SERIAL KILLINGS: Case puts sex-offender monitoring under fire

Sitting on her couch with her two dogs, Detective Laura Lomeli peered at a series of red GPS dots on her laptop, searching for clues about a young woman whose mangled, nude body had been discovered weeks before on a recycling facility’s conveyor belt. Full Article

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Well, this is crazy. GPS ankle bracelets do not work to prevent crime, this we know. Here is a simple rule I came across once: if it doesn’t work, stop doing it.

YES! If something is broken either fix it or ditch it!

Hate to ever sound judgemental, but aren’t these the real sex offenders. Ignoring laws, time and again, with a total total disregard. And I am grouped in with these type of people? Two traffic tickets and a bad choice. But their actions will cause me pain and angouish the rest of my life. Thanks guys, for screwing up the world for us.

For the time I was on probation I had to wear a GPS monitor. Technically it was parole because I did a year in prison but because I was under AB 109 they put me in probation. I had to deal with the monitor for 12 months and the compliance checks but if I wanted to I could have broken the terms of my probation easily.

I was terminated from probation in full compliance and with no violations, but to be honest I did not always comply. The only thing the GPS prevented me from doing was leaving my 50 mile radius and loitering around a park or school.

The problem is that the GPS monitoring is like the police. They rarely prevent anything. They can only help after the crime has occurred. I have never heard of a police officer stopping a rape or child molestation from taking place. The only time a rape or molestation is ever prevented is when the potential victim fights off their attacker. Maybe the focus should change from correction to prevention.

Hello, I am a first-time poster here. I’m preparing for my brother’s release in 3 weeks and have a question about the gps he will be required to wear. He signed the conditions of his parole just yesterday, and during his phone call was clearly overwhelmed and not able to talk for long. He said he has a 35 mile radius and that his parole was actually in a city just outside of our county. Can someone clarify? Is it not a regular 50-radius for gps? There are no special circumstances that would require even tighter restriction on him, but of course, he signed and agreed to every condition lest they pull the same tactic that they used to get him to plea in the first place.

thanks for all the comments and sharing… the posts have been very helpful.