CA RSOL Meeting June 20 in San Diego

Please join us for our monthly CA RSOL meeting on June 20 in San Diego. It will take place at Cal Western School of Law on Saturday, room LH2 from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. This meeting is open to registrants, friends and family and supporters. Media and government officials are not invited in order to preserve attendee’s privacy. This is a great opportunity to network and learn about CA RSOL’s latest activities as well as news on the legal and legislative front.

June 20, 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m
Cal Western School of Law
225 Cedar St, San Diego, CA 92101
Room LH2




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Will janice be there?

added it to my calendar. I babysit my son that day but hope I can get free.

I think we should have outdoor rally at all CA RSOL meeting.


My name is Kasey, I am 41 and very new to all of this. My boyfriend, Andy who is 56 has recently began a sentence as a SO. I am desperately trying to get all the information I can to help him. Are new people allowed to come to your meetings? His sentence just seems so severe for his crime. He’s handling everything very well and I am so proud of him for that. He’s a lot stronger than I am. I’m not holding it together very well and I love him so much that I actually feel physical pain from missing him. Sometimes I think suicide is a better option than crying for him and missing him so much. Thank you.

To KASEY CRITZ: Don’t use your name on the Website I’m about to recommend. Do something anonymous as trolls cruise the site: DAILY STRENGTH, FAMILIES OF SEX OFFENDERS. It is a place where ladies (mostly) in EXACTLY IN YOUR POSITION talk to each other. Of course go to CARSOL meeting too.

Good idea, keep thinking everyone is honest and has integrity, stupid me!

To: h31pm3. Thank you for taking my advice and going to Daily Strength. I figured that was you; nobody told me. You’ve been courteous and responsive, and they jumped right in and have started helping you. But now; about CA RSOL:

The advice your getting is great. Now it’s time to go outside of your personal situation, and join CA RSOL. At their meetings there are ALWAYS some there who are Family of Registered Citizens. You’ll find them. But even more important is CA RSOL NEEDS YOUR ADVOCACY. Meetings, donations, the website. It’s VITAL to go outside yourself. Even going up to the ACLU building in L.A.for CA RSOL meetings.

You’re getting help now. Don’t be too busy to help the people you first reached out to: CA RSOL.

Please inform me as to the next bay area mtg. I would like to attend and meet with others in my situation.

thank you

I don’t know if you can answer me, but I’ve been looking at all kinds of pages, looking for straight forward answers! My husband is a registered sex offender in wy. We are planning on visiting San Diego in the next couple of weeks. Can he go to the zoo,harbor cruise, museums…the attractions there, beaches? I’ve already got a room booked and bought San Diego cards. It’s going to be kind of hard to enjoy ourselves, if all we can do is look out the motel window!