California RSOL Challenge Featured on National TV Show [updated with show]

California RSOL and its recent legal challenge to the Halloween ordinance in the City of Orange that required registered citizens to post a sign in front of their residences will be discussed on “The Doctors”, a national TV show, on September 30 on CBS. The discussion is a 5-minute segment that includes “the doctors”, a mother from the City of Orange and CA RSOL president Janice Bellucci,

“This is an important opportunity to educate the public on one way in which the civil rights of registered citizens have been violated,” stated Bellucci. “I am honored to have represented the organization, all registered citizens and their loved ones.”

The Halloween ordinance in the City of Orange was challenged in a federal lawsuit filed in federal district court on September 18. The Orange City Council unanimously voted to repeal the ordinance on September 24. City Attorney Wayne Winthers stated in a letter dated September 24, that the City of Orange will mail letters to registered citizens who reside there informing them that the city’s requirement to post a sign in front of their residence on Halloween was repealed and will not be enforced this year, the sign requirement was enforced for three years starting in 2010.

Video on The Doctors Web Site

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“Knock ’em dead,” Ms. Bellucci! You’re the tops!!

Exactly…any and all publicity that challenges injustice is good publicity…… hit another HomeRun Jannice Bellucci CARSOL.

This is fantastic!

Thank You Mam,!

Lest anyone is confused by Dr. Ross’s qualifications and motivations: (M.D., Ph.D, Sexologist)

Dr Ross and her statement that pedofiles relapse rate is over 50% where is her info coming from?

Yea I like how Janice was cut short”That’s Hollywood fer Yah”Spin, Spin, Spin Your Evil Lyin’ Toxic Webs & the Sexologist needs to go back to school! & get reBraiwashed

Any time we appear in media, there is a chance the message will be distorted. Because I am an optimist, I prefer to focus upon the fact that both the “sexologist” and the pediatrician agree that the Halloween signs are not needed. In order to make change happen, we need to engage in evolution (of people’s thinking) rather than revolution. A journey of a thousand miles starts with one step. I am grateful that we had this opportunity to educate the public about Halloween signs. There will be additional opportunities in the future to continue the public’s education on other matters.

Mighty revealing when Dr. Ross said Halloween is a “sexy holiday”. I remember the holiday once as a day to honor the souls of the dead, later as a day for kids and their parents to bond and have fun and meet neighbors. Now it a time for society to sexualize children? No wonder their thinking is so screwed up. No wonder they are afraid. They are afraid of themselves and projecting that fear on us. By the way, if some still believe the day is to honor the dead, shouldn’t they have the religious freedom to participate in the holiday? Aren’t we as registrants more and more considered the waking dead, souless, shunned, pushed into a nether world by restrictions that don’t apply to others. In reality, they are the souless, without empathy or compassion, ruled by fear of the shadow in their neighborhood. Someday, some of them may be lucky enough to know a loved one convicted of a sex crime and they will witness the hell they have created.

The only caring, forgiving, and compassionate person concerned for rights for every citizen was the Lawyer Mother. The concerned Mother wants to put a sign on her door so her baby won’t be disturbed but she goes trick or treating in areas unknown to her? The sexologist sounds like she only thinks “sexy” and sex stating 50% are not treatable. There are so many on the registry that committed a “sex” crime years ago while they were very young and deserve a 2nd chance. I was raised by what today’s Society would label a sex offender but he took me and my 2 siblings trick or treating and he taught us respect for all human beings. He had many great qualities that a simple label would have destroyed but that wasn’t the way it was “back then.” I am proud of my Dad but I am not so proud of the way one human being treats another. Not all those “labeled” sex offenders are a threat to any child and I’d like to ask the Sexologist what percent of registered sex offenders are pedophiles?

“I’m a normal person not a sex offender”…there’s some intelligence for you.

A sexy holiday? That’s news to me! Since when is Halloween sexy?!!! I think this society’s over obsession with sex needs to be rolled back to a more realistic view. A good place to start would be to educate people like DR Ross so they can start quoting facts, rather than fiction.

Prior to the ‘Doctors’ was or is a state employee? ??…who was the employer before..??…the ross comments spewed
deliberate deception …baseless agenda.

I don’t know what inspired you to stand up for us Ms. Bellucci, but I would like to meet whatever angel it was that inspired you to face such reckless ignorance. Halloween now, what’s next, keeping us from enjoying Christmas, Chanukah, buying Scout Cookies? You’re like a shield that slows the waves of insanity. Hopefully, we will all help you turn the tide. Peace to you.

Not only are not all sex offenders NOT pedophiles, but even of those who consume c/p, for example, recent studies have shown that many of them are not pedophiles either. A researcher, by the name of Seto has demonstrated, that many c/p viewers are what are called “fantasy offenders,” who would never carry out any offense in reality, and it is only cyber reality, which draws them. Also, others are merely drawn because viewing this subject matter is a societal taboo, and that, rather than real interest in children, draw them. It is like the concept of the “thought police,” the authorities cannot tell what is going on in someone’s mind, with respect to c/p, or the viewing of anything that is undesirable. Interesting that the same parallel, and rush to judgment, is not drawn on those who enjoy slasher movies. The sexologist should be aware of the studies to which I am referring; so she is only giving what is the politically correct viewpoint. It is well documented, that most all sex offenses can be managed very well with treatment, and most can eventually be cured, and I am sure that this sexologist is well aware of that. The show seemed to be a set up, since Janice, who di a magnificent job, was cut off, before she was allowed to fully present her position. However, that she was invited to participate, shows an advance for the position of reform, which would not have happened several years ago.

Unfortunately, this sexologist is one of the “crusaders” that controls the debate over child protection. Listening to her you get the drift she is not concerned about collateral damage. We are the infidels. The charge of a crusader is to fight the infidels. Nothing else matters. That is test. Not whether it is 1% or 50% that are infidels. We all are. Are you fighting the infidels or not? In turn you don’t need to fight these people. You only need to open people’s eyes to see that those aren’t monsters on the horizon, they are windmills. That is really not obvious to most people. Sadly.

Ha. My suggestion is………go trick or treating WITH your children.
shouldnt be a problem then. Take some *personal* responsibility for your children.
Go with them.
Ive really yet to see where Halloween was a *holiday* for a registered sex offender to offend yet again. geez-us Pete.
Operation Boo, and all that?? lol. what a joke