OH: Law would mandate sex-offender alerts at nursing homes

State lawmakers want to close a loophole that requires neighbors to be notified when a registered sex offender moves into a nursing home but not the people who live there or their families. “As it stands now, if I live next to a nursing home, I’m going to be notified if a sex offender moves in. But if I’m in the room with a sex offender, I probably won’t know it,” said Beverley Laubert, the state’s long-term-care ombudsman with the Ohio Department of Aging.

Current law requires notification of anyone living within 1,000 feet of a sex offender. However, it does not require nursing-home administrators to notify residents, family members or guardians. Legislation in Gov. John Kasich’s mid-biennium budget review would require administrators of nursing homes and assisted-living centers to check the names of all prospective residents against the state’s electronic sex-offender registry. Full Article

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Then I say, OK, let the state set up private care facilities in every town for aging sex offenders so they and their families can be assured they are afforded human dignity.

Doesn’t get much stupider than that. But I’m probably wrong because I KNOW this will be outdone.

Personally, I think this is a marvelous idea. This is a prime example of why cities and states are bankrupt. I would love to know what idiot thought of this? Perhaps we could place ankle braclets on the intimates/I mean residences? We have elderly who have spent time in prison, felons and a variety of other individuals who have so long ago served their time. This is one very sick individual who would even take the time to alert residents who live near an elderly center. While I would like to refrain from divulging my information, we had an elderly man who had (CHF, diabetes and a whole variety of other physical ailments) murder or beat to death his elderly roommate because of Sun Downers Syndrome? He was in his mid 80’s (no criminal background). Then, we had 2 separate individuals who entered Nursing Homes and killed their loved ones (one man’s wife was utterly confused and confined to a bed and the other man’s wife was on life support). Neither man had a criminal history. So, the bottom line is that this is an utterly useless law that does more harm then good. Perhaps we should institute more laws that assist in rehabilitation ?

As an Ohio native but living in California, I find my old home state has gone off the deep end with sex offender laws. As a fellow California Registrant, these types of laws relate to a problem I call problem-reaction-solution. That means a problem is created (real or not or blown out of proportion), the media and the politicians (the puppets) stir up the uneducated public, the public demands something most be done, and *presto* we have the insanity and hysteria of PC 290. We registrants rightfully yell “foul” and *bingo* another solution is proposed.

My fellow registrants and families believe it or not, you may want to look into great detail on something called “The Internet of Everything” and I mean it covers everything including us. As much as people may want to laugh and believe its insane its not but we need to look at us becoming a group of people to become microchipped. The GPS ankle bracelets are simply a forerunner to this outright form of being jailed again except now its our souls.

While I was living in Ohio John Kasich, was another suit doing the bidding of his masters. Ohio has gone from a once decent mid western state to Columbus rolling cameras out on streets like lower Manhattan. My fellow registrants with all things considered don’t believe our restrictions and targeting are more Orwellian in nature?

The whole point of this is like many registrant’s point of view this is a bad Ohio law and I hope it doesn’t get passed.

At least make it the world war 2 type air raid system to get everyones attention as if Godzilla was tearing it up…the kind of system make all the people run in the streets from Godzilla …if they eate a monster…why not the system so people are running scared in the streets ….you can do it oh-O.

How is that not a law yet? Personally I’m a little leery of the current sex offender system (as it stands you can being labeled as a sex offender in Idaho for getting pregnant outside wedlock). But that’s a different battle. I think we can start slightly lower by ensuring that senior care establishments need to report if they are housing a sex offender.