It’s time to sign up for Lobby Day in Sacramento on March 21. You can use the link below to let ACSOL know that you will participate. There is no fee required to participate and, in fact, there will be free parking, free coffee and even a free lunch. Please park in the parking lot of the Hyatt Hotel located at 1209 L Street as long as your vehicle fits in that lot. Get a parking ticket and ACSOL will reimburse you for the full amount. Training will begin in…
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Take the survey on current and future reformist/abolitionist efforts
Source: Derek W. Logue of Many of you will be familiar with the name Derek Logue and Once Fallen. Derek has asked that we share this survey with our supporters. Here is Derek’s message: The fight to reform or abolish the public sex offense registry began when Megan’s Law was signed in 1996, and over the years, efforts to challenge the public registry have grown larger and more organized. Those who identify as registry reformists or abolitionists are not a homogeneous group– some of us are on the registry,…
Read MoreAction Alert: International Megan’s Law (IML) failed victims of sexual abuse overseas as federal agent sexually abuses children in the Philippines
Source: 12/21/22 International Megan’s Law to Prevent Child Exploitation and Other Sexual Crimes Through Advanced Notification of Traveling Sex Offenders (IML) was supposed to be a tool for the federal government to notify other countries regarding the international travel of sex offenders. In theory, it was supposed to authorize federal agents to provide warnings in the form of a “green notice” to the receiving country. By providing this notice, the receiving country could protect their children from sexual abuse. The sponsor of the bill, Rep. Smith said, “With its…
Read MoreACSOL New Jersey Action Alert: Petition to Abolish or Reform the New Jersey SVP Civil Commitment Law
Source: Jim Grushack started this petition on to New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy The symbol above is associated with the legal system and the principles of fairness and equity. Then, why is it that the symbol of justice, is wearing a blind fold? Is it because the legal system only wants to see, what it wants to see? Plus, she is carrying a sword, to protect and to cut through to the truth. So what truth is she protecting, certainly not the accused sex offender? Eleanor Roosevelt once stated, “Justice…
Read MoreAction Alert for CA: Assembly Bill Would Deny Medical Licenses to Most Registrants
California Assembly member Akilah Weber (Democrat, San Diego) has introduced a bill that, if passed, would deny a medical license to anyone required to register as a sex offender with one small exception. The bill number is AB 1636 and it was introduced on January 12, 2022. The small exception would apply to individuals convicted of PC 314, indecent exposure, provided that it was a misdemeanor conviction. “As currently written, this bill will prohibit every person required to register, including those who requirement to register has been terminated, from being…
Read MoreACSOL National Action Alert: Retired Military Registrants Denied Access to Military Bases – Were You Also Denied?
Source: ACSOL Two retired military registrants were denied access to military bases during the past seven days. One of the registrants was denied access to a Marine base while the other was denied access to a Navy base. The two registrants are retired from two different branches of the military — Air Force and Navy. Both attempted to access a military base in order to pick up one or more prescription medicines. According to a document provided to one of the two registrants, the Marine Corps has a new screening…
Read MoreAction Alert: Call before Aug 26 to support the Jeremy Rose family against job discrimination
Women Against Registry (W.A.R.) 8/24/21 NATIONWIDE CALL TO ACTION! We are all in this together so please take action as soon as possible and certainly before the program airs on KSTU-FOX 13 on August 26 in the evening! We were contacted by a registered citizen in Salt Lake City Utah a few months back. He was being vilified by Fox13 television station due to a grievance a vengeful female had against the director for kicking her son out of the group which had nothing to do with him. He was…
Read MoreCDCR Schedules Second Hearing on May 28 at 10am Regarding Re-sentencing Regulations
The California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) has scheduled on May 28, 2021 a second hearing regarding its re-sentencing regulations which categorically deny anyone convicted of a sex offense from re-sentencing opportunities. The hearing will begin at 10 a.m. and be held by telephone only. In order to participate in the May 28 hearing, call 1-877-411-9748 and enter participant code 7405289. “This second hearing is being held because many people who wished to address the re-sentencing regulations did not have an opportunity to speak during the first hearing held earlier…
Read MoreCHALLENGE MET to Provide Funds to Fight SORNA Regulations. Thanks!
