NH: Nipple bill may make protesters into sex offenders

Under a proposed bill, women who bare their breasts in public as a form of political protest twice in a five-year period would be listed as low-level sex offenders for at least 10 years, said Gilles Bissonnette, the legal director of the American Civil Liberties Union of New Hampshire.

In objecting to House Bill 1525, Bissonnette said this may be an unintended consequence of the proposal, but its direct purpose is also problematic because it may step on free speech rights and equal protections for men and women. Full Article


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I’m beginning to think this society has been transported back to the Victorian era. Oh my! A nipple in public! Oh think of the children!

The Registry, when a simple fine won’t do.

This bill is all but dead. Cooler heads prevailed.

Hilarious! Imagine if these asshat politicians just continue adding one registerable “offense” after another ……. in no time at all, half the U.S. population will be on the Registries! 😄
(Is it too late to prosecute Janet Jackson for that “wardrobe malfunction”?)

I was going to say, isn’t breastfeeding in public legal in all states now?

This doesn’t sound like this is about “sex” or “keeping kids safe” at all to me. It’s a further attack on the constitution and bill of rights. It’s about control/oppression.

Generally I think this would be a bad law. How ever , there are some ( nipples ) out there that need not be displayed in public .
I don’t really think we need a law to protect us . Perhaps a nipple judge.
Volunteer .

The view of a nipple is not offensive. Why would that offend me? I have two of them. Everyone does.

What is offensive is that elected officials come up with this stuff.

Even if the bill died a quick and justified death, that we are paying people to come up with this stuff upsets me to no end.

Well, I have to disagree. They are given 2 chances? How do they know about the 1st incidence? If a man flashed his penis in a protest, he would be arrested on the spot! What if children where present? If it was a one time incident/ok. Although, I concur with the proposal,

What bothers me the most is that these people play on our country’s ignorance and stupidity. To even think about a law like this is embarrassing. All these laws are here to ridicule one’s intelligence, and to take advantage of the vulnerable who believe everything. It is like a salesperson trying to sell a vacuum cleaner to an elderly person who does not even have carpet, just because that person believes the liar who tells him (her) that the vacuum cleaner is necessary. What a shame!

Are they using SOR as punishment, here?

Here is another article regarding the demise of this foolish bill:
