VIEW THE TRAILER / BACK THIS PROJECT! Synopsis: American Sex Offender is an ambitious, groundbreaking, and unprecedented feature-length documentary film that reveals the untold story of hundreds of thousands of America’s most shunned social outcasts: registered “sex offenders”. By creatively interweaving the human stories of real registrants, expert commentary on America’s unjust and inefficient laws, the filmmaker’s personal story, and shocking cases of punishments that don’t fit the crime; the film challenges the fairness and usefulness of the country’s contemporary sex offender laws and registration systems. Story: Like lepers of…
Read MoreMonth: June 2012
The Digital Divide: How the Online Behavior of Teens is Getting Past Parents
Despite the obvious disconnect between teens’ online behaviors and parents’ knowledge of them, parents continue to exude a sense of confidence and control. Most parents insist they’re in control when it comes to mentoring their teen’s online behaviors. Yet, many teens believe their parents are in the dark. More than three in four parents express confidence they know how to find out what their teen is doing online, and half of parents live under the assumption that their teen tells them everything he/she does online. In reality, over two in…
Read MoreNY: Has Westchester’s Sex Offender Registry Done Anything to Make Our Children Safer?
We might feel at ease knowing that, if a sex offender moved into our neighborhood, we’d have to be informed. But does that really protect our children? In Tom Perrotta’s novel, Little Children, a convicted sex offender moves back to the town where he grew up to live with his mother. Isolated and ostracized, he nonetheless ventures to the town swimming pool one steamy summer afternoon to cool off. When the crowd begins to realize he’s snorkeling in the pool, it quickly empties as screaming mothers grab their toddlers and…
Read MoreHUD: Sex Offender Policy Requirements Updated
On June 12, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) issued Notice H 2012-11 State Registered Lifetime Sex Offenders in Federally Assisted Housing, which reiterates statutory- and regulatory-based responsibilities to prohibit admission to federally assisted housing for individuals subject to a lifetime registration requirement under a state sex offender registration program, and supersedes Notice H 2009-11. The new policies stem, in part, from a 2009 OIG audit, which estimated that 2,094 to 3,046 assisted households included a lifetime registered sex offender. Full Article
Read MoreChurch protests insurance rules for sex offenders
An Oregon church is challenging a requirement by its insurance company that it disclose the identity of sex offenders to other congregants, allow offenders to attend only one predetermined service and assign them an escort. Pastor Chad McComas of Set Free Christian Fellowship in Medford said his church disclosed that known sex offenders were among the 100 members. Church Mutual insurance company on May 1 responded with a letter outlining requirements to continue an insurance policy. Full Article
Read MoreDear Child Advocate – A Letter
Dear Child Advocate: Mr. Sandusky is not a Monster as the public and media are labeling him! He is a human being who had/has many good qualities and has become a SICK Opportunist who has been allowed to repeat his behavior because of current laws and Society has once again turned their back on a man who needed treatment fourteen years ago. There are Opportunists and there are Predators who sexually abuse children. Congress supplied the weapon to allow Mr. Sandusky (and many others) to commit these crimes; “If you…
Read MoreCA RSOL Presentations in San Francisco
California RSOL members will make three important presentations on July 27 during a hearing conducted by the National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers in San Francisco. Presentations will be made by CA RSOL State Organizer Janice Bellucci regarding the impact of the state’s lifetime registry. She will be joined by registrants Ken Woods, a former physician, and Frank Lindsay, author of “We’re All in This Together“. The hearing is focused upon the unintended consequences of state legislation on felons, including those convicted of sex-related offenses.
Read MoreSanta Ana City Council Meeting Video
Video from the Santa Ana City Council Meeting on May 21. CA RSOL spoke in opposition to the proposed ordinance banning registrants from parks, libraries and recreational facilities. The ordinance was passed unanimously. [hana-flv-player video=”” width=”320″ height=”240″ description=”” player=”4″ autoload=”true” autoplay=”false” loop=”false” autorewind=”true” /]
Read MoreSex Offenders’ Rights Group Fights Ban On Working With Hollywood Children
It seems the only opposition to a proposed California law that would protect children working in Hollywood from sex offenders comes from a little-known group advocating for sex offenders’ rights. Full Story
Read MoreWA: Seattle attorney wants changes to sex offender registry
A Seattle attorney is asking for a review of Washington’s sex offender registration and notification system following the murders of two sex offenders this week in Clallam County. At least one of the two men killed was a husband and a father. The crime that put him into the state sex offender registry happened ten years ago. He was categorized a level II offender, one being lowest risk, three being the highest. Seattle attorney Brad Meryhew devotes his entire practice to defending accused and convicted sex offenders. He says it’s…
Read MoreLA: Plantations, Prisons and Profits (off topic)
The New York Times: “Louisiana is the world’s prison capital. The state imprisons more of its people, per head, than any of its U.S. counterparts. First among Americans means first in the world. Louisiana’s incarceration rate is nearly triple Iran’s, seven times China’s and 10 times Germany’s.” That paragraph opens a devastating eight-part series published this month by The Times-Picayune of New Orleans about how the state’s largely private prison system profits from high incarceration rates and tough sentencing, and how many with the power to curtail the system actually…
Read MoreWA: Two sex offenders shot dead by Patrick Drum – Wife of one speaks out (Video)
PORT ANGELES, Washington — The wife of a convicted sex offender who was targeted and killed over the weekend said Tuesday she’s sickened by people who have called the man accused in the crime a hero. Gary Blanton was one of two sex offenders shot and killed by Patrick Drum in Clallam County, investigators said. Full Article [hana-flv-player video=”” width=”360″ description=”” player=”5″ autoload=”true” autoplay=”false” loop=”false” autorewind=”true” /] Original Video
Read MoreFrom Perverts to Pranksters: Problems with Sex Offender Registries
Just hearing the term “sex offender” elicits an almost visceral feeling of disgust in most people, so it’s not surprising that laws regarding sex offenders tend to only get tougher. These laws usually have been passed in reaction to a high-profile sex-related crime, often bearing the names of the victims (e.g., Megan’s Law, the Adam Walsh Child Protection Act). Accordingly, a vote against the law is seen as a vote against the victim. Legislative hearings include highly emotional testimony from victims of sex crimes, but predictably few arguments from the…
Read MoreWA: Suspect in slaying of 2 sex offenders planned more killings, prosecutors say
PORT ANGELES—A prosecutor on Monday requested that Patrick B. Drum, 34, of Sequim, who was arrested Sunday for the slaying of two registered sex offenders, be denied bail bcause Drum allegedly told police he planned to kill another sex offender. A bail hearing is set for Wednesday. Full Article
Read MoreVideo: Help For Sex Offenders
I created this video because there are a lot of guys out there who are on the registered sex offender list, whether by fault of their own or not. One thing all Registered Sex Offenders or RSOs have in common is the hardships that many of the draconian laws stack on top of them. I hope the information in this video reaches many of you and helps you to not only survive but thrive in life. God bless! Youtube Link
Read MoreOK: Convicted sex offender fights for rights
OKLAHOMA CITY — Convicted sex offenders are prohibited from using Facebook, Linkedin in and other social media outlets. Law makers say the goal is to deter predators from easily finding new victims but others say it’s unconstitutional. Denishio Cook is a convicted sex offender. That’s not the label this former OSU football player thought he would wear the rest of his life. Instead of the “OS” on his letterman jacket, he’s now bearing the scarlet letters “SO” after pleading guilty to raping a teen more than a decade ago. Full…
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