[Thanks to all of you who helped meet our goal to fund our fight SORNA regulations! Of course we encourage all to continue donations to ACSOL so we can expand our fight] The sum of $1,200 has been provided to ACSOL in the form of a challenge grant in order to fight the federal government’s proposed SORNA regulations. However, the sum comes with strings attached. That is, ACSOL must collect at least $1,200 from others during the next seven days in order to receive the original $1,200. “We thank the…
Read MoreAction Alert for CA: Oppose CDCR Regulations That Exclude Registrants From Resentencing Opportunities
[ACSOL] The California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) has issued proposed regulations which exclude most registrants from resentencing opportunities. Comments upon the proposed regulations can be submitted to CDCR before or on May 7, 2021. In addition, CDCR will conduct a public hearing on May 7 at 10 a.m. regarding the proposed regulations. “CDCR is repeating the same mistake it made when it issued its Proposition 57 regulations, that is, the agency is excluding registrants from the benefits of legislation,” stated ACSOL Executive Director Janice Bellucci. “We must strongly…
Read MoreACSOL Urgent Action Alert for CA (April 14 deadline!): Support CDCR Repeal of Its Prop. 57 Exclusions
[ACSOL] The California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR) is proposing the repeal of its categorical exclusion of individuals required to register as sex offenders from early parole consideration. According to the proposal, most registrants in custody will be referred to the Board of Parole Hearings for early parole consideration no later than July 1, 2021. “If CDCR’s proposed repeal becomes final, thousands of registrants who have been denied early parole consideration for more than four years will finally receive the benefits of Proposition 57,” stated ACSOL Executive Director Janice…
Read MoreAction Alert for CA: Support for the release of Mr. Badger to San Diego County by April 9
San Diego County residents are fighting the supervised release of Douglas Badger, a 78-year-old registrant designated as a sexually violent predator, to a community in that county. A judge previously granted Mr. Badger’s release from Coalinga State Hospital provided that he is able to find housing. “ACSOL requests that members of the registrant community state their support for the release of Mr. Badger to San Diego County,” stated ACSOL Executive Director Janice Bellucci. “The deadline for doing so is April 9.” San Diego County will conduct a public meeting on…
Read MoreAction Alert for CA: Make Calls Now That Senate Rules Committee Advanced Senate Bill 615
[ACSOL] UPDATED NEWS: CA Senate Bill 615 Temporarily Suspended The California Senate Rules Committee advanced Senate Bill 615 by assigning the bill to the Senate Public Safety Committee. Although the Public Safety Committee has not yet set a date for consideration of SB 615, the deadline for the committee’s consideration is April 30. “It is now time to start calling the five members of the Senate Public Safety Committee and to state your opposition to Senate Bill 615,” stated ACSOL Executive Director Janice Bellucci. “Each call will take one minute…
Read MoreAction Alert for CA: Oppose Senate Bill 615 by Writing
UPDATED NEWS: CA Senate Bill 615 Temporarily Suspended Please write to oppose California Senate Bill 615, which would harm the LGBTQ community! Senator Melissa Melendez (Republican, Riverside) has introduced a bill, that if enacted into law, would significantly reduce the benefits of former Senate Bill 145, authored by Senator Scott Wiener (Democrat, San Francisco). Specifically, the Senate Bill 615 would require anyone convicted of committing certain sexual acts with a minor more than three years younger to register as a sex offender. The existing law, established in former Senate Bill…
Read MoreAction Alert for Florida: Act Today to Oppose Senate Bill 234
[ – 3/2/21] Senate Bill 234 will be heard by the Senate Rules Committee this Thursday, March 4, 2021 at 9:00-11:00 A.M. Eastern This bill will redefine the meaning of “day” to include “part of any calendar day”. FAC has submitted a letter in opposition to the Bill which you can read here: Letter to Rules RE SB234. Additionally, we plan to have a member speak before the meeting. We are calling on all members to contact the members of the Senate Rules Committee by calling and emailing them via…
Read MoreAction Alert: Email Websites That Offer “Ki1l a Ped%phi1e” Merchandise
There are at least four websites currently offering for sale merchandise with the message “Ki1l a Ped%phi1e.” The websites are Amazon, Etsy, Ki1ler Culture Shop and Scratsh1rt. Merchandise being sold on these websites includes clothing and/or stickers. “The logos on some of the merchandise being sold include graphics of a person aiming a gun at the head of a bound man on his knees as well as the message ‘Ki1l a Ped%phi1e,’” stated ACSOL Executive Director Janice Bellucci. “We must stop the sale and advertisement of this merchandise.“ Registrants, family…
Read MoreJanice’s Journal: CA Action Alert: It’s Time to Protest Exclusion of Registrants from Prison Releases
In my last column, I implored the California Department of Corrections (CDC) to include registrants in its release of prisoners that began on July 1 due to a growing number of COVID-19 infections in the state’s prisons. Since that time, the number of prisoners infected with COVID-19 has increased dramatically in three of those prisons: San Quentin, Avenal and Chuckwalla. That is why I am writing this column. We cannot and should not stand by while thousands of prisoners, including individuals convicted of a sex offense, are exposed to this…
Read MoreVOTE NO on CA Prop. 20! Stop Harsher Sentencing and DNA Collection
[ACSOL] The November 2020 ballot measure in California that would significantly increase the number of violent felonies (from 27 to 51) resulting in harsher sentencing has a number: Proposition 20. Of that total, the number of sex offenses would increase from 9 to 14. “We urge registrants, family members, friends and supporters to vote NO on Proposition 20,” stated ACSOL Executive Director Janice Bellucci. “This is the time to show up, stand up and speak up against the possibility of future injustice.” The ballot measure would also allow law enforcement to collect DNA from…
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