NY: Dozens charged in child porn case in NYC area

NEW YORK (AP) — Seemingly respectable members of the mainstream — a police officer, a paramedic, a rabbi, an airline pilot, an architect, a Boy Scout leader — were caught using the Internet to collect and trade child pornography, federal officials said Wednesday. Full Article

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Hmm… Interesting that not one of these people are already registrants; so I’m still trying to figure out just how the registry helps prevent sex crimes with children. The only thing obvious to me is that the registry didn’t help a single one of the children who’s images were found on the confiscated computers and cell phones. I wonder when someone with a little clout will man up and get honest enough to ask to see proof that these registries have ever prevented anything or helped anyone.

That’s can’t be right..

The focus is solely on those monsters on the registries….

For good reason….


/* Wonder how many of those people they arrested were on the registry? */

Been waiting for this to show up here. Got to love that the story starts out like a joke….listing different professions, I half expected them to be walking into a bar. So here’s my question: if child pornography is so bad why does the government continue letting “upstanding members of society” get to a point in their lives where these members download and trade such content?

Don’t give me excuses like there’s too much of it out there on the internet or its impractical to try stopping everyone from viewing cp. One is left wondering why if this is so serious that more is not being done to prevent busts like this from happening by addressing the problem before it gets that far. This story and others like it should remind everyone that WE do not have a handle on how to prevent the production and distribution of cp before hand.

I’m sure many of these people who were busted were strong supporters of the registry and for taking away the rights of registered citizens. Why? Because the majority of people who beat that drum are most likely trying to escape from their own demons by demonizing others. There’s no easier target than registered citizens!
For example, check out this dirt bag who was busted in a different case: http://couriernews.suntimes.com/news/27609791-418/farnham-campaign-touted-his-record-targeting-predators.html#.U37BY7E8pAW
This guy used a “tough on sex offenders” approach to win elections.

Hmmm…I’d love to get a look at Tony Baloney Rackauckas’ computers! I wonder if he has any dirty secrets hidden on his hard drives.