LOS ANGELES – A city ordinance barring people from sleeping in vehicles parked on residential Los Angeles streets quietly expired at the end of June, and LAPD officers have been instructed to no longer issue citations for the offense.
“This is very dangerous because the objective of this is to keep all kinds of vehicles off and away from schools and parks, where kids play, and off residents’ front curbs,” said Ryavec, who is also a community officer with the Venice Neighborhood Council. “That evaporated on July 1, and the police have no authority to cite or move anybody even though they may have status as a sex offender … or a felony conviction.”
Curious how the more high tech our society has gotten the more people cannot function in it. While one may not blame all of homelessness on big tech, the sex offender homeless problem has certainly been imparted by tech. No doubt!
I suppose this is here because there are RCs forced to sleep in their vehicles. My heart goes out to them as I feel they are among the few who are legitimately homeless only because their 290 status prevents them from securing housing, gainful employment, etc.
I’ve lost all sympathy for the other “homeless”, the bums who choose this parasitic lifestyle. As a homeowner with kids, I don’t want them parking their dilapidated RVs and overstuffed cars on my street. It’s too bad the government is so effective at keeping RCs underfoot while putting handcuffs on cops when it comes to the drug addicted, vagabond murdering thieves polluting our neighborhoods.
End of rant. I’m leaving now
I sleep in my car and it’s better than outside in a tent.
@C who said “As a homeowner with kids, I don’t want them parking their dilapidated RVs and overstuffed cars on my street.” It’s THEIR home too (public property) whatever their reason for being their. Not “your” street.
Very unfortunate and false. Many of the homeless suffer from psychological issues, drug addiction and some simply have financial problems. Ryavec might won’t to go sit in a court room for a day: I recall hearing 4th probation violation, new charge while on bail, 18th arrest and the list goes on and on. There are some seriously dangerous people out there. Drug offenders, thief’s, drug addicts who are unable to think clearly and the list goes on and on. Did I forget to mention the gang bangers? So, it is becoming more and more ridiculous to just point out one select group!
Can someone find the 2014 Fed ruling mentioned in the article and post it here please? Thank you.
How is blocking off select parts of the city within the city instead of the city as a whole any different in principle?
For those Registrants and families who have a home and bed while threading through this nightmare they call registry, lets remember this ….
“No matter how hard life can get go to bed grateful you still have one. (sun-gazing.com)
Many families are in the same boat. It is important to be greatly appreciative of opportunities still available to those already indentured to the government databases. I feel sorry for those who bow down without a fight. Those who fail to step forward to take the issue in hand are hiding in their own shame. They must feel they deserved it. Use of law has a finite amount of means to achieve social conversion. More rules in law rarely actually achieves less violence. So Congress attempts to enact better laws, instead of enabling the rearing of healthier humans. SONA does more to sew discord than prevent it.