SHAFTER, Calif. (KBAK/KBFX) –The city of Shafter may repeal an ordinance that bans sex offenders from parks, schools, libraries and other places. The city has already agreed to stop enforcing it, and five other cities in Kern County which have similar ordinances may follow suit. Full Article
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Hmm…wonder what they could possibly come up with that will be in compliance with the constitutions. I love the way Janice spelled it out clear and simple, basically saying if these ordinances aren’t repealed they will be sued. I also wonder how the stays of enforcement are going to play out. So far Tony R and Santa Ana down in OC are the only ones resisting (thumbing their noses) state law. A foolish course of action, indeed!
where can we go to find out which city bans parks?
I must confess I have never heard of Shafter, California. But Shafter, California clearly has heard of California RSOL! He!
The only thing more upsetting than these ordinance is when cities have these ordinances in their code and just decide not to enforce them. How can this be? An ordinance is a local law. The law is the law. Laws are to be enforced – to the, I’ll say it again, letter of the LAW. It is NOT up to the City Council or Law Enforcement to pick and chose which laws to enforce and which not.
I am in disbelief that John Q Public is not up in arms about this. Is American Idol really that interesting?
I’m happy to see this balanced broadcast without a reporter seeking a man on the street who thinks all hell’s about to break loose and children will be in imminent danger if this is repealed. If people think it through, what good is it to threaten someone with a misdemeanor if they’re intent on committing a felony? The only thing these presence restrictions accomplish is keeping law abiding registrants out of their children’s activities. We need to get back to the law and order days where we punish people for what they do, not what we think they’re going to do. Too many people are punished unfairly with this mania.