Sex offenders registry may put man back in prison for offence committed as child

Josh Gravens is trying to figure out how he’s going to tell his five children that he might be going to prison for a very long time.

Gravens, 28, is a one-time convicted juvenile sex offender facing a possible 25 years to life sentence for a felony related to a crime he committed in his childhood, and for which he has been to prison already. The current charge is not a repeat sex offence; he just failed to correctly update his personal information with his local police department in Texas.

Sex offender registration is a complex set of rules mandating how former inmates should live their lives after they have been released from prison for committing a sex crime. Failure to do so can carry heftier punishments than that of the original crime. Full Article

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But still, not punitive.

Man this poor dude. He was a kid who was simply curious and instead of someone counseling him and teaching him what is acceptable behavior he got put in hell on earth. One of the sadest stories I’ve ever heard. My his people of this world and society as a whole are truely evil for doing this to people. It’s like our society is totally regressing back to the dark ages when torture and suffering of the millions were acceptable. Sad

As a Christian, I am appalled with the lack grace these States that have a strong Christian presence. Texas has the bulk of the world largest ministries, operating there and I am certain that they have significant influence in that state’s politics and they are allowing or even promoting such evil laws. Jesus is of mercy and grace and not of condemnation and any Christian that operates in the works of condemnation, are therefore condemned, themselves and one step from eternal damnation. Church! It is in the Bible, read it completely and do it. I am thinking that God is using the sex offender plight as a test for the Church to see it their hearts are right. Now! I will get off the soap box, before I break it.

After reading the article I can’t help feeling that it’s the state of Texas that’s the real danger to children. What the state did to Josh goes way beyond ridiculous. I sure hope the authors of all these un-american laws are proud of what happened to Josh and I hope they are proud that Josh’s children may lose their father because of their laws that have never done any kind of good that can be documented.

What’s really sad besides what’s happened to this poor dude is the fact that these law makers couldnt care less about anybody these laws affect. I hope there’s a hell just so these evil people get put there.

Everyone knows Lenore Skenazy, yes? You know, “Free Range Kids”… Well, she was THERE at the Po-Po Place with Josh as it all happened ! See her article dated 7/17/2014 at Hit And Run Blog titled ” I saw a man get arrested…” (Mr/s Moderator, could you do the blue colored “here” thing on the referenced article? Thank-you.)

Gerald, Thank you for doing the blue-colored reference thing. Hank

Will this guy appeal all the way?

I hope he does.

Some one posted about this on the quora.

Let see what happen there..