Along Fountain Street, tall trees and manicured lawns are graced with flowers, trimmed hedges and American flags. And, in the yard next to convicted sex offender ____ ____’s house, two lawn signs together read “Sexually molest a child and you get your home remodeled for free!”
The signs highlight not only a simmering feud between ____ and several of his neighbors, documented in several Olean Police Department reports over the last two years, but also a debate the neighbors would like to have: Should nonprofit assistance funds for the impoverished be used to help those with a criminal history of sexual abuse? Full Article
Why limit withholding of funds to RCs and their families? Let’s not let anyone every convicted of any law-breaking get assistance. Parking ticket? Sorry. Speeding? Sorry. DUI? Sorry. Shoplifting? Sorry.
What the neighbors don’t understand is it was the mother that needed the work, not the son and she applied for it, not the son. Just because he is listed as a co-owner and could possibly receive monetary benefit from it, it is her doing, not his. You cannot do the six degrees of separation here and web out a ring of punishment. She could down the road decide to remove him from the deed and other paperwork. The atty is correct when they say their beef has no merit.
@AJ is right, where does the slippery slope stop once you start it with one type of crime.
“Maybe there are rules (the nonprofits) have to follow and they couldn’t say no,” said Carrie Peters of 360 Fountain St., who lives directly across from the Washingtons, “but if that’s the case, our legislators need to know that this is not OK. It is not OK to spend our money on people like this.”
You know what? Fine. Don’t give RC’s and people convicted of other crimes any public assistance for which they paid and continue to pay taxes on. But then lets also relive them all from having to pay these taxes. I want that school funding tax on my property taxes omitted because I can’t be on campus anymore. I want the portion of my taxes going towards housing omitted as well since I can’t live in any government housing anymore. Why should we have to keep paying for things we’re now barred from using?
I grew up in this town 70s and 80s The only people left there are on welfare and they seek out SO to pick on to make themselves feel better about their crapy lives. Whole town is full of zombies. Just like in jail.