The numbers are alarming. California voters thought they had locked down all sex offenders in the state, preventing them from living near where children congregated. But a change in policy spurred by a court decision has dropped that number under the state’s residency restriction from 100 percent to 24 percent. Full Article
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Hey Sharon!!!!! READ!!!!!!!!
“The California Sex Offender Management Board, made up of district attorneys, counselors, judges, probation officers, police chiefs and others directly involved in the issue, have long advocated a similar approach. It’s one that we agree with.”
Anyone notice a trend in all the people who have a say in what gets written up for proposals? No defense lawyers, public defenders, civil rights groups or anyone else who is looking out for fairness. While the new restrictions may help law enforcement, do they do anything to help those affected by them? When will there be a two sided or multi sided conversation on these topics? I don’t care what makes someone’s job easier, I do care if public servants are wasting resources and time not fixing the real problems by crap like all the regulations, laws, and codes on the books.
I actually think ol Sharon is trying to get little kids molested! How could it be anything else? That is unless she is so stupid that she disregards the advice of district attorneys, counselors, judges, probation officers, police chiefs and others directly involved in the issue to continue her grudge mission. I suspect Sharon may have been molested at some time in the past or harbors a secret attraction to pre pubescent little boys. It’s the axiom of those that scream the loudest are usually the ones that need to be watched.
I would just like to know how to figure out what risk assessment have, who can tell me and whether or not I am restricted. I don’t believe they are enforcing the restriction in Riverside area, but can’t get a straight answer from the Sheriffs department. How can anyone figure this out when it keeps changing?