The Associated Press not only buries the lead in a story about California’s paroled Registered Citizens now being subject to periodic polygraph exams. The AP utterly misses the point.
Never mind that polygraphs simply are not reliable. They’re boogie-men used mainly to scare people into admitting to crimes they probably didn’t commit. The real story here, the story The AP can’t see, is about the sex-offender industry. Full Opinion
A short article that all these right leaning groups that are against greater taxation need to see. It could be a great article if it had more details and accurate information about how much the government, on every level, is spent not just on tracking and supervising registrants, but also in things like these entrapment stings, etc.
I have not got feed from this program, and the list they put us on do not protect us from attacks by cops or criminals.
Speaking of protection from “cops and criminals” lesser news organizations boldly stir the pot of hatred for RCs by showing the face of someone arrested, and/ or accused of some heinous sex crime, and then the media outlet asks the ignorant masses, “What sentence should this person get?’ How should this person be punished?” This fosters the idea that it is the public’s place to try cases, and inflict punishment. The comments the public makes, in response, are so graphic, they are too ugly to repeat. A pre-sentenced person is tried and convicted in the court of public opinion, and then reduced to a sub-human monster. People seem to compete with one another, in their desire for revenge, by suggesting the most terrible means of torture, without even know the facts of a case. This goes on daily on social media These news organizations seem to be encouraging vigilantism, lawlessness and mob rule, with the news media, which once only stirred the pot, now having an active role in instigating such dialogue.
It is a shame that each case is not individualized and a whole group is punished for an entire lifetime. Is there a murder registry? I know that true and haneous crimes do occur, however not all crimes have to do with children and can be a result from the hysteria surrounding rapes on colleges. There are true he/said she said cases but in the court of public opinion all a woman has to say these days is that she was raped and the male is tried and convicted and considered guilty and he has to spend the rest of his life proving otherwise. Believe it or not there are cases where the victim did lie but to try to prove it is impossible. A young man’s life is ruined forever. And each politician that wants to make a name for himself contributes to these idiotic laws being passed.
thank you for allowing us to have a voice