come to the US illegally, you would live a quiet life! What do you think should happen if you come to the US illegally and commit a sex offense? What do you think should happen?

Last edited 23 days ago by Bigcheese