CA RSOL Meeting in LA January 19 [UPDATED]

Attorney Alex Landon will join California RSOL at its January 19 meeting in Los Angeles. Landon is a distinguished author as well as professor at the University of San Diego School of Law. He is a recognized expert on sex offender laws as is reflected in the book, “A Parallel Universe”, which he co-authored with noted journalist Elaine Halleck. Landon will make a short presentation during the meeting regarding current legal issues that challenge registrants and members of their families as well as describe why he wrote a book about registrants. The meeting with also include updates regarding recent court decisions and pending lawsuits that affect registrants’ rights to enter public places such as parks and libraries as well as private places such as arcades and movie theaters and residency restrictions.

The meeting will begin at 10 a.m. and be held at the ACLU building at 1313 W. 8th Street, Los Angeles. Free underground parking is available to meeting participants.

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There will be much to discuss and to celebrate at the January meeting. Come join us for a time of sharing information and networking. Meetings are open to registrants, family members and supporters only. No press. No government officials.

is there a meeting in san diego? I am a wife of a registered sex offender that lives in san diego. and need help or resources to help me understand everything.

We have created an event for this on Google+ in our new community, so check it our if you are on Google+, here:

An idea for those that can’t come can we arrange a conference call? Touch base with other groups ?

If I happen to be in CA on Jan 19 I will be there. As Lisa said, let us know if there is a way to participate or get a summary of the meeting.


A few of us are in San Diego, and we have some what of a support group going, for family members of registrants.

If interested, please post, and I will have Janice send you our email address.

I like Lisa’s idea of having conference calls. That way those of us that live far away from the areas where these meetings are held can participate and contribute.

My husband has to register as a sex offender for indecent exposure, something that happened 12 years ago. Will there ever be discussion about repealing the required life time registration for those who made a stupid mistake with no violent intent to harm or touch anyone?

I’m glad this is a topic of conversation. I live in the Orange County area as well and actually processed a Certificate of Rehabilitation around 4-5 years ago. First, I filed the motion and OC is terrible. First, they came out to my home around 7pm at night (Investigators) and asked me a few questions. I was honestly caught off guard by there showing up. They began to be a little rude (they didn’t have anything bad to say about me) and I eventually asked them to leave. I later found out they even recorded our conversation? Then, they came out and asked a few neighbors what type of neighbor I was (great).

Please note that if I’m not mistaken, only a few offenses can now receive a Certificate of Rehabilitation (Sexual Battery or Indecent Exposure). Furthermore, if a Felony, it must be a wobbler and reduced/expunged. This was the case for me. Furthermore, I plead now almost 17-18 years ago and at the time, 12 or so years had passed. In summary, the investigators can’t mention anything about being a sex offender since this is a Non Disclosable Offense. My neighbor asked me what was going on and I simply responded I was applying for a job or ect.

Anyways, the DA of Orange County was out of control. Rude, arrogant and trying to portray me as something I wasn’t. I received Summary Probation for my crime? In the end, she wanted to put the victim on the bench and cross examine them? The judge told her he didn’t have time for this and he didn’t think anyone else would listen to this as well? When it was all said and done, he looked through the paper work and stated he couldn’t find one reason to deny the motion, but it wasn’t enough? Motion denied. OC doesn’t fight fair and its very disturbing. I have heard that if you reside in LA, its much easier. Good luck.

I’m not holding out for California to institute a Tier System so I can simply fall off the system. I spent a considerable amount of time in OC researching this, sat in the Court Room, talked to the Public Defenders and even spent some time with the woman who processes these requests. Its hard. I might recommend contacting the Public Defenders Office and asking them about this. Oh, I might ask around regarding Judges as well. When I initially processed this, an Asian Judge was on the stand and seemed to let the DA do whatever she desired. Then, the New Year began and a Judge with the first name starting with B got on the stand and conducted himself in both a very professional and understanding manner. THe DA was out of control. The supposed victim was allowed to almost confront me in the hallway and even make comments to me with the DA’s presence? I found this very disturbing since the alleged victim had been found lying? OC is truly a very disturbing place. Just play by the rules and act professionally at all times. Good luck.

I posted an error above. I’m now awaiting a Tier system that will eventually allows those with minimal offenses to fall off the registry within 10-15 years. I have no doubt this will happen soon/especially with all the silly laws trying to be passed! Not everyone is in the same category.

Thank you for an informative, energetic and caring meeting this morning! Compared to the last two we attended I can’t believe so many people showed up … If we all keep sharing with those around us on how these laws affect the lives of registrants …. Maybe, just maybe the voice of the unpopular will finally be heard. Thank you Janice & the TEAM!

I was wondering if by chance there will be a meeting in riverside,ca if so please email me and let me know , because i have some very big conserns on my case. i was convicted of a crime i didn’t do and i have tryed to talk to many people to see if they would give me some answers to the questions i had and it was no use, they just gave me the run around and i feel before i go to the press i would like the answers to the questions i have … so if anyone can help me out in this matter please contact me asap,,, i think if some one who is a attorney would be stuned at what i have to show them ,,, and also if there is a attorney out there who would take my case on a pro bono i would sure make it worth there while once i get a civile case over with … 🙂

Is there a resource or can we start one such as a database or links to laws and facts in other countries that could help facilitate leaving the US permanently?