Film produced by registered sex offender pulled from festival

A movie filmed partly at Oceanside’s El Camino High School has been pulled at the last minute from the Oceanside International Film Festival, a week after organizers learned the man who made the movie is a registered sex offender.

“Music High” – produced, written and directed by Mark Charles Maine of San Diego – was yanked from the lineup Wednesday, a day before the festival was scheduled to start, said festival director Dmitiry Demidov. Full Article

More on this story:

August 3: Film festival troubled over whether to show sex offender’s movie

August 6: Film festival opts to show movie despite concern about producer’s past

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This is again and rather disturbing story. As we all already know, there is a high percentage of actors/directors within Hollywood who have had legal issues in the past. Paris Hilton, Nicholas Cage, Robert Downey, JR, Martin Sheen, Lohan and the list just goes on and on. How about entering the freeway exit ramp and traveling the opposite traffic direction while under the influence or drugs/alcohol (Nichole Ritchie)? THe list just goes on and on. Although, people move on and normally forget about these things when people turn their lives around! This is another prime example of how Lifetime Sexual Registration here in California is having a devastating affect on people’s lives. As most of you are already aware, California is only 1 of 4 states that continue to have lifetime registration for Sex Offenders. Its time California becomes on par with other states. This law needs to change!

I have to disagree with you, USA. We do not need a tiered registration– we need to abolish public registration, which has been proven ineffective time and time again! It is a punitivie measure, and most everyone knows it!

I Agree with Cathy, furthermore it is suppression of freedom of Press / Speech too! GO to YOU TUBE Then see How censored We Really Are, which means We have to get better @ getting out Using some SERIOUS REFORM TACTICS