A little background – I am innocent. I was accused and that was enough to start in motion a process that was impossible to stop. I was lied to by my accuser, “victim”, friends, OC Sheriffs and OC District Attorney. I was tricked into saying a few words that were considered a “confession”. OC Sheriffs lied to, assaulted and threatened my accuser to force her “cooperation”. During a later pre-trial, in open court, my accuser and “victim” both recanted. It did not matter. I plead to one felony count on…
Read MoreMonth: November 2013
Living with 290: 290 since ’93
I’ve been lucky. I was arrested in 1993 for four counts of 288a. I pled guilty and two were dismissed. I’d made a huge mess of my family and I just wanted to make it right. I was fortunate. There was no prison time…. Six months county time, and because I was my families primary means of support, I was allowed to serve that via home detention. That meant my supervisor was aware of what was going on. There was court ordered treatment, but I began that even before I…
Read MoreLiving with 290: The nightmare of being convicted as a sex offender
My son at the age of 12 was charged as a sex offender when he retaliated to a female classmate who touched his breast and he did same to her. he was put on 2 years probation. At the age of 17 a 14 year old accused him of forcing her to perform oral sex on him. he was convicted of criminal sexual contact and endangerment of a minor and convicted to parole for life and on the register as a tier 2. our lives have changed forever. he cant…
Read MoreLiving with 290: Boy how times have changed!
Being on the registry has not only affected and changed my life in ways that only the 750,000 plus people and families would begin to understand. I got on the registry in 2002. Boy how times have changed! I raised my two children and had primary custody of my son and daughter. Both of them went to a private school up to high school and my son went on to the Air Force. I made good money back then running a mom and pop store for nearly twelve years until…
Read MoreSheriff’s office conducts compliance checks, probation searches of local sex offenders
LAKE COUNTY, Calif. – The Lake County Sheriff’s Office recently conducted additional compliance checks and probation searches of local sex offenders during Halloween. The compliance checks were conducted took place from Oct. 28 through Oct. 31, according to Lt. Steve Brooks. On Oct. 28, deputies contacted and searched 10 sex offenders who all appeared to be within compliance, Brooks said. Full Article
Read MoreSentencing and Prison Practices in Germany and the Netherlands: Implications for the US
Germany and the Netherlands have significantly lower incarceration rates than the United States and make much greater use of non-custodial penalties, particularly for nonviolent crimes. In addition, conditions and practices within correctional facilities in these countries—grounded in the principle of “normalization” whereby life in prison is to resemble as much as possible life in the community—also differ markedly from the U.S. In February 2013—as part of the European-American Prison Project funded by the California-based Prison Law Office and managed by Vera—delegations of corrections and justice system leaders from Colorado, Georgia,…
Read MoreUK: Dad jumped to his death after being wrongly accused of child abuse
A father jumped to his death from the Humber Bridge after he was falsely accused of child abuse. ____ ____, 56, had been cleared of sexually assaulting a young girl more than 20 years ago but he never recovered from the ordeal of going to court and had already tried to kill himself twice. An inquest at Hull Coroner’s Court heard how ____ wrote a suicide note, before cycling to the Humber Bridge from the city centre home he shared with his teenage daughter. His brother Michael, who last saw ____ on the Sunday…
Read MoreCanada: Sex abuse arrests in Canada began with probe of company
(CNN) — A three-year investigation into an exploitative Toronto-based film company has netted nearly 350 arrests and rescued more than 380 children from sexual abuse, police said Thursday. Law enforcement from all over the world, primarily in Eastern Europe and the United States, worked with Toronto police since 2010 to arrest those who produced child pornography and those who purchased it. Full Article
Read MoreLiving with 290: Things must change
First, as I think back regarding my journey, I can only think about how much I regret putting myself in the situation I put myself in. Today, over 18 years later, I’m still so disappointed. When I initially was referring with my counsel, I was informed (I plead to a wobbler) that once the charge was reduced to a misdemeanor, I would no longer have to register. He confirmed this!I later found out this was incorrect. I went back to court, had the court reduced to a misdemeanor, charge eventually…
Read MoreLariat Letter: Sex offenders are human beings too
In response to David Trower’s Nov. 12 column “Sex offenders need stronger punishments,” I feel disappointed that Trower would write something that relies on thoroughly debunked stereotypes, faulty statistics and emotional appeals, yet fails to even acknowledge or address the root causes of the issue of sexual abuse. Trower’s viewpoint is typical of those who adhere to the “uncontrollable monster” myth of the American Sex Offender. It is a persistent myth dating back to the late 1800s and the serial killings of Jack the Ripper and HH Holmes. (In fact,…
Read MoreA new look at truth and Justice for ALL
Don’t make the mistake of falling into the bigotry, propaganda and lies put forth by any hatemonger groups that are attempting to make themselves look better or feel better by attacking a disfavored people. These groups always use myths, half-truths and lies and the result is that these bigoted groups siphon off much-needed funds from communities using such catchwords as “if it saves one child” or “community safety” when in fact laws rules and regulations based on these misconceptions are damaging children and doing nothing for community safety this one…
Read MorePA: Judge made right ruling on juvenile sex offenders (Editorial)
In the twilight of his career, York County Common Pleas Court Judge John C. Uhler recently cemented his legacy as a legal lion of Pennsylvania with what might amount to a landmark ruling. It was the right ruling — deeply grounded in constitutional principles. Unfortunately for the judge, though, it’s probably not one that will make him popular among the lock-’em-up-and-throw-away-the-key crowd. In fact, the decision will likely be unpopular among the many people who believe sex offenders should receive death sentences — or at least life without parole. Full…
Read MoreJurisdiction Substantially Implements SORNA (Colorado)
WASHINGTON, Nov. 13, 2013 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — The Justice Department’s Office of Sex Offender Sentencing, Monitoring, Apprehending, Registering, and Tracking (SMART) today announced that Colorado and five federally recognized Indian tribes are the latest jurisdictions to substantially implement the Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act (SORNA), Title I of the Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act of 2006. Full Announcement (pdf) A list of the jurisdictions that have substantially implemented SORNA (17 states, three territories, and 57 tribes) can be found at: http://www.smart.gov/newsroom_jurisdictions_sorna.htm
Read MoreNZ: Labour says no to vigilante action against sex offenders
Labour does not support vigilante-type actions against sex offenders as reported in the Herald on Sunday this morning but says the police must be utterly scrupulous in investigating sex offences in order to keep public confidence and prevent people taking the law into their own hands. Full Article
Read MoreNEW! Living with 290 – YOUR Story
Tell YOUR Story! There are many challenges facing every person required to register under PC 290 as well as their loved ones. We are inviting you to share the challenges you are facing – as a person required to register, as a family member, as a loved one, or as a friend. It is through the expression of those challenges that we can learn from each other and educate those who do not yet know the life of a 290 Registrant. Tell your Story! – Click Here!
Read MoreCA RSOL Meeting – January 11 in San Diego
The first regular CA RSOL meeting of 2014 will be held in San Diego on January 11 at 10 am. As always, the meeting will be open and free of charge to registrants, friends & family and supporters. Media and government officials are not invited in order to ensure all attendee’s privacy. The meeting will cover general topics of interest, as well as specific issues pertinent at meeting time, in addition to offering invaluable opportunities to network with others affected by this issue, as well as activists and professionals. Meeting…
Read MoreHandbook: Sex Offender Registration and Notification in the United States (2013)
US Dept of Justice: The SMART Office is pleased to announce the release of the 2013 version of Sex Offender Registration and Notification in the United States: Current Case Law and Issues. This edition updates the 2012 version with new cases, issues raised, and corrections where prior case law has been overturned or modified. There were a number of developments in case law, federal legislation, and administrative policies regarding sex offender registration and notification during the last year. Below are some highlights of those changes. Readers are encouraged to review…
Read MorePA: Law requiring lifetime registration for juvenile sex offenders is unconstitutional
In a decision that seems destined for the appeals courts, a York County judge has ruled unconstitutional a two-year-old Pennsylvania law that imposes lifetime registration requirements on juvenile sex offenders. Senior Judge John C. Uhler issued his ruling against the juvenile registration provisions of the Sexual Offender Registration and Notification Act while weighing the cases of seven county teens adjudicated as having committed serious sex crimes. Uhler found that the registration mandate “unconstitutionally forecloses a court’s considerations of the many unique attributes of youth and juvenile offenders” under age 18…
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