Sheriff: SC killer randomly targeted sex offender

COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) — A South Carolina man targeted a sex offender at random, killed him and his wife and later told deputies he planned to kill others on the state’s sex registry, authorities said Wednesday.

Jeremy Moody and his wife, Christine, were arrested and charged with murder, Union County Sheriff David Taylor said.

Jeremy Moody confessed to the crime and told investigators they arrested him just in time, Taylor said. Full Article

[Update] Related Article – Article 2

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This is pretty much the only way SORs in California can get out from under SOR and all the draconian collateral horrors that go along with it. Just put me out of my misery. This guy is our only savior, our only hope.

Those responsible for exposing this tragic couple to the WWW should be ashamed.

How many innocent people have to die before our society wakes up? The registry is punishment! Capital punishment for some. We need a law named after a registrant (or his loved one) who is murdered by a vigilante. Who will support “Jeremy’s Law” or “Christine’s Law” which states clearly that physical harm done to a registrant or the loved one of a registrant is a hate crime?

OMG, this is both sick and terrible! How many times does this have to happen before people get it! What if children had been present? What if the woman had been pregnant? What if they had visitors? What if? This is disturbing.

I see the registry is working as planned, a slow and systematic destruction of those who are included on the registry. These hate crimes get little press or attention, but they do get noticed by other people who hate RSO’s. No doubt we’ll see an upsurge in this type of crime.

Perhaps it’s time a controversial talk show host Brings the legislators and the parents of Megan Kanka, who designed Megan’s Law, together with families of victims of the Megan’s Law Websites. It’s hard to imagine her parents could justify these murders and be proud of this legacy. How many more lives will it cost to even the score? They should take a stance along side Patty Wetterling and denounce this travesty of justice with their child’s endorsement.

@analmusbody….surely you speak for yourself …your comment
is for yourself …reflects you…NO WAY me or others…….this present
article along with similar past ones are presentable proof to end
current registry listed ….also there should be a massive lawsuit
for millions a dollars for putting lives at risk.

Someone should email statistics and copies of the articles to the parents of children these laws (megans law; etc) are named after every time a RSO gets murdered, harassed or assaulted because the supreme court judges (are they blind; or just stupid?)have ruled that these registries are not punishment. These jokers (judges) should also be notified every time a RSO gets murdered or assaulted because of these data bases. A campaign should be organized where all the children, siblings, parents, aunts & uncles, as well as wives of RSO’s who have been affected because a loved one is on a registry write letters to lawmakers and judges informing them these panic laws have quite a bit of collateral affect on whole families. All of it negative.

Janice Bellucci and team aspect on ex-offender reform laws has
more renewed vigor not only to reform but also saving lives….
court rulings that protect and support the Constitution are the
building blocks foundation for this team to success in that reform
and thus saving lives.

Public needs to know there are some innocent and wrongly convicted
exoffenders on registry ……wrongful convictions do occur…..
innocent lives are put at risk.

What we need is a nationally compiled list. A list of all of the people MURDERED because their name was posted by the GOVERNMENT to the public as targets. Add to that list another list of everyone who has been physically assaulted. A third list, of the names of people who have had their homes burned down or cars torched. A fourth list which would be a little more difficult to document because it’s not always reported, would be every time someone’s property or car was vandalized. Opponents may brush vandalism off as conjecture, but you can’t ignore it when a message is scrolled. And, we need a list of all of those people who have been denied housing. If there was a way to document specific cases of public humiliation family members have equally suffered, it should be included as well.

Because this information is not gathered, every time something happens, law enforcement and prosecutors brush it off as an isolated incident or deny that a the victim’s status as a registrant had anything at all to do with the crime committed against them.

Armed with this information – and I expect it to be quite lengthy and staggering – it should be taken to the media and legislators, and as one person said, identify someone who was one of these murdered victims and fight for a law to be passed in their name.

Mainstream media may thumb their nose at it, but I have an idea for a Pulitzer Prize winning article: “American Vigilantism in the 21st Century: Alive, Thriving and Growing with a New, More Accepted Form of Hate.”

I have been reading all the articles regarding this tragedy online and amazed at how reckless people are commenting about what a hero a skinhead killer that coweradly kills a decade old sex offender and a totally innocent women. I am appalled at the gutter level mentality and total phsychopathic mindsets of people I would really be afraid of my children being around. This vigelante sounds like a real loser! How tough, sneak up on a unarmed old man and shoot him and his wife! Coward!

One silver lining to this sad story…Even FoxNews, who is possibly the worst when it comes to promoting hatred against sex offenders, has called this as it is, a hate crime.

The Registry is no longer a joke. We now have (this is becoming a pattern) people getting killed as a result of being put on the registry! This is very, very serious. Furthermore, there are obviously a lot of uneducated individuals out there who feel its there right to kill people they consider child molesters or ect? I mean, as I mentioned in last weeks or months conviction of brutally killing an innocent victim, can you imagine me now answering the door when the OC Sheriffs (I think they are called SORNA) come to my home and check or confirm my residence, “Hey Guys, (after posting private property signs) I will need you to remove yourself from our property. Im reading time and time again that sex offenders are being killed randomly by being on the Registry. BOth myself and my family are scared for our safety? What are you doing to protect us? If I dont get a good answer, please remove yourself. Thank you in both a very kind, sincere and professional manner. It makes sense!

I have always felt that we, as Americans, have a lot of audacity to tout ourselves as champions of freedom when we have the most hypercritical, hypersensitive and hypocritical societies in the world. I’m sorry to say that I feel agitated everytime I read the Declaration of Independence – such beautiful and truthful words regarding equality among humankind, yet they blame the British for stirring up agitation with the “ruthless savages” and so forth. How many years did Plessey v Fergusson stand as the law of our “free” nation (separate but equal)??? How many African-Americans lost their lives because of racial biggotry? How many Chinese died on the railroads, their blood paving the way for the rapid transit and industrialization of our “free” nation? Hell, even the Irish were discriminated against back in the 1800’s in the New England states. In the 60s, they blamed the hippie movement. People died. John Lennon died because he stood for peace in the face of government oppression. Sad to say, this is what happens when a nation is formed in the name of dissention. You don’t like someone due to xenophobic or racial biggottries? Just shoot them. Someone who spits in the face of the status quo and says “we can do better”, its easier just to shoot them, silence them, deprive them of the breath of life than it is to actually out forth effort to right our past wrongs. Its easier to ignore injustice and go on self-righteously viewing the world through black-and-white lenses. Its easier to be ignorant than to be objective because being objective requires brain power. Its easier to be a self-righteous moron than to be a conflicted revolutionary.

John Mayer can jump off of a bridge and take his guitar with him. I’m not waiting on the world to change. Waiting only allows the powers of darkness to grow stronger. We must fight. Whether it be in the legislator, the courts, the White House steps or in the streets of Orange County. We must stand together, we must stand united, we must fight for our rights!

I think next time a child WILL be killed THEN we can name this one and get rid of the reg. once for all

I have had the distinct priviledge of receiving a death threat. The Fresno County Sheriff did not respond in any way when I reported this. On three other occasions, I had tires slashed (twice), house egged and garage window shot out. The local police department said it was all coincidental and I was not targeted…REALLY? That all pales in comparison to the compliance check at 5:30 pm that involved 4 local cops and 3 FBI agent in full military regalia, a real show of force/farce to notify my neighbors if they didn’t already know. I had a very heart-felt serious discussion with the SO officer the next day. That was the last compliance check by them.
My point is this…when a RSO gets offed, the police are in their back rooms dancing with joy and shouting with glee. They’re as responsible as the trigger man or stabber, they’re a huge part of the problem and not at all a part of the solution.

Lives put at risk on registry list wrongly convicted.