Oppose HR 515 Online Today at Change.Org

Please sign an online petition at Change.Org regarding your opposition to HR 515, International Megan’s Law. It takes less than 5 minutes and it is a way to express your opinion regarding this terrible bill. The link to the petition is below and once you sign the petition, be sure to ask others to do it, too. There are more than 800,000 registrants and each person has at least one family member or friend. With those numbers, the voices of more than 1 million people could be heard.


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I signed too. GO TEAM!

Done and done.

Oh boy, and they care so much they’ll drop the whole idea and let us get on with our lives. Get real people. I’m jewish, and I’m about to know what my grandfather went through. But at least he was able to get to another country and make a life.

I asked other offenders in my therapy group to sign on and they responded with “I don’t travel anyway”, or ” I don’t want to expose myself”. OMG, what do you think this does, hide you!

I just asked my Therapist to sign on and let her other affected clients do the same.

I’d like to know, where is the ACLU in all of this? Not even a statement condemning HB 515 anywhere to be found.


The ACLU only fights battles that make them look good. No more back bone like the old days. just political slaves that bow to their masters, the politicians. Civil liberties for all, bull.


I really wished this was created and promoted SOONER. Just 95 signatures left… but likely that won’t happen because i only just learned of it and i visit this website daily.

I just signed myself. I will pass this along to friends and family as well.

I signed and sent links to sons and friends.

Whoever is moderating this website just deleted one of my posts asking for assistance in analyzing police sexual misconduct data. Guess I touched a nerve. I will be in Berkeley to raise awareness of this police sexual misconduct issue.

Janice, we need to be assertive and fight wherever fair. Shame on whoever deleted my post.

Just got a friend to sign, and he’s going to call friends to get them to. Doing my part, so hope it makes a difference.

Many thanks to all who have already signed the Change.Org petition! As of this evening, a total of 443 people have signed it. That’s a good start, but I know we are capable of breaking 1,000. Please share this opportunity with everyone you know!

I signed and I’m passing it along.

Signed and donated $100.

Signed and left this message :”I am a constituent. This will do nothing to deter what it claims to do. However, it will be a costly endeavor to slowly crumble our Constitution.”

I’m new at this, hope this helps!

I signed this, have made donations this last few weeks to many of the groups but I wish someone could explain to me how this is even legal to do, how in the heck can you do this to people that have already paid their debt to society many times over, been law-abiding citizens have all rights, pay taxes, but are still forced to register and now we get this wording on our passports, for the love of me where is the ACLU, for that matter where is that billionaire sex offender from Florida or Mike Tyson